Author Topic: Free to Play First Person Shooter.......  (Read 5100 times)

Offline Tank-Ace

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Re: Free to Play First Person Shooter.......
« Reply #90 on: January 15, 2013, 03:46:24 AM »
Since 06 to late 2011. Been off for a bit over a year and a half. If I had to guess, I'd put you at maybe a bit more than 7 years in game, all totaled.

You don't seem to get that I would like the game to get away from mindless horde fights, and using numbers in place of competence. Sure, keep the horde.... just cut the size in half or put 2/3 in bombers at 30k on start runs.

Just so long as the hordes are small enough that players have to improve as individuals if a small group of vets defends.

Also, only somewhere between 1/3rd and 1/5th were better than me individually. Sure I would occasionally meet someone with 'more skill than I could handle', but for the most part, I might as well have been clubbing seals if I got one alone.

Considering I was a GVer flying an F4, that doesn't argue any great talent on part of the garden variety lemming.

Group I support ("let's try to have fights instead of trying to preempt them with hordes" mentality group) was here first, even if I personally wasn't. Your group oytnumbers mine, but so what?

And yes, you are being a nuisance. You're advocating worsening something you'very already admitted to be problematic.
You started this thread and it was obviously about your want and desire in spite of your use of 'we' and Google.

"Once more unto the breach"

Offline The Fugitive

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Re: Free to Play First Person Shooter.......
« Reply #91 on: January 15, 2013, 10:51:21 AM »
Agreed. Because of the rules.

It has nothing to do with the rules, it had everything to do with todays players. Most of today's players know very little history and so it doesn't factor in to how they play this game. Most of todays players would be ok if this was spaceships and lazer tanks and would play the game the same way, nothing would change for them.  

Agreed, Agreed, Agreed...because this is how the game is designed to play out, hence the RULES comment. And hordes did the same thing in AW, they were just a little smaller.

It has nothing to do with how the game was designed. Aw was the same. The problem stems for people looking for a way around those rules instead of just playing with in the framework available. Use the football analogy again. Even with a cap, if the best players in the world took the "pay cut"  :rolleyes: They could all get on the same team and completely dominate all the other teams. There are no rules saying they couldn't. Luckily greed is more important to most of these guys that records. Can you image what the football seasons would look like if the same team, same guys, won the Super Bowl 5, 6, 7 years in a row? It would kill football, but it is possible to do it. Yes we have always had horde, but not as bad as we have now, nor not as big as we have now.  

Disagreed, misconception. If they aren't leaving because of the hordes now they aren't going to do it later and again statistically there will be the same amount of hordlets and troublemakers in the free group but there will be some that won't be able to resist subscribing.

Thats what I'm saying. I don't know the numbers, but it looks like the "incoming" isn't keeping up with the "out going" and this is just by attendance numbers. You allow F2P players in and you will increase that number of players coming in, but you'll increase those going out faster, hence the quicker revolving door.

I have played this game off and on for 15 years, that's how I know and understand. And your comments were crystal clear, I followed every word. Your response was because i did exactly what you and Tank were doing, WAY over generalizing and drawing false indefensible conclusions. I have complete confidence you didn't really go in there without any clue that you might get jumped. But you still complained about it as if you had. You have played long enough to know to expect those things. But still again, you can't blame the horde for you being in the wrong place at the wrong time.

I didn't blame the horde for anything. Yes I choose to go there, EVEN AFTER the dar bar exploded, because I was playing a game and like I said hoped to get the goon before he dropped. And NO I did NOT go in thinking I might get jumped by a horde because you can find these little fights often if you look for them, but you wouldn't know that as you haven't played for years. They only thing I blame the horde on is dumbing down the game play in the main arenas.

Glad you came up with a number. Is 30 guys really going to hurt the game that much? There were thousands more playing before, but 30 more will destroy the game?

Sure will, another group of 30 skill less players is another horde

Easy, guilt free kills. And again, the challenge isn't any different. There are still thousands of paying players with better equipment and the challenge is gone when you do the same thing for 15 years and don't develop new challenges. Ask any 40 year old pro athlete if they still have the passion they had when they were 20. Face it, we are getting old and 10+ years is a long time to play a game. The point is to bring in new players.

