The setup begs for a decent 43/44 time frame German bomber.......... Hence the restrictions on the 110's ( just a hunch ) I personally have no opinion on the no fly zone, but I suspect I know why it is there, and I am not sure it has that much to do with the air starts.
I do think, given what we have to work with, it seems a good setup. Granted ammo load outs, air starts, and planes used may be a bit off, but as a package........ I think it is pretty well within reason. I also suspect if the first frame shows otherwise, that the CM's as they usually do, will make some tweaks.
In a perfect FSO world, we would have every plane used in WWII available to us...... I think that is probably the biggest obstacle CM's have to overcome usually ( just my thoughts anyways) We want realism, with that I agree. But IMO it is only workable to a point unfortunately
Guess I should have read Shifty's post above, before I hit the post button a second time.... Oh well