Well at least IL2: Cliffs of Dover has the correct Barr & Stroud GM MKII gunsight in the spitI.
Round 76MM(3inch) glass with the 120Mil 100m.p.h. ring.
The generic MKII in our spitfires and Hurri is a MKII* POST BoB 1941 with the 114mm(4.5inch) square glass. The corners of the glass should also have pronounced quarter rounds. Hitech must own a real one becasue one of the serial numbers show a (/48) in at the end of it which means it is a MKII* refurbished in 1948. Or it's one of Waffels jokes to catch players like me.
Our spitI and HurriI should have the MKII round reflector glass Barr&Stroud model.
By the way if you look in the Typhoon you will notice the glass reflector rectangle is rendered vertical in front of the projector lense rather than angled toward you from behind the projector lense on the MKII gunsight. It is not attached to the two angled mounting brakets. But, then again in the F4U-1 the projector glass does not render on top of the gunsight body. It's just a black metal plate and it looks like the lense is rendered under it. Oh the inhumanity of it alllll.....
Waffel could put a Type I MKIII Beumont modfied gunsight in the Typhoon which renders a dot on the inside of the windscreen. That would be accurate for the late war Typhoons. Thats what is being attempted in the Tempest by not rendering the MKII's(/48) with reflector plate. At least when the Mossi VI was remodeled it got a properly rendered MKIII N projecting the graticle onto the windscreen.