The Stig is a helmet. The person inside is often not the racing driver they use on the track, but some other guy with a similar build. There's also indications that there are more than one racing driver playing the track role for scheduling reasons.
My guess would be icepak. judging from his post he'd be the only one to dominate in such a way.
I think he means the Stig. We aren't meant to know. On the UK version there have been three main Stigs. The first two outed themselves and were fired as a result. The current stig is still a mystery. They have let it slip that in a few special situations the stig was a factory driver sent to make sure the car was driven to it's maximum potential.
Black Stig crawled out of the ocean to seek revenge
I would choose to dominate only you......over and over.
My favorite stig was german stig. The stig with a mullet.Also, Clarkson Island is worth checking out
African Stig(Image removed from quote.)Rig Stig (complete with drivers tan)(Image removed from quote.)
Last night they played an episode where the black stig was killed off. [/quote]LOL I missed it .
If I hear anything about the U.S. Top Gear. I'm going to get really ticked off, and shove a Tiger's 88mm shell up your a....(butt hole) Also, if you went on a caravan trip with James May What would you take?