The definition of doing business is ripping off the customer. You're not going to make a buck by being fair and doing favors. The art of doing business is knowing how much you can rip the customer off and still leave him satisfied for the money.
Doing business is providing a service and/or product for a profitable fee. There is no reason why a business can not provide their service and/or product for a fair profit and not rip a person off because of their ignorance. Doing so is nothing short of unethical and greedy. As for favors, it depends on what you define as a favor, but your perception towards business is the reason why I always get everything in writing, then do a search through the BBB and internet to see what kind of business I am dealing with. I liked the good old days when all you needed was a handshake.
And yes, I have owned a business, and I did not rip anyone off.
My Opinion