Fin, I'm trying to look at it as to what's reasonable to make the case for to HTC. 300 gallon ferry tanks for 38s would not fit the bill for me. They weren't combat used. They used a 170 gallon tank to ferry Spits from England to Malta. Probably a bit much for AH I'd think.
There are many more Spits to fill out the Spitfire line up as well, and being an absolute Spitfire XII fanatic/historian, for my own personal fun, I'd like the XII. Is it a priority? Nope as there are too many other birds from other countries or that aren't represented at all that would be way higher up my list. I understood this to be your wish as well?
In a perfect AH world we'd have every option ever made. The irony is about 95 percent of them would never be used outside of the few guys who took the time to find out they existed.
In the end this thread by chalenge isn't about what he thinks would benefit the game, so much as what he wants that benefits the way he flies his 51. Up high, with all the bang he can carry and as much fuel as he's allowed. He wants more bang and more fuel for himself so he can stay up as long as possible and do more damage.
I'd be more supportive if I saw it as a wish that had some benefit to the game overall.
Again I'm speaking of Merlin 51s. Your shortened list would fit the most logical update to that line. My using more was also a way to get more skins into the game since the 51 covers a lot of theaters, air forces and markings.
In the end the easiest request is the DT options as that doesn't involve any modeling to the plane itself. And there I think the 110 and 108 would be a reasonable request. The 165 would be nice for the 38s and late PTO Jugs. The Mustangs only carried them when they took rockets to Iwo as the drag from the rockets increased the fuel demand. I don't know how often that's really an issue in the MA
The Mustang D had fairy tanks as well
but I wont be asking for those.
The 165 gallon tanks were used on at least 3 different aircraft in WWII. 3! Most used on the P-38, there is no question they were used in combat. Also used on the mid war Jug from the D-15/16<birdcage> forward? <Where is Stoney?> there are just to many pictures to post many more than the late war Jug.
<It was also used on the p-80 wingtips and a couple other planes>
The Jug could also use the 108 gal tank and the flat 200 gal centerline tank.
As far as the Mustang... I believe there were only 4-6 planes
that used the 165 gallon tanks.
Also as far as I know the RAF either used bombs or rockets not both.
EDIT: see tunnelrats post above
..and yes my wish would be to bring new Countries planes or Ground Vehicle's before adding another plane or GV from an existing country why? I would like to see htc adding 1 or 2 Australian planes or a Polish plane or 2 or 3 French planes? Some countries only had 20 planes at the start of hostilities. Get some new countries in the game.