Considering I flew the Yak T as a sole ride for quite a few years my opinion is:
For the Yak T and the U the worst thing about them is that they are still AH1 models which is eventually why I finally gave up flying the Yak T. After many years I couldn't bare to look at it's 90's cockpit graphics any longer, added frustration they updated the IL2 before Yaks and more hangar queens. Apart from that good and bad points as follows:
Good Points:
- 37mm is both extremely rewarding and frustrating at the same time, but with a lot of practice you can pull of some amazing sniper shots at high deflections on a fairly consistent basis under 600 once you get the timing down. While some will say you can pull off 1k shots it generally wastes the limited ammo even against buffs. The gun is really the only reason to fly the T over the U 37mm is more of a challenge/rewarding = lot more fun.
- Visibility, never to be under estimated. Though view over nose is poor.
- Handling above 180mph sweet spot is around mid 200mph
- Dive and overall handling characteristics
- Small target means that it feels better armoured then it actually is, easy to force overshoots.
- Friendly Stall when roping dopes. Not so friendly when on the deck at slow speed.
Bad Points:
- 37mm miss the first couple of shots and you probably won't get a third unless the con is highly inept.
- Climb rate, fairly abysmal feels as if a goon can out climb you at times and I never had the patience to climb higher than 10k most of the time.
- Acceleration poor, E retention also poor.
- Turns, again you have to keep it above around 180mph, lower and turn rate/handling is poor if you find that your starting to get flaps out you'll probably soon be back in the tower.
- Fuel range, even on cruise you won't be around long after you've used 1/4 for the last 10 mins just to reach 10k
- Pilot Wounds, not sure exactly but seriously feels as if it's a bug since beta and if entire cockpit is made of glass as use to get more PW's in Yaks then any other ride.
- MA due to poor performance tend to always be on the defensive especially against the top tier rides. Yak T you generally don't have any one particular advantage over other rides, unlike the U which is faster then what it can't outturn and vice versa. F4Us and Spits especially use to give me the most trouble.
Best tip I can give with the Yak T is practice practice practice high deflection shots with the 37mm to get the timing down use the offline drones. As like I said if you miss with the first couple of shots it's highly unlikely you will get a third.
Overall though I stuck with the Yak T for many years because it was (for me) the most rewarding and challenging rides in the game to try and do well in on a consistent basis. Of course you'll get a fraction of the kills and die more in a Yak T compared to the Yak U and especially compared to flying any of the top tier uber rides. But 1 kill in a Yak T is more fun than 10 in anything else.