Im curious about your opinions, about the historical matchups.
109E vs Spit1
109F vs Spit5
109F vs Spit9
109G2 vs Spit9
109G14 vs Spit8
109K4 vs Spit14
and the bonus, Franz vs Spixteen : )
Thanks in advance.
Seeing as you asked about historical matchups, I will deviate from your list:
Spit I is narrowly superior to Emil
Franz is superior to Spit V
Spit IX is superior to Franz
Spit IX is superior to Gustav 2
Spit VIII is very much superior to Gustav 6
Spit XVI is superior to Gustav 14
Spit XIV is narrowly superior to Karl
The Bf109F and Spitfire Mk VIII are the high water marks for each series.