So, there's a brand new indoor pistol range just baout 15 minutes from my house now. Just opened in October. I bought a year membership for $300 that allows me to use the range as often as I want. Anyway, I've been hitting the range once or twice every week. Loving having a nice place to shoot so close to home.
Lately I have been shooting the Smith and Wesson 22A that I got for a song, featured in another thread. Costs next to nothing to put a couple hundred rounds down range every week. Occaisionally I put a box through one of my defense weapons, just to stay comfortable with the feel of something more powerful.
About a month ago, the range announced a shooting league they are going to start up in January. Well, I signed up for the rimfire unlimited class, I can use my S&W 22A with its scope for that. Also signed up for the rimfire iron site class, but the only gun I had for that class was my Sig Mosquito. It isn't very accurate at distance.
So, I bought this. It's a Ruger 22/45. Very accurate. Cost me less then $300 new. And the bonus, and the reason I bought it, it is designed with the grip angles to be the same as a 1911 style gun. The safety and slide release are in the same place as the 1911 also. So it's a good inexpensive substitute for training also. It won't replace trigger time with one of my 45s, but having the same layout in a cheaper to shoot format has value.
I added the Hogue palm swell grips, they are the same as what I have on my 1911A1, and I like them.