Author Topic: missions don't show up on the offline clipboard  (Read 967 times)

Offline Orbitson

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missions don't show up on the offline clipboard
« on: April 03, 2012, 02:19:36 PM »
I did a clean install of AH because my frame rates had become unstable, ie: 15-30-57-58-61-59-35.  The clean install took me back to a stable 59-60 so that problem solved.  But now I can't see my offline missions under Pratice Missions on the offline clipboard.   I have the terrains needed and I can see the missions in the missions folder ( Hitech Creations>Aces High>missions )  Any suggestions on how to fix?
Syd*****Flying with The Floyd
By the way which one is Pink?

Offline bbosen

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Re: missions don't show up on the offline clipboard
« Reply #1 on: April 04, 2012, 07:53:14 AM »
I did a clean install of AH because my frame rates had become unstable, ie: 15-30-57-58-61-59-35.  The clean install took me back to a stable 59-60 so that problem solved.  But now I can't see my offline missions under Pratice Missions on the offline clipboard.   I have the terrains needed and I can see the missions in the missions folder ( Hitech Creations>Aces High>missions )  Any suggestions on how to fix?

If you are using a recent version of Aces High, then, for each mission you need to store TWO files as follows:

1 of 2: You need to have the *.mis file stored in your "misstemp" folder, and
2 of 2: You need to have the corresponding *.res file stored in your "missres" folder.

Offline Orbitson

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Re: missions don't show up on the offline clipboard
« Reply #2 on: April 04, 2012, 02:35:53 PM »
That did they work ,
Thanks  :aok :salute
Syd*****Flying with The Floyd
By the way which one is Pink?

Offline bbosen

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Re: missions don't show up on the offline clipboard
« Reply #3 on: April 04, 2012, 05:09:20 PM »
I'm glad to hear you are now enjoying success!   :aok

For those that refer to this conversation in the future, I should point out that different versions of Aces High have demanded different installation procedures for offline missions, and the method described above will NOT work for all old versions of Aces High, and may not work for all future versions either. To help people keep up with the changing requirements, I have created the following page outlining the history of offline missions, and offering several missions that have been compiled for various old versions of Aces High, accompanied by detailed and appropriate installation instructions:

I work hard to keep that page updated as changes are identified or as new missions become available.