Author Topic: Why do we spend so much time talking about German aircraft?  (Read 5996 times)

Offline Karnak

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Why do we spend so much time talking about German aircraft?
« on: August 12, 2001, 02:00:00 PM »
It seems that threads about German aircraft go on and on and threads about non-German aircraft quickly become threads about German aircraft, or at least the unfair effect of said aircraft as it relates to the German aircraft available in AH.


What is it about German aircraft that causes the BB to be absolutely dominated by them?
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Offline Urchin

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Why do we spend so much time talking about German aircraft?
« Reply #1 on: August 12, 2001, 02:27:00 PM »
<shrug>  Perhaps because the German aircraft have "fans", and I guess most of us are just more vocal than everyone else.  I for one am keeping the Ta-152 thread right up at the top until I either a. Get a response from HTC about my email (which is included in the thread btw), b. get a response from HTC in the thread, or c. wake up and find that the Ta-152 has either had its perk cost drastically reduced, or eliminated.  Until then I'm going to fly it, and every time I lose 40 points I'll come back and let you guys know.  ;)

Offline Kieran

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Why do we spend so much time talking about German aircraft?
« Reply #2 on: August 12, 2001, 02:30:00 PM »
Ahhh... my latest contributions to long debates...

I am guilty of dragging the latest one out. The thing is I am not pro/anti anything. I just don't think we will ever resolve the real issue with what people perceive to be a good/bad game.

As Toad so often reminds us, people apply selective realism to their view of the game. The amount of historic background necessary for immersion is varied for different people, as are the included elements. We all have a different idea of what makes it work.

Some people claim to want "all-historical", then complain nonstop about something real that upsets gameplay. All of a sudden a concession is okay.

Then you have concession oriented people who argue against things because they are not historical.

We all seem to take a stand where is benefits us or our particular style of play, regardless of how it impacts the gameplay of those around us. I personally believe that any time anyone asks for a new American or German plane it guarantees an argument simply because they are the two sides that have the least need for a new anything at the moment, from any perspective you wish to choose. Still, the advocates ask and are hurt when these requests are questioned.

America and Germany have the most planes included, make no mistake. Germany has a very vocal, insistent crowd. America has its advocates too, but from an American perspective don't seem to be as vocal. YMMV.

The short: it is hard to not debate someone that has practically everything and demands more (at the necessary resource drain from work on the other sides). The German side seems to do this more than the other sides IMHO.

Offline DingHao2

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Why do we spend so much time talking about German aircraft?
« Reply #3 on: August 12, 2001, 02:33:00 PM »
German planes were some of the most interesting planes to ever roll off the assembly line.  And most of them look like murderous killers, not racers.

Offline Toad

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Why do we spend so much time talking about German aircraft?
« Reply #4 on: August 12, 2001, 02:41:00 PM »

No offense mate but this is a "tar baby".

This topic isn't going to solve it, only exacerbate it.

While I enjoy reading these threads, they rarely solve anything.  ;)

My .02 is that HTC has a pretty good idea of where they are going, what they need to add to get there and when they will add those things. They may look at our suggestions but only to refine their master plan. This is my _guess_.

We all just create the famous "tempest in a teapot" arguing here to keep ourselves amused.  :)

When I get all riled up, I get in my new "Lotus" position (right hand on stick, left hand on throttle, feet on rudders, eyes on gunsight) and chant my mantra "Play the Game... Play the Game..."

I know how you must feel about the RAF planeset; I share that. But they will come,  along with the other "forgotten" countries; of this I am certain.

(...and they we'll have some REAL wailing and gnashing of teeth threads to enjoy!)

Oh how we'll smile then, eh?

Stiff upper lip, eh wot?

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Offline -ammo-

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Why do we spend so much time talking about German aircraft?
« Reply #5 on: August 12, 2001, 02:51:00 PM »
Someone say something about the P-47D11? Oh nevermind, wrong thread.
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Offline straffo

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Why do we spend so much time talking about German aircraft?
« Reply #6 on: August 12, 2001, 03:25:00 PM »
Originally posted by Ding_Hao:
German planes were some of the most interesting planes to ever roll off the assembly line.  And most of them look like murderous killers, not racers.

This explanation is just plain stupid.

LW aircraft are (for me at least ) the symbol of one arrogant nation who was put into dust and humiliation in 1945 (if Euro politician were not so dumb and stupid it should have been done in 1935 and not 1945 with a lower price than 10 years later ...).

And we (other airforces fan) are just polite and waiting without pissing other BBS user with improbable field modification of their favorite ride  ;).

Offline Hangtime

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Why do we spend so much time talking about German aircraft?
« Reply #7 on: August 12, 2001, 03:38:00 PM »
And on that note; I'm gonna get toejamfaced and kill something.

My version of Toads Lotus Position.

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Offline Nashwan

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Why do we spend so much time talking about German aircraft?
« Reply #8 on: August 12, 2001, 03:45:00 PM »
I know how you must feel about the RAF planeset; I share that. But they will come, along with the other "forgotten" countries; of this I am certain.
I wish I could believe that. It's something I've been told for the last year and a half.

