Author Topic: 88mm Flak Range Chart  (Read 3068 times)

Offline shotgunneeley

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Re: 88mm Flak Range Chart
« Reply #15 on: March 11, 2012, 10:14:41 AM »

Thank you.

I had started to do one of these, but I'm a big fan of not reinventing the wheel!

To make sure I understand your system ... the CM of drop is CM of drop as displayed on our screen -- is that correct?


Right, the amount of drop is the length (cm) from the point of aim to the actual point where the flak shell bursts measured on your computer screen. To continue my example from above, if you use the shell setting of 7 to hit a set of b-24's at an alt of 15k that is at a direct distance of 8.7 Kyards to your gun, then you will need to aim 2.1 cm above the aircraft (the drop distance for 8.7 Kyards). If you use the drop distance for the fuse setting (7 Kyards = 1.4 cm), you will be behind the target. The way i figure it, the shell will travel along the path to hit the point 8.7 Kyards away, but will blow up short (at 7 Kyards) and in the buffs face. Determining the correct amount of lead to put on the aircraft is difficult because of the unknown variables. Its also insanely difficult because you're just one flak cannon shooting at one set of buffs, where as in WW2 there would have been hundreds of cannons shooting at hundreds of buffs.

"Lord, let us feel pity for Private Jenkins, and sorrow for ourselves, and all the angel warriors that fall. Let us fear death, but let it not live within us. Protect us, O Lord, and be merciful unto us. Amen"-from FALLEN ANGELS by Walter Dean Myers

Game ID: ShtGn (Inactive), Squad: 91st BG

Offline wiskyfog

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Re: 88mm Flak Range Chart
« Reply #16 on: March 11, 2012, 10:28:47 AM »
If guestimating, at 15 sec, where you think they might be? Could be a success if the target would travel in a straight predictable line for that time period or is it really just a close guess?
The Alchemists-- "Always brewin up sumptin"

Offline BippeeII

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Re: 88mm Flak Range Chart
« Reply #17 on: March 13, 2012, 05:04:59 PM »
Great work on the chart.  :salute

Allow me to share a short story on the 88 mm.  My father was at Anzio as an ammo carrier.  His job was to run ammo up to the line in a Jeep with 2 wheel ammo carrier attached.  After the first few days, the Germans held the Alban Hills looking down on the American/British positions. They saw my father pull up to a farm house and lobbed an 88 MM shell.  It landed between the jeep and the ammo carrier!  Fortunately, the round just kicked up dirt - a dud.  And thanks to someone (at Schindler's factory perhaps?) and to the German's lack of ammo, I am here today (having been born after the war).    :aok

My thanks to the AH team for adding one of the most prolific, most versatile, and most devastating weapons of WWII to our game scenario.    I know this is not the proper forum but maybe we could urge a change or two.  Gunsights for one, a la the 17lber.  I assume that is in the works.  Also, hopefully without seeming to be ungrateful, I had suggested in my request for the 88's that one player should control battery (2 to 4 88's in WWII) similar to controlling set of bombers.  That however may pose too great a risk to the base takers.  But according to my Uncle, a P-38j pilot with the 364th FS of the 368th FG, 8th AF, German flack was "no picnic."
« Last Edit: March 13, 2012, 05:17:18 PM by BippeeII »