we got a bus repaired, fuelled up and hidden today
now we can cruise around feeling like cool kids until someone drives it into a wall or something and blows everyone up ;D
Nice. We've got a troop transport (5 ton) ready to go except we need a tire and...we lost our tool box....and can't find another one for the life of us. Found a tire and finally got rid of it because we couldn't find a tool box.
OH and I lost my M4 today. Was helping a friend out and i clicked it in my inventory to move it to my pack/vice versa and it vanished. Gone. Poof.
We're at the NW airfield in the ATC tower right now (trying to get me another M4). A sniper showed up and picked off one of our guys who had a backpack glitch. He sat near the window trying to pick his pack up and then BAM. As it sits, I have an AK Kobra. Yuck.
He says he's done until it's out of Alpha. So, we're down to 5 members. How many are in your crew coombz? I see three on most of your vids.
Oh and we got two tents.
Coombz - if your guys ever want to team up, let me know.
Right now there are three of us that play solid. The other two are trying to balance school and the game.
EDIT: I'm kind of happy that particular person decided to stop. He's a "Go in and kill all zombies" type...and then wonders why we all end up with more ammo than him...
And he doesn't quite have the "stay low and quiet" thing down yet... He likes to crouch run or sprint wherever he goes.
I feel bad saying it, but he was a hazard to the team.