Looking back over the old treads, Vermillion used to contribute claiming the Soviet planeset was the worst, with no late war planes, whilst the RAF had a 1944 Spit. Since then, the 1944 Spit turned out to be a 1942 Spit, the La 7 and Yak 9 have been added.
RAM used to post, claiming the Germans had no late war planes to compete against the Americans. Even though they already had their late 44 19G10, they have since had 4 190s added, including the late war Dora, the Ta152 added, and they are lobbying for the perk to be removed. They are getting a 262 as the ultimate perk.
The US had a late war planeset from the start, it's hard to think of a representitive late war fighter that the US could get. Even so, it looks like they are soon to have a post war fighter added as a perk.
I don't know a huge amount about Japanese planes, but the Ki-61 is at least a 1944 plane, and the N1k2 is either late 44 or early 45, depending on how you look at it.
The RAF has one late war jabo plane, the Typhoon, one late war fighter, the Tempest, which is currently the highest priced perk, even though it's historical counterparts, the La7, Dora, G10 etc are all unperked. It also has a collection of early war Spits, the V which is a typical mid 41 plane, and the IX which is a typical mid 42 plane. The most representitive version of all Spits would be an LF IX, produced from early 43 on, but that is absent.
What does the RAF get this time? A much needed post 42 Spit? No, instead they produce a mid 41 Hurricane, a plane so outdated that the RAF used them primarily as ground attack planes because they couldn't survive against the 109F2.

Offline Kieran

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Why do we spend so much time talking about German aircraft?
« Reply #9 on: August 12, 2001, 03:52:00 PM »
Correct, Nashwan. Funny how a guy can say "unperk the Ta152" and "the Hurricane IIC will upset the arena" at the same time.

Offline Urchin

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Why do we spend so much time talking about German aircraft?
« Reply #10 on: August 12, 2001, 05:14:00 PM »
Kieran. I didn't THINK you were stupid, but maybe I was wrong.  If you go back and read carefully, I said that I thought the Hurricane was going TO GET EATEN ALIVE in the MA.  That is just about as far from "unbalancing" as you can get.  If you are not a native English speaker let me know and I'll try to get that translated into your native language.  

About the Ta-152, you guys that think it is such a hot toejam plane- go fly it.  You can "fly it right", which means never going below 35k, or you can attempt to fight in it.  I'll guarantee you that you will not do as well as you think you will in it.  Go ahead, prove me wrong.

Offline Toad

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Why do we spend so much time talking about German aircraft?
« Reply #11 on: August 12, 2001, 05:15:00 PM »
I agree Nashwan. It has and is taking far longer than it should.

However, I still believe the RAF will eventually get the "good stuff".

There can be no doubt that the LW afficianados have been a much more vocal and aggressive group.

Perhaps its the characteristic British politeness that is hurting the cause.  ;)

Nonetheless, sooner or later they have to model the better IX Spits and the XIV as well.

Can you imagine the wailing when it finally happens? And there'll be no legitimate wail. Not numbers, not combat use, not "late war"...  :D A day to dream of.
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Offline Urchin

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Why do we spend so much time talking about German aircraft?
« Reply #12 on: August 12, 2001, 05:19:00 PM »
By the way, Nashwan.  You seem to have this funny idea that I am totally against seeing this clipped wing 1943 Spit in the game.  Go ahead and read back over my posts- I never said that.  I could care less if it is in the game to be honest.  What will happen is that in 2 or 3 months you will be saying "The Spitfire IX LF *there is probably more to the title that I can't remember* is NOT FAST ENOUGH!!!  Why do all the other countries get 1945 planes unperked when the poor old RAF has to settle for the most popular plane in the game being a mid 1943 version.  This is totally unfair.  There was a Version of the Spit XXXXVBBDSFTEWRSCCXBBDFY  that could do 947 mph on the deck, i WANT THAT ONE!!!!!"  

Yes, much of this was an exageration.  I know this.  You don't WANT a 1943 spit- you want a 1945 spit to go with the 1945 planes everyone else has.  Just say it and be done with it, you'll feel better once you get it off your chest.

Offline Hangtime

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Why do we spend so much time talking about German aircraft?
« Reply #13 on: August 12, 2001, 05:44:00 PM »
I's sure like a 1945 spit in the CA about now...   :D

...and threads about non-German aircraft quickly become threads about German aircraft..

What we could do is more quicky turn all threads about german aircraft into threads about RAF aircraft.. BEFORE they turn into threads about the effects on german aircraft...

.. wait.. no... nevermind.

[ 08-12-2001: Message edited by: Hangtime ]
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Offline Nashwan

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Why do we spend so much time talking about German aircraft?
« Reply #14 on: August 12, 2001, 06:01:00 PM »
I asked for a Spit XIV when I first got here. I know now it would be too unbalancing, as would an unperked Tempest. It seems Britain really was that far ahead in aircraft design that our prop planes from early 44 were so much better than any others in the world.  :)
I would like to see the Tempest much cheaper. Last tour the CHog had nine times as many kills as the Tempest. I think the arena could see more Tempests without being unbalanced. 35 or so perk points seems right to me.
The point about the Spit IX is that as the best British planes from 44 would be too unbalancing, it makes it even worse that we are denied a 1943 version of the Spit. Would I feel the perking of the Spit XIV and Tempest unfair? Yes, to a certain extent, but nowhere near as unfair as the current situation. Would I lobby for the Spit XIV and Tempest to be unperked? No, maybe a gradual reduction in perk points to see how they fare, so that a value that keeps them rare but not too rare can be established.