Author Topic: New Targets for Bombers  (Read 1487 times)

Offline earl1937

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New Targets for Bombers
« on: February 12, 2013, 04:07:30 PM »
 :airplane: I would like to see 2 new targets on the maps. Now, I will admit, I spend 90 to 95% of my time in bombers, so just bear with me a minute. Railroad "Multi-track rail yards, complete with depot buildings. Example, 6 sets of tracks, each with its own value in points, as well as points for depot and water tower. Yard would be 2 miles long, built to scale of sectors. #2, vehicle depots, complete with parked tanks, and all sorts of ground vehicles, with each one having a point value in damage points. Both of these targets would be of interest not only to bombers, but "fighter-bombers as well. There were both of these targets in WW2 and many, many missions were flown to destroy these targets. I know Hi Tech built this game for mostly air to air combat, but it would certainly improve the interest in the game, especially for us old guys with bad eye sight! I know there are some rail road tracks in the game and a few trains running, but they are few and far between. Would love to take a "Nancy" out w/3 500lbers hunting trains and I have tried that, but very little action resulted from those patrols. Help us out Hi Tech!!
Blue Skies and wind at my back and wish that for all!!!

Offline BaDkaRmA158Th

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Re: New Targets for Bombers
« Reply #1 on: February 12, 2013, 06:05:30 PM »
Should be in the wishlist forum.

But i agree highly, i would love to see more strat's to hit down low. Train hunting and convoy hunting is one thing, but hitting a storage or train yard would be awesome.

For fighters... fighter bombers, and bombers alike. :rock

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Offline ML52

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Re: New Targets for Bombers
« Reply #2 on: February 13, 2013, 12:00:12 PM »

Offline Scherf

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Re: New Targets for Bombers
« Reply #3 on: February 13, 2013, 06:57:06 PM »
... missions were to be met by the commitment of alerted swarms of fighters, composed of Me 109's and Fw 190's, that were strategically based to protect industrial installations. The inferior capabilities of these fighters against the Mosquitoes made this a hopeless and uneconomical effort. 1.JD KTB

Offline Krusty

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Re: New Targets for Bombers
« Reply #4 on: February 13, 2013, 07:13:32 PM »
Ever since the mega strats proved too remote to hit 99 times out of 100, especially if they retreat, I've wanted the reinstatement of local/zone strats....

Only, how do they fit in? I don't want to replace megastrats. I think it's a good thing. So if that's handling the resupply times, what would local strats handle?

Well this railyard idea isn't the first time it's been brought up, but it does bring to mind a way of adding local targets without removing the mega strat. I've always been for rail yards, but now I specifically have an idea how:

Currently convoys and trains simply appear from a magic point on the map and follow the roads. They just show up from a small building. How about having a rail yard in place of all the local zone strats we used to have? The trains and convoys will all come from these. The megastrat still controls resupply times, but you can stop them from arriving if the local zone-level railyard is destroyed. They'd have down times about the same as hangars, so you'd have to keep hitting them to affect a local base take or something.

Offline Lusche

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Re: New Targets for Bombers
« Reply #5 on: February 13, 2013, 07:46:41 PM »
Ever since the mega strats proved too remote to hit 99 times out of 100, especially if they retreat,

There are only two occasions when the strats are almost 'unreachable' - when they have been retreated on a large map (but even then not in all cases), or when your country's frontlines have been pushed very far back (again on a large map, and again even then not always).
On small maps they are always reachable, no matter what (you just have to expect 163s).
Particularly on TAGMA and OZkansas the enemy strats are actually quite close to the frontlines, and on Compello it's not that far away either.
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Offline Krusty

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Re: New Targets for Bombers
« Reply #6 on: February 13, 2013, 07:52:48 PM »
I haven't been in the MA for a month or so, but when I was there were almost no small maps in rotation. It was always large maps with strats at least 10 sectors out and 10 sectors back. It would take you longer to RTB than it would for the damage to heal itself.

