Author Topic: Why the Icon Range Change for GV's?  (Read 10476 times)

Offline Scca

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Re: Why the Icon Range Change for GV's?
« Reply #210 on: January 27, 2012, 07:42:20 PM »
I'm probably one of the more expierienced GV'ers on the BBS dude. 6 years of AH, 3 or 4 of them in tanks.
Oh, sorry. But you are mearly a BBS queen now.... <S> anyway.
Flying as AkMeathd - CO Arabian Knights
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Offline ARSNishi

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Re: Why the Icon Range Change for GV's?
« Reply #211 on: January 27, 2012, 08:01:19 PM »
Say what? No, I was simply ignoring the insulting fool who had no valid point on the topic at hand and does nothing but throw out false arguments and lies. So I reported his posts for breaking not only the rules of this forum but of common decensy as well.

I hope he gets a time out, personally. He GREATLY needs one.

Seems to me my only transgression was having the unmitigated gall to question and disagree with Krusty.   The way I see it, the only ones who would've taken what i said as insulting are those with a level of arrogance that renders them incapable of perceiving the air of condescension that they themselves put off.  

I suppose I should return the favor and report you for stooping to the level of name-calling, but I'll not do that because I'm neither that thin skinned nor am I a fool.  Notice how rather than furthering the discussion you chose to disparage, berate and belittle.  Sad. If Skuzzy determines that crossed the line then I'll take my medicine like a big boy but I feel I only gave what I got.

  :salute Nishizwa

Fighter Ace vet lured to the dark side, a.k.a..  -AoM-  Fear the Mighty Mitsubishi Mounted Muppet!

Nishizwa in game, Nish or Nishi will work too