I've been playing for over 13 years in these types of games, and I still find challenges each time I fly. If I didn't I'd have called it quits long ago. But that is the differance, where I look for challenges and try to over come them, today's players seem to try to avoid them. It is much easier after all, you don't have to "waist" all the training time  :rolleyes:

There's already a training corps and that doesn't change anything when they teach them to PLAY BY THE RULES THAT ARE IN PLACE.

And they are completely under used. The ones that do seek out a trainer are the good players. I don't mean they become the top guns, of that they are at the top of the scoreboard, but they are the type of players everyone has fun with. They know the history a bit, and they play the game as it was meant to be played, as a war game with combat.

You need to quit being so pessimistic and trust that those who are drawn to this game, whether it's free or not, are those that have an interest in WW2 aviation and a desire to experience a fantasy just like everyone else in this game. Some don't take it as serious as we would like, but neither did all ww2 pilots. To some it was a naive fantasy until they got in and realized that war is still dangerous in the air. You can't change human nature no matter how much you complain. You can change the rules of the game.

So if Hitechs kid was old enough to play now, it's safe to say you wouldn't approve. I agree, when you pay you respect it more. But there are those who have payed for this game and don't respect it at all. You have a preconceived notion of what the free players will be like and no evidence to back it up. If you love the game so much, then why aren't you open to trying anything and everything that might benefit the game and you?

Tell you what, I'm getting bored with this argument, why don't we just agree that you will give it a shot AFTER Htc, changes the rules to see if the horde changes its stripes a bit.

I hope and pray that HTC WILL change the rules to curb the hordes. I hope that one day we will have squad nights that have squad battles for a base, may the better TEAM win, not the BIGGEST.

I have no problem with kids playing the game, as long as they play the game as it was meant to be played. This isn't CoD, or WoW. Leroy Jenkins type player need not apply. I welcome anyone who is willing to learn, and to fight. PERIOD, after all isn't that what the games all about.

"Aces High takes the art and science of vintage WW1 and WW2 air combat and sets it in a high intensity online multiplayer environment.  Hundreds of players simultaneously battle it out against each other in massive aerial dogfights and bomber raids. "

Quoted from the front page, seems like there is suppose to be fighting going on here, not hiding and avoiding.


Offline muzik

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Re: Free to Play First Person Shooter.......
« Reply #92 on: January 16, 2013, 07:46:40 PM »
It has nothing to do with the rules, it had everything to do with todays players. Most of today's players know very little history and so it doesn't factor in to how they play this game. Most of todays players would be ok if this was spaceships and lazer tanks and would play the game the same way, nothing would change for them.  

It has nothing to do with how the game was designed. Aw was the same. The problem stems for people looking for a way around those rules instead of just playing with in the framework available. Use the football analogy again. Even with a cap, if the best players in the world took the "pay cut"  :rolleyes: They could all get on the same team and completely dominate all the other teams. There are no rules saying they couldn't. Luckily greed is more important to most of these guys that records. Can you image what the football seasons would look like if the same team, same guys, won the Super Bowl 5, 6, 7 years in a row? It would kill football, but it is possible to do it. Yes we have always had horde, but not as bad as we have now, nor not as big as we have now.  

Thats what I'm saying. I don't know the numbers, but it looks like the "incoming" isn't keeping up with the "out going" and this is just by attendance numbers. You allow F2P players in and you will increase that number of players coming in, but you'll increase those going out faster, hence the quicker revolving door.

I didn't blame the horde for anything. Yes I choose to go there, EVEN AFTER the dar bar exploded, because I was playing a game and like I said hoped to get the goon before he dropped. And NO I did NOT go in thinking I might get jumped by a horde because you can find these little fights often if you look for them, but you wouldn't know that as you haven't played for years. They only thing I blame the horde on is dumbing down the game play in the main arenas.

Sure will, another group of 30 skill less players is another horde

I've been playing for over 13 years in these types of games, and I still find challenges each time I fly. If I didn't I'd have called it quits long ago. But that is the differance, where I look for challenges and try to over come them, today's players seem to try to avoid them. It is much easier after all, you don't have to "waist" all the training time  :rolleyes:

And they are completely under used. The ones that do seek out a trainer are the good players. I don't mean they become the top guns, of that they are at the top of the scoreboard, but they are the type of players everyone has fun with. They know the history a bit, and they play the game as it was meant to be played, as a war game with combat.

I hope and pray that HTC WILL change the rules to curb the hordes. I hope that one day we will have squad nights that have squad battles for a base, may the better TEAM win, not the BIGGEST.

I have no problem with kids playing the game, as long as they play the game as it was meant to be played. This isn't CoD, or WoW. Leroy Jenkins type player need not apply. I welcome anyone who is willing to learn, and to fight. PERIOD, after all isn't that what the games all about.

"Aces High takes the art and science of vintage WW1 and WW2 air combat and sets it in a high intensity online multiplayer environment.  Hundreds of players simultaneously battle it out against each other in massive aerial dogfights and bomber raids. "

Quoted from the front page, seems like there is suppose to be fighting going on here, not hiding and avoiding.

It has everything to do with the rules. You cannot and will never get people to play any differently as long as what they are doing is not regulated somehow.

For the last time, people haven't changed since AW, what has happened is that the few people who engaged in the kind of behavior you are complaining about, grew into a large group proportional to the total of each era. You didn't notice it as much in AW because there were only 200 people at peak times. And if I remember correctly, there were base caps during some of those years. Which is one of the things I have suggested they institute in AH to regulate the hording.

I was there. I saw it. There were small hordes smashing bases, the majority of the action was centered around one or two bases, and I silently complained about getting ganged MANY times. Don't try to tell me it didn't happen. I flew spitfires for some months after I started. I complained about cherry picking pony's and FW's. NOTHING has changed except the scale of the complaints.

You keep saying they look for a way around the "rules," THERE ARE NO RULES against NOE raids or hording nor should there be. They don't have to look for ways around anything. And last of all, your belief that anyone in this game would be just as happy playing space ships and lazer tanks is a ridiculous generalization that borders on retardednes. There may be a few, but my experience is that 95% of the population are here because of an interest in WW2 aviation or aviation in general. Just because they don't agree with how YOU want the game to be played doesn't give any credibility to your misconceptions.

There's an old quote you should remember, "with our thoughts, we make our world." This problem as you call it, is bigger for you because you make it bigger.
Fear? You bet your life...but that all leaves you as you reach combat. Then there's a sense of great excitement, a thrill you can't duplicate's actually fun. Yes, I think it is the most exciting fun in the world. — Lt. Col. Robert B. "Westy" Westbrook, USAAF 6/<--lol@mod

Online Meatwad

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Re: Free to Play First Person Shooter.......
« Reply #93 on: January 16, 2013, 09:05:41 PM »
no, buy COD if you want a FPS
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I am No-Sausage-On-Pizza-Wad.
Das Funkillah - I kill hangers, therefore I am a funkiller. Coming to a vulchfest near you.
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Offline titanic3

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Re: Free to Play First Person Shooter.......
« Reply #94 on: January 16, 2013, 09:52:55 PM »
no, buy COD if you want a jerk circle for 12 year olds

  the game is concentrated on combat, not on shaking the screen.


Offline The Fugitive

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Re: Free to Play First Person Shooter.......
« Reply #95 on: January 17, 2013, 08:20:39 AM »
It has everything to do with the rules. You cannot and will never get people to play any differently as long as what they are doing is not regulated somehow.

Of course you won't, not now. Rules WILL have to be added. To guide the "gamers" back to playing the game, the WHOLE game.

For the last time, people haven't changed since AW, what has happened is that the few people who engaged in the kind of behavior you are complaining about, grew into a large group proportional to the total of each era. You didn't notice it as much in AW because there were only 200 people at peak times. And if I remember correctly, there were base caps during some of those years. Which is one of the things I have suggested they institute in AH to regulate the hording.

