Not all display all of the traits of any one disorder, but they all display at least 2 traits of a psychopath. Figured it was the best term to cover the wide variaty of people in the game.
OK, but psycopathy is, like most mental conditions an EXAGERATION of NORMAL behavior, it's not a DEFECT until it becomes a dominant personality factor. Calling someone defective just because they express strong self interest is a mistake ... In the context of this GAME we are ALL Psycopaths intent on ending the existance of others to enhance our personal self image.
Do your thing, don't let anyone tell you you can't, but allow others the same priveledge, if you don't like what someone or some group is doing, go elsewhere. Sticking around and getting upset is just punishment you are inflicting on yourself. It's OK to have fun ... There's a lot of it here ... Find some ...