Author Topic: Why the Hordes?  (Read 35243 times)

Offline Masherbrum

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Re: Why the Hordes?
« Reply #60 on: January 02, 2011, 07:24:28 PM »
Why are you still here? :rolleyes:

He never had any intentions of leaving, but he exceeded his catch limit on some of you.
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Re: Why the Hordes?
« Reply #61 on: January 02, 2011, 07:27:40 PM »
In my first few weeks (started as a Bish by the way, who at that time were having numbers the big way) , I wasn't even aware that I was hording. After that I didn't mind being part of the horde, because I didn't have the skills yet to survive in a severely disadvantaged numerical situation. And I guess most player are like me: I don't really mind getting killed, but having more deaths than kills is simply no fun for me. Also I wanted to help my country, which in most cases meant capping the base so that the goons can come in.
Only when I became better I started to leave the green cloud more and more. Not for any honor or balance reasons, but just for the fact that I was limiting my kill opportunities. Too few targets & too little competition. Then I became mainly a defender, and that means looking for the NOE or the biggest red dar you can find most of the time. (Which doesn't mean I'm never a part of a vulching horde over your field anymore ;))

Sounds o' so familiar to my early experiences. Flying with the MAW, as a newbie, I was well protected cause we had some of the best sticks in the game, but the flip side of the coin meant that I wasn't getting many kills myself. I could de-ack a field with precision, but when it came to a straight up dogfight ... forget about it. Once the ack was down and if the AKs chipped away at our offense, and I was left to fend for myself ... well ... back to the tower for me. I was game, but I didn't have much game.

After some time, I then decided to part ways with the MAW and seek out a squad that would take someone who was willing to learn and was not afraid to mix it up ... I was fortunate enough to trade some dogfights previously with the 13th TAS guys and was welcomed into their squad and that's where my dog fighting training began. The 13th TAS loved to mix it up with the Blue Knights, so night after night we banged heads with those guys and the more I got killed the more I learned. Sadly, with the introduction of AH II, the 13th TAS became detached from the game, and I was lucky enough to be invited into the Blue Knights (I think Levi felt sorry for me for spanking me at least a million times in Spit V vs Spit V dogfights).
SlapShot - Blue Knights

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Re: Why the Hordes?
« Reply #62 on: January 02, 2011, 10:23:01 PM »
Thanks fugi,I didnt think anyone was noticing..keep it on the down-low will ya.. ;)

Offline 321BAR

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Re: Why the Hordes?
« Reply #63 on: January 02, 2011, 10:38:38 PM »
Yes it is. Absolutely.

Oh, it's not the high art of ACM, it may not be fine style, but it's far from being "not acceptable"


Any style of gameplay is acceptable. All that really matters is how people react to their styles of gameplay.

-Many love taking bases and working as a team (Theyre hordeing again!!!) :rolleyes:

-Some love furballing endlessly trying to enjoy a few minutes for the thrill of the fight (The furballers wont help take this base!!!) :rolleyes:

-Some love helping others and protecting someone who is in trouble. (Picking!!! Stop picking!!!) :rolleyes:

-Some feel that they are not the best flyer and would love to get a kill (HO!!! VULCH!!!) :rolleyes:

-Some fly for the limited realism including killing the enemy (see pick, ho, vulch, etcetcetc) :rolleyes:

-Some love to fly as a squad and work as a well oiled machine. Whichever style of combat depends on which squad. (Those annoying LCA, CJs, and Devils apparently. Give em a break. they love what they do.) :rolleyes:
          (or maybe its that one squad that comes in and shoots you down over and over again?
           SCORETARD!!!!) :rolleyes:

Did i cover all the whines? :rofl

Ohh. and by the way. I pick, i HO (if necessary), I vulch (also if necessary). Anyone think less of me for this?
I fly in the horde sometimes. Anyone think less of me for this also?
« Last Edit: January 02, 2011, 10:40:27 PM by 321BAR »
I am in need of a new epic quote
Happy Jack's Go Buggy

Offline sky25

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Re: Why the Hordes?
« Reply #64 on: January 02, 2011, 10:49:38 PM »

Any style of gameplay is acceptable. All that really matters is how people react to their styles of gameplay.

