Must've missed it. I didn't see any Rooks attack anything while I was logged in
Rooks went on a roll and captured 9 bases. They had no problems with being "organized" (big numbers in a mission and all-green darbar over enemy field), the had no problems with shutting down FH's, they had absolutely no problem with being the most numerous chesspiece and ganging Bish together with the Nits, yet having no ENY limit whatsoever.
Then the tides turned, Bish struck back and a bit later Nits started to go for the reset.
"WAAAH, only hordes"
"They can only do it with numbers"
"WTF no ENY for them? Fix that crap" (<- my pet peeve. Not only that they only start to count when it's against them, but it's also amazing how the majority can't grasp the concept of "absolute" vs "relative" no matter how many years they have been playing)