I was there. I saw it. There were small hordes smashing bases, the majority of the action was centered around one or two bases, and I silently complained about getting ganged MANY times. Don't try to tell me it didn't happen. I flew spitfires for some months after I started. I complained about cherry picking pony's and FW's. NOTHING has changed except the scale of the complaints.

You keep saying they look for a way around the "rules," THERE ARE NO RULES against NOE raids or hording nor should there be. They don't have to look for ways around anything. And last of all, your belief that anyone in this game would be just as happy playing space ships and lazer tanks is a ridiculous generalization that borders on retardednes. There may be a few, but my experience is that 95% of the population are here because of an interest in WW2 aviation or aviation in general. Just because they don't agree with how YOU want the game to be played doesn't give any credibility to your misconceptions.

Of course they have changed, how naive can you be? Sure there were  little hordes in AW, my squad was one of them! We were the 444th Air Mafia. Squad nights we had 10-15 people flying and we were very good at taking bases. The difference was in stead of just sneaking around rolling bases we looked to engage the enemy because the game was combat, fighting in the air to take ground away from the "enemy". Todays players are just trying to accumulate enough points (base count) to win the war.

Yes there were rules in this game too, unwritten rules but people mostly followed them. Because most people in the game flew to pretend they were a WWII pilot playing "war". I'd bet more than half of the players today haven't a clue about WWII, heck they don't even teach it in school any more.... ancient history. That's why I said a good portion of players today wouldn't care if it was space ships and lazer tanks, because the equipment doesn't matter to them, only the out the war. CoD works well no matter the era they are using. "modern warfare" vs the WWII version. They both sold well, why? Because it was the same game dynamics... pick an avatar, run around a small area shooting anything that moves, respawn when you die. Doesn't matter whether it is UZI's or tommy guns, same game. Todays "gamers" don't care about the equipment, they are going to grab the fastest hardest hitting thing they can to roll the bases as fast as they can to win the war. That is there ONLY objective, to them this is fun. Bringing in F2P would only bring in more of these types of players. 

There's an old quote you should remember, "with our thoughts, we make our world." This problem as you call it, is bigger for you because you make it bigger.

....and if my "thoughts" make this a better game, what then?

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Re: Free to Play First Person Shooter.......
« Reply #96 on: January 17, 2013, 09:33:15 PM »
Judging by how you hold onto your misconceptions, nothing.

LOL!!! grow up. I have no "misconceptions" about this game and it's players. I have theories as to what I believe is happening based on over ten years of playing this game continuously. When you come back from your multi-year hiatus you let us know what you think. Until then, your opinion is just speculation.

Offline muzik

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Re: Free to Play First Person Shooter.......
« Reply #97 on: January 19, 2013, 12:30:46 PM »
LOL!!! grow up. I have no "misconceptions" about this game and it's players. I have theories as to what I believe is happening based on over ten years of playing this game continuously. When you come back from your multi-year hiatus you let us know what you think. Until then, your opinion is just speculation.

You're still saying the same thing you were saying when I was in game. No reason to think you are any less wrong than you were then. I wont bother responding to your adolescent insults even though they do go well with your "daddy they're not playing the game the way I want to" whines.
Fear? You bet your life...but that all leaves you as you reach combat. Then there's a sense of great excitement, a thrill you can't duplicate's actually fun. Yes, I think it is the most exciting fun in the world. — Lt. Col. Robert B. "Westy" Westbrook, USAAF 6/<--lol@mod

Offline Tank-Ace

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Re: Free to Play First Person Shooter.......
« Reply #98 on: January 19, 2013, 01:09:09 PM »
Rather arrogant of you Muzik, not to mention hypocritical.

 You question the validity of my view on the grounds of time spent in AH, then turn around and brush off the same type of questioning about you from a more experienced player.

Clearly its not that our opinions lack evidence, but rather that anything you don't already agree with is wrong.
You started this thread and it was obviously about your want and desire in spite of your use of 'we' and Google.

