Car "restoration" can end up being a pain if your chosen ride doesn't have any parts available.
Car's I have previously restored and simply stopped because of lack of parts availability are......
Mazda RX-2, Maxda RX-3, RX-4, RX-5 cosmo, 280zx, 300zx, 810, 810 bluebird (maxima), S12 200sx.....etc.
Lots of new 240z parts are popping up so that is a car back on the list of candidates.
My current kick is buying rare cars that aren't yet classics but are still available at the junkyards.
You can't be choosy about when you purchase parts or find a rare car....................when they come available, buy then or you might wait 4 years before you see another.
I might try my hand at a subaru like this RX coupe.