Author Topic: Your best ah stories  (Read 3093 times)

Offline waystin2

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Re: Your best ah stories
« Reply #45 on: June 20, 2013, 03:30:26 PM »
This story I was not in, but it is retold alot in squad.

On that big old map with its 20k mountains, our glorious leader decided to lead a P-51 raid to open up a front. All the ponys were heavy with fuel/bombs & rockets, and were climbing like bricks.

So our illustrious Wing CO leads us into a valley between 2 mountains. This valley was not as safe as it first looked. some voiced concern about the hill they needed to climb over at the end of it.

The noble leader assured them that all was well.

Right up until the moment his plane hit the mountain side. Most of us tried to break out but the valley was too narrow at that point and many stalled in trying to turn. out of 15 odd planes 3-4 made it out alive... with film!

Now someone needs to post that film  :devil

Uh-oh.  the truth is out.... :uhoh
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Offline Lusche

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Re: Your best ah stories
« Reply #46 on: June 20, 2013, 03:32:05 PM »
Trading broadsides with another formation of B29s

Hehe, I had used my B-29s as a "heavy interceptor" in the LW arena quite a number of times. When you rtb from the strats at 28k and still have 50 minutes of fuel left, it's fun to track down a reported high alt milker. I accumulated 16 kills (to 2 losses) that way  :banana:

I remember one player PM me "I could not believe it when I saw your formation of 29s diving on my Lancs" ... but hey, perks are meant to be used!   :devil
« Last Edit: June 20, 2013, 03:38:11 PM by Lusche »
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Offline Groth

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Re: Your best ah stories
« Reply #47 on: June 20, 2013, 03:44:13 PM »
 We have a beloved squadie,he's on hiatus now and we're awaiting his return, who is a perfectionist. And not afraid to share. In a mixed plane raid of somesort he'd ditched, bailed..canna remember...and as our base was aways off he offered to gun in my B-17. I piped him aboard and soon heard an endless stream of corrections and criticisms delivered in his droll brogue. I was able to do nothing up to standards, I only wish I'd recorded it.
 Miss you, buddy.


Offline Franz Von Werra

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Re: Your best ah stories
« Reply #48 on: June 20, 2013, 04:01:17 PM »
I'll play this:
AirWarror3... 10years ago? Squad "Praetorian Guard"... leader Zazen not around that day.  DaK and I are on patrol at maybe 20k out over the ocean.
We both knew that Zazen was 'the pilot' question was who was 2nd to him, either of us even close? We were kinda in competition for 2nd, so we weren't the best wingys.
In these days, there were no 'proxy' kills, u had to have at least one ping on a guy to get credit if he crashed or augered...
Also, no film in those days? I forget. Also, very few actually used voice, 99% were typers only. Fuel burn was 1x so long flights.

So, I was in my 190a6, my squady DaK was in his f4u about 20k over the ocean.  Suddenly many cons ahead of us, maybe a mission of some type, lots of fighters slightly higher.
I immediately dive for the deck, and lose sight of DaK.
Seems though, that ALL the cons followed me into the dive, all of them after me?
Going about straight down slightly rolling, getting closer and closer to the water below...
Some bullets zipping by me, all trying to get that single ping required for kill credit if I auger.
Sooo steep, sooo fast, and sooo closer to the water that theres no pulling out now...
I did a trick with my stick/pedals... that induced a spin, a flat spin...
Its like my plane 'skipped' like throwing a flat stone across the water....
Boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom... <--- lost count, sooo many of them hit the ground...
I do more foot pedal stuff to come out of the flat spin / stall...  I look around, there is only one other plane left, both of us at like.. under stall speed maybe 50 feet above the waves, barely in the air.
I was just able to bring my nose around to the right,  to point at him first, squeezed trigger, blasting the left side of his plane at about maybe three plane lengths away, his plane filled my front window as it exploded.

I climb back up towards friendly dot, its DaK, he joins up on my wing, he types "Where'd you go?"  
I know that he saw what happened, but would anyone ever believe it anyways, his response and lack of requesting explanation implied that he knew, and that the story was ending right there.

We flew on, never mentioned again...  :airplane:    :airplane:

"He who pulls the most G's usually loses, he who has his windows set up the best usually wins, and he who doesn't have foot pedals, after a stall, usually, spins all the way in."
~franz von werra under a different name!
<S> DaK, where ever u are. <S> Zazen
« Last Edit: June 20, 2013, 04:08:21 PM by Franz Von Werra »
fuel burn 1x please! - '1x Wednesdays?'

Offline Wiley

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Re: Your best ah stories
« Reply #49 on: June 20, 2013, 04:45:51 PM »
Ones that stick out in my head:

Flying B24s with my squad in a scenario one night, we'd hit whatever we were supposed to hit and were RTB.  Squaddie on my high 12 1000 yards out decides to send a tracer across my nose just for grins.  Alcohol may have been a contributing factor...  One bullet from 1000 yards from his tailgunner, bomber explodes.  Pilot kill.  Only damage I'd taken that sortie.