"Once more unto the breach"

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Re: Free to Play First Person Shooter.......
« Reply #99 on: January 19, 2013, 03:15:06 PM »
You're still saying the same thing you were saying when I was in game. No reason to think you are any less wrong than you were then. I wont bother responding to your adolescent insults even though they do go well with your "daddy they're not playing the game the way I want to" whines.

oh I see, your using the old "Im rubber, your glue. What ever you say bounces off me and sticks to you" argument because you don't have anything else to say. LOL!!

I'm saying that the two main reason people leave this game are the economy, and they are bored with doing the same old horde mission time and time again. I've seen it over and over again, time after time. All those guys who defended the "it's not a horde, but a mission" over the years, look them up. Most of them are gone, why, they got bored.

Bringing in a bunch of F2P players is only going to bring in more of those type of players, the ones looking for the "quick way" to the top. Whether that top is score, or win the war, or like in that other  thread "starts next to their names". It won't promote a better type of game play and so won't work to help retain players.

What WILL help to retain players is a better training setup. Achievements that encourage "team" play as complex missions in stead of large numbers hordes. Maybe even a less "toxic" atmosphere in the main arena. HTC never want to "hinder" or take away any types of game play, but I'm sure a few carrots could be found to lead players to play a bit better while still having fun.   

Offline Shifty

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Re: Free to Play First Person Shooter.......
« Reply #100 on: January 19, 2013, 09:15:07 PM »
Instead of jacking with an air combat game, by taking away 70% of the aircraft based game play to add infantry.. Why not take you idea to an FPS game and ask them to do away with 30% of their infantry game play to add an aircraft element?

JG-11"Black Hearts"...nur die Stolzen, nur die Starken

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Offline Tank-Ace

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Re: Free to Play First Person Shooter.......
« Reply #101 on: January 20, 2013, 01:17:30 AM »
Why not take you idea to an FPS game and ask them to do away with 30% of their infantry game play to add an aircraft element?

Because 90% of people can't fly for hell without a LOT of practice, even with very basic flight modeling? Not worth their time unless it starts out as an organic part of the game most likely.

 Its kinda funny. Hopped on BF 1942 a bit ago, and their good sticks are about as easy to kill as our nubblets.
You started this thread and it was obviously about your want and desire in spite of your use of 'we' and Google.

"Once more unto the breach"

Offline Shifty

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Re: Free to Play First Person Shooter.......
« Reply #102 on: January 20, 2013, 06:31:31 AM »
Because 90% of people can't fly for hell without a LOT of practice, even with very basic flight modeling? Not worth their time unless it starts out as an organic part of the game most likely.

 Its kinda funny. Hopped on BF 1942 a bit ago, and their good sticks are about as easy to kill as our nubblets.

That pretty much gives you your answer. People that don't want to learn to fly but want the FPS experiance should go to an FPS game. Why come to a flight sim and demand it be turned into an FPS?

JG-11"Black Hearts"...nur die Stolzen, nur die Starken

"Haji may have blown my legs off but I'm still a stud"~ SPC Thomas Vandeventer Delta1/5 1st CAV

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Re: Free to Play First Person Shooter.......
« Reply #103 on: January 20, 2013, 11:07:58 AM »
That pretty much gives you your answer. People that don't want to learn to fly but want the FPS experiance should go to an FPS game. Why come to a flight sim and demand it be turned into an FPS?

Because everything MUST try to appeal to the widest audience possible.  It apparently is the only possible way to survive in today's game market.  It must appeal to the hardcore, casual, and average player equally.  Gotta have planes, armor, FPS, subs, motorcycles, bicycles, hang gliders, parachutes, trains, gyrocopters, and zepplins because that will bring in more customers.  Really.


If you think you are having a 1v1 in the Main Arena, your SA has failed you.


Offline ink

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Re: Free to Play First Person Shooter.......
« Reply #104 on: January 20, 2013, 11:10:56 AM »
Because everything MUST try to appeal to the widest audience possible.  It apparently is the only possible way to survive in today's game market.  It must appeal to the hardcore, casual, and average player equally.  Gotta have planes, armor, FPS, subs, motorcycles, bicycles, hang gliders, parachutes, trains, gyrocopters, and zepplins because that will bring in more customers.  Really.



 :rofl :rofl

wheres my power-ups...... :furious :furious :furious