Edit; I still say having no local targets has hurt the bombing enjoyment in this game. My above idea would make railyards the local targets. Megastrat runs are fun once in a while, but not so good for everyday fun. IMO, of course.
« Last Edit: February 13, 2013, 07:54:21 PM by Krusty »

Offline Lusche

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Re: New Targets for Bombers
« Reply #7 on: February 13, 2013, 08:02:17 PM »
I haven't been in the MA for a month or so, but when I was there were almost no small maps in rotation. It was always large maps with strats at least 10 sectors out and 10 sectors back. It would take you longer to RTB than it would for the damage to heal itself.

- Since craterMA replaced Trinity, the play time on large maps is much more reduced than before (10 small and 3 large maps in rotation now)
- Damage to the strats stays for 180 minutes since the great fixing of the strats, last August.
- Even a high altitude, very long range B-29 sortie takes me 2h at most (many of them are much shorter, my avg duration is 1:43), with only about 40mins of that being return time. My strat raids in other bombers, with a different mission profile, are considerably shorter. On the large maps of Ozkansas or Tagma, you can often do a full strat run in under one hour. I can say that because I keep records about all my bomber sorties since Sept, 1st, having done 233 strat runs since then.
(Edit: This tour I'm flying Japan bombers only and have made 11 runs so far, all on large maps. Avg duration was 53 mins)

All of wich of course should not be read that I'm against of the addition of more local targets. I am not.  :old:
« Last Edit: February 13, 2013, 08:07:18 PM by Lusche »
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Offline bustr

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Re: New Targets for Bombers
« Reply #8 on: February 13, 2013, 08:28:22 PM »
:airplane: I would like to see 2 new targets on the maps. Now, I will admit, I spend 90 to 95% of my time in bombers, so just bear with me a minute. Railroad "Multi-track rail yards, complete with depot buildings. Example, 6 sets of tracks, each with its own value in points, as well as points for depot and water tower. Yard would be 2 miles long, built to scale of sectors. #2, vehicle depots, complete with parked tanks, and all sorts of ground vehicles, with each one having a point value in damage points. Both of these targets would be of interest not only to bombers, but "fighter-bombers as well. There were both of these targets in WW2 and many, many missions were flown to destroy these targets. I know Hi Tech built this game for mostly air to air combat, but it would certainly improve the interest in the game, especially for us old guys with bad eye sight! I know there are some rail road tracks in the game and a few trains running, but they are few and far between. Would love to take a "Nancy" out w/3 500lbers hunting trains and I have tried that, but very little action resulted from those patrols. Help us out Hi Tech!!

The way the game is designed around emidiate combat and said results for risking your kester against players bent on destroying you. We know very few are interested in protecting anything that requires the effort related to delayed gratification. And HiTech never requires that as the price they pay for their fun becasue thats not what the majority of customers are paying for in a kiddy game.

No one will fly patrols waiting for your dump truck to arrive to protect a meaningless object. Most of the time you will have a safe boring round trip. You are requesting milkrun objects that will pay you points and name in lights for avoiding combat much of the time. So you have gone from requesting strategic choke hold objects and knock out blow targets in another player's wish post, to requesting milk run targets in your own post.

How is it older than dirt 999000 flys his B17s directly into the middle of any action and frequently lands object destroyed points and multiple kills? Often he has a direct impact on helping his tiny friends achive kills by staying in the furball area and turns the tide in their favor to capture the feild being fought over. He does not ask HiTech to change the game to suit him. He just makes the most of what it offers with amasing results in his lumbering dump trucks.

Why do you need HiTech to change the game to either give you a one finger salute method to shut down hundreds of paying players combat fun any time you are logged on? Or give you meaningless targets to pad your score? How is it 999000 can find so much to do with his B17s in an evening and you can't?

HiTech it may be time to add another arena for "geriatrics only" filled with bombing targets and the only ride is heavy bombers. Then all the pilots fly around competing to drop thier bombs the most accuratly and the fastest. The goal being the pilot who achives all of his targets destroyed faster than the other pilots and wins the map. And if they want to fly slow circles around each other taking pot shots and trading insluts, well that can be an acheivment award for winning a cussing contest or the most holes shot into an enemy bomber.
bustr - POTW 1st Wing

This is like the old joke that voters are harsher to their beer brewer if he has an outage, than their politicians after raising their taxes. Death and taxes are certain but, fun and sex is only now.