Flying with 2 squaddies in 262s, making a run on a set of buffs and just squeezing the trigger as a squaddie's 262 appears from below the nose of my plane.  Missed the bombers, but had a REALLY good line on the body of his plane.  Instant tower.

FSO flying 109K4's against Spitfires.  I can't hit anything with 30mm unless I'm right on top of it, so I'm fighting with this spit getting closer and closer.  He's making a gentle turn and I've got a good lead, am close enough to hit him, and just as I'm squeezing the trigger, my plane splits in half.  I figure, 'Ok, his wingie got me because I was target fixated.'  Upon review of film, a squaddie was spraying 30mm from 600 yards out at 90 degree deflection to the two of us and I ran into his taters.

Another of my favorites was playing Warbirds, flying a TBM subbed in for something else in their version of FSO.  The enemy were in 109's and 110s.  We had just dropped on our target and were egressing on the deck.  One of my squaddies is all alone about 2 miles behind me under attack by a 110 and 109.  My plane had 1 .30 cal peashooter on the front of it, but I figured "Why not?"  I turned back into them as low as I could get.  Squaddie was dragging for his life and the two of them were working him pretty hard.  They didn't see me until I was about 500 yards away from them and the 110 was in planform banking 90 degrees toward me.  At 200 yards, something just felt right and I put what felt like a 2 second burst into him.  It was one of those shots where everything just went right.  Every sprite I saw was on his cockpit.  Pilot kill.  I immediately turned into the 109 who proceeded to turn tail and run home.  Safe RTB for me and squaddie.

If you think you are having a 1v1 in the Main Arena, your SA has failed you.


Offline Zacherof

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Re: Your best ah stories
« Reply #50 on: June 21, 2013, 12:52:25 AM »
Gotta hate those perfect shots, only to have them land on a friwndly :furious
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Offline Getback

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Re: Your best ah stories
« Reply #51 on: June 21, 2013, 02:09:33 PM »
I was one day over a gv base with bombs and rockets.  tried to take out dar dropped both bombs and missed, came around with rockets and missed again, turned to guns and the sob still didn't go down.  finally somebody said on range "what are you doing this base is ours, the enemy gv is the next one up".


Bet those were two close bases. I've done similar.

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Offline Getback

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Re: Your best ah stories
« Reply #52 on: June 21, 2013, 02:17:17 PM »
Awhile back I saw to planes (don't remember the planes) taking out city buildings and ack. I upped a plane and start to fight these two. After awhile after chasing and avoiding the planes, I get on one of the planes six and he's running to our field. I started chuckling and thinking this guy is not the sharpest tool. Get close enough to field for ack to start firing and started wondering why I'm hearing ping sounds on my plane. I look at the text buffer and find out that they had captured the base  :frown: . I ask on 200 if they were distraction for the goon and lo and behold I found out that I was not the sharpest tool in the shed.  :furious

Reminds me of something I did. After taking off from a carrier I went to to the enemy base to get some pelts. After a few minutes I get myself in trouble, a bunch of trouble. With a horde fast getting on my tail I dive towards a carrier. They follow! As I'm almost within in gun range I start wondering why aren't they pulling off. I get into the ack and the unfriendlies are pinging me. They pull off. Whew I made it. But what's this the ship acks are knocking off pieces. I ran to their carrier. Doh!

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Offline beau32

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Re: Your best ah stories
« Reply #53 on: June 21, 2013, 02:18:49 PM »
Was flying a 262 low over ground and got close to a enemy field. Started to pull up for alt, and when I did realised a Mossy was sitting head on with me. Next thing I know I was in the tower from a perfect shot to the belly.

Second one was a dog fight between me and a squadie in the DA. We were fighting in D3A's when I managed to take half a wing off his. Then straight and level, he preceided to out run my plane with his shot up half a wing plane.
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Offline Lusche

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Re: Your best ah stories
« Reply #54 on: June 21, 2013, 02:24:19 PM »
Way back in time.

Young Lusche takes his Tiger, the expensive King of the Battlefield, to a quiet spawn lookin' for some campin' fun.

Ok, nothing happens here... wait... do I see something? Crap, there's already an enemy up, but far out. ... Think it may be 6-7k
First shot... wow, seems I'm already close. Second shot at >6k OMG, a HIT! More than 6k and hit him with my sec...



I had killshot myself on a friendly tank camping the same spawn from the opposite side. -50 perks, and that did hurt at that time!  :bhead
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Offline tmetal

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Re: Your best ah stories
« Reply #55 on: June 21, 2013, 04:21:32 PