you don't need toolboxes anymore (which is why they don't spawn anymore and you couldn't find one) just get a tire and you'll be good to go
also the two barracks areas in the airfield will give you better chances at the m4 (fire station and hangars also) than the control tower - good luck, hope you get one!
we tend to have at least 5 in our group and sometimes 6 or 7 (potentially even more if everyone is online at once) which gets a bit hard to manage. we don't really have any trigger happy, gung ho types (except me perhaps
), but we do have one guy who seems to continually lose sight of the rest of the crew, and spends 10 minutes at a time messing with his gear every time he loots something...but he has only been playing a few days, rather than weeks like most of us, so I guess he'll get there eventually
edit: teaming up sometime sounds good except for the aforementioned communication issues when a lot of people are grouped up...could get a bit confusing. perhaps just for one night of mayhem in Elektro it could be good though
get a nice big group, set up with good fields of fire and mutual cover around the outskirts of the city (supermarket, firestation/powerstation/church/school) and raise hell for as long as we can ;D
PM me if you ever want to do something of the sort and I'll give you the info to our mumble server