-Many love taking bases and working as a team (Theyre hordeing again!!!) :rolleyes:

-Some love furballing endlessly trying to enjoy a few minutes for the thrill of the fight (The furballers wont help take this base!!!) :rolleyes:

-Some love helping others and protecting someone who is in trouble. (Picking!!! Stop picking!!!) :rolleyes:

-Some feel that they are not the best flyer and would love to get a kill (HO!!! VULCH!!!) :rolleyes:

-Some fly for the limited realism including killing the enemy (see pick, ho, vulch, etcetcetc) :rolleyes:

-Some love to fly as a squad and work as a well oiled machine. Whichever style of combat depends on which squad. (Those annoying LCA, CJs, and Devils apparently. Give em a break. they love what they do.) :rolleyes:
          (or maybe its that one squad that comes in and shoots you down over and over again?
           SCORETARD!!!!) :rolleyes:

Did i cover all the whines? :rofl

Ohh. and by the way. I pick, i HO (if necessary), I vulch (also if necessary). Anyone think less of me for this?
I fly in the horde sometimes. Anyone think less of me for this also?

As always. Well said Bar! :salute

sky25  "Vsky" In The Game

Offline 321BAR

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Re: Why the Hordes?
« Reply #65 on: January 02, 2011, 10:54:02 PM »
As always. Well said Bar! :salute
all everyone has to do is realize that other people who like different styles of gameplay are also here.

Personally the 20th is a fighter based squad. we work as a team and escort many missions and i make sure that my squad respects all aspects of gameplay (yes even the whiner's style). Never really do the basetaking but we help it out sometimes. :aok
I am in need of a new epic quote
Happy Jack's Go Buggy

Offline greens

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Re: Why the Hordes?
« Reply #66 on: January 03, 2011, 02:51:37 AM »
lol i did quit but im such a loser and have no life that i unquit
This is the smartest saying ever, period. nothing beats it if you really look deep into he meaning. your a g*&da^*genius dmgod  :aok  :salute
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 miss you bro!

Offline Ardy123

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Re: Why the Hordes?
« Reply #67 on: January 03, 2011, 03:14:36 AM »
Kinda funny though, bishops hardly ever have a horde

Either your in the 'Devils Rejects' or you have never played in any of the late war arenas between the hours of 10 PM - 4 AM PST. There is always a bish horde, and I enjoy attacking it.  :aok
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Offline oTRALFZo

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Re: Why the Hordes?
« Reply #68 on: January 03, 2011, 05:02:19 AM »

Any style of gameplay is acceptable. All that really matters is how people react to their styles of gameplay.

You are kind of missing the point here bar.
No matter how much anyone can try to prove their point here, it still wont get through people's oppinions.

It should of been pretty well stated with the recent issue of town captures being too tough and needing modifiications that something needed to be done. This issue was backed up by most of the so-called "furballers" as much as the basetakers. The understanding of flying for fun is needed for everyone and not just the so-called elitists that want you to play "their way" because there isnt any "there way" to play to begin with.

Players that have been here years and years can appreciate the amount of work being put into the game such as the attention to modeling etc. Its not that they are whining that people arent playing their game, its frustration of knowing that others can not/will not explore other aspects of the game.

My best analogy I can think of: You think you are much of a sports fisherman if you know of the prize big mouth bass  being in a lake and instead of being a sport and trying to catch it the real way, you take a stick of dynamite in hopes of it floating to the top? Would you be much of a sportsman hunter if you took a B.A.R and wipped out a 12 pt. buck? or started shooting birds on the ground instead of giving them a fighting chance?

Thats the so-called "whines" these guys are talking about regarding hording and sneaking.
****Let the beatings begin***

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Offline NCLawman

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Re: Why the Hordes?
« Reply #69 on: January 03, 2011, 06:33:39 AM »


Any style of gameplay is acceptable. All that really matters is how people react to their styles of gameplay.

Ohh. and by the way. I pick, i HO (if necessary), I vulch (also if necessary). Anyone think less of me for this?
I fly in the horde sometimes. Anyone think less of me for this also?

{peremptory statement ...  when I refer to gamesmanship or game play, I am NOT referring to game style (i.e. land grabber, furballer, hanger bangers, scorepotato, etc.)  I refer to the manner in which the 'styles' are achieved}

Clearly, you also think there is 'lack of gamesmanship' in the vulch and the HO, or you would not have needed to justify "as necessary".  If these were truly accepted practice, then you simply could have stated, "I HO and Vulch.. I am proud to HO and Vulch and I earned a kill for it."    Instead, you have clearly differentiated "as necessary".   WHY "AS NECESSARY"???  Don't get me wrong, I understand your statement and don't disagree that there are certain specific times, when one must do certain things.  But to emphasize "as necessary" you are admitting that you would not otherwise do that particular action..... why?  Either it is good gameplay or it is not.

Now, back to the original quoted post (mine) ...  the HO being referenced was NOT one out of necessity.  The question presented, why is it fun, when you hold all the advantages (including the initiate to chose the time, place, and manner of attack), to CHOOSE to initiate a HO?   The nuance of this question may get lost on some, but I would hope that the vast majority understand what I am asking and understand the point of the discussion.
Jeff / NCLawMan (in-game)

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Re: Why the Hordes?
« Reply #70 on: January 03, 2011, 07:26:44 AM »
This is the smartest saying ever, period. nothing beats it if you really look deep into he meaning. your a g*&da^*genius dmgod  :aok  :salute
Well thank you Greens is nice to be appreciated for one of my finer qualities for once  :salute
Because every pretty girl deserves to go to a ball.

This is the smartest saying ever, period. nothing beats it if you really look deep into he meaning. your a g*&da^*genius dmgod  :aok

Offline sky25

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Re: Why the Hordes?
« Reply #71 on: January 03, 2011, 07:43:26 AM »
Either your in the 'Devils Rejects' or you have never played in any of the late war arenas between the hours of 10 PM - 4 AM PST. There is always a bish horde, and I enjoy attacking it.  :aok

How many attackers do you all consider to be a horde. 5? 10? 15? 20+
If a mission is posted to move on a base, and 20+ guys join , does the mission planner kick half of them out because, the enemy might accuse them of hording?

Clearly in Ardy123's case he enjoys attacking the horde as he stated. At least he is enjoying his game.  :salute  As for the notorious, despised, and hated Devils Brigade that everyone enjoys slamming in the forums and in the game, rarely are more than 10 players in the game at the same time.. Usually wherever we go, a lot of other Bish just go with us.. Usually a fight is started wherever we go. We win some and we lose some, but the fight is generated.. The same goes for other squads in the game.

I think what happens is that someone logs on, sees the big green dar bar and heads to that location to join the fight. What starts as a base take mission with 10 guys turns into 20 real fast when others see what is going on.. And of course, the enemy sees the V's in front of the names of some people they kill or who kill them, and it becomes another V horde in their eyes.

Many say that we provide easy targets. This is  good isn't it? I personally got killed maybe 8 times two nights ago attacking a Rook base. I know I made at least 8 Rooks happy during that take.  We created a fight. If we think it could still be taken, we will keep coming back if killed until you reach the point when it is no longer feasible.. Getting killed isnt really a big deal. That 14.95 a month gives you unlimited lives and airplanes to fly. If you get killed, salute the other guy and get another one and try to kill him.. We do not always fly together. I spend much of my game time on the ground in a GV battle somewhere because that is what I enjoy..

Regardless of what others say about the squad, they are for the most part a fine group of friends to interact with and fly with. VDogfite, VDallas, VWintergreen, and VLoki are good guys and I enjoy playing the game with them.

I think the point is that regardless of game play style, the ultimate goal is to have a good time with friends playing the game.. I salute all players who enjoy the game because of that...
« Last Edit: January 03, 2011, 07:58:06 AM by sky25 »

sky25  "Vsky" In The Game

Offline SAJ73

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Re: Why the Hordes?
« Reply #72 on: January 03, 2011, 07:51:04 AM »
When I fly in MA I find my prime time joy in the hunt. By flying into a horde I will get hunted more often than being the hunter, and even if I get a rush out of it I usually end up in the tower alot sooner than planned.
This is if I fly alone into the red horde.

Flying in a horde of countrymen is not my style at all, even tho I have tried it a few times. I feel it gets boring, it does not give me any meaning to fly around as a gangmember picking shots here and there on random targets allready fighting multiple others.. Then I rather like to drag one out for myself so I can commit to a 1v1 fight instead, much more learning and alot more fun.

But as I said first, I also like to just take off alone and go hunting for the unwary pilot. Hide in the terrain, or the clouds if needed. If I just want to take off and fight right away I just go to the DA.

Offline Melvin

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Re: Why the Hordes?
« Reply #73 on: January 03, 2011, 07:52:38 AM »
 :rofl :rofl :rofl

BAR Vulched me while I was in the hangar the other day.

He only had about 40 buddies with him at the time.

Was that really necessary?

 :rofl :rofl :rofl

See Rule #4

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Re: Why the Hordes?
« Reply #74 on: January 03, 2011, 08:36:33 AM »
I see this as a war game. All the wars that i have ever read about involved one army (horde) attacking another. It is the nature of war, always has been always will be. As long as something can be conquered expect this to happen.
Even in a war game.