Quote from: 68EZPkns on September 19, 2012, 09:42:35 AM
Please can we fix the 17 pdr so we can look around like the 88's.
I took the time to read the OP's post and not spend time derailing the thread and I will give it a +1.
Yea ,how did this thread get so far off topic?Not that I disagree with having towed guns.I have a WW2 online account also and there are some things they have, like towed guns, that I dont see why Aces high couldnt incorperate into this game.
But I see no reason why you cant look around from the 17 pdr.I mean the gun traverses so slow being able to look around and know which way to swing the gun would make a big diff on how quickly you could bring the gun to bear on target.
I wish the 88 and 17 had 2 positions.A gunner and a spotter.