Offline earl1937

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Re: New Targets for Bombers
« Reply #9 on: February 14, 2013, 05:46:52 PM »
 :airplane:  Why do you need HiTech to change the game to either give you a one finger salute method to shut down hundreds of paying players combat fun any time you are logged on? Or give you meaningless targets to pad your score? How is it 999000 can find so much to do with his B17s in an evening and you can't?

You, sir, have not a clue what I want and what I can do! I guess you didn't have any 3rd grade lessons to do, so you thought you would make a smart a** charge about someone and something that you don't know anything about!

Blue Skies and wind at my back and wish that for all!!!

Offline kvuo75

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Re: New Targets for Bombers
« Reply #10 on: February 14, 2013, 09:50:26 PM »
you did essentially ask for new milkrun targets..

If I read your post right, they'd have no strategic value other than just points for the bomber.. if they have no value, then they probably wouldn't be defended. = milkrun target.

now if they actually did something, or were worth something to the defender, sure..  but if you want easy bomber points, just go bomb a town, it gives you already what you want. easy targets, no defense.

Kill the manned ack.

Offline Krusty

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Re: New Targets for Bombers
« Reply #11 on: February 14, 2013, 10:57:43 PM »
No, he didn't ask for milkrun targets. When we had local zone strats they were not milkrun targets. I'm far more likely to be along the front lines, see the radar and move 1 sector over to defend, than I am to watch (and possibly get busy and forget) dar bar crossing the map to a mega strat. I'm also more likely to hit local targets (not sneak attack them) to help local field taking efforts. I didn't look for zone strats that were isolated. I looked for the closest zone strats that tied into the fields Knits were hitting at that time.

It was no more a milk run request than the mega strats or the return-the-zone strats. It's just a different name for that local target. This time, it's called "rail yard"...

Offline Gman

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Re: New Targets for Bombers
« Reply #12 on: February 14, 2013, 11:38:12 PM »
I think rail yards and naval shipping convoys with destroyers and manable gun positions would be a great addition.  I'd love to go out convoy hunting in Ju88's or B25's, and have it MEAN something, ie greatly affect nearby bases in terms of supplies/bombs/ord/flak gun ammo etc, and not just have some unknowing affect on the greater strat system.  Give you something fun to do if you can't find a fight for us furballers, and then the strat guys won't throw so many complaints our way as well, if we can contribute to their "war" and base taking and what not in that way.

Offline Nathan60

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Re: New Targets for Bombers
« Reply #13 on: February 15, 2013, 04:06:07 PM »
Bustr there already are milkrun targets they are called towns, it is quite easy to hit them, especially in the midwar if someone was inclined to do so. I think what most people would like is for the strat system to be more robust. There are quite a few players that will intercept bombers and enjoy doing so. I owuld like to see the deopt wishlist item put in. Its kinda boring loitering above the convoy spawn points waiting for a convoy but it is nice that destroying a convoy or barge does effect the down time of obj around a base.
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Offline JVboob

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Re: New Targets for Bombers
« Reply #14 on: February 21, 2013, 07:08:33 PM »
i love the idea of the train yards and depos. When our country starts making a hard push we will go to the strats and hit certain targets like AAA and City so it helps our effort but at the same time it helps the 3rd country's efforts to with doesnt help us. i like the idea of local strats preferably trains its fun to kill them and can pose a challenge. Also if the road convoys had a few armed vehicles this could make for some fun too and not be as much of a "milk-run". And locals wouldnt be a milk run any ways....base flash or dot dar comes up and someone is goin to up for the kill, therefore giving the fight loving players more opportunities to intercept jabos or med/light bombers that arent 20K. I believe the idea in this post would increase the fun factor, realism factor, give defenders, furballers, buff jockies, and jabo jockies more to do and help make the milk-runners that are scared to fight actually learn to fight.

+1 and +36 more on behalf of th 49th FG 8th and 9th FS's

<S> 49Boob
"Sighhhhhhhhhh, office closed do to ice for a day, And I miss a thread like this.."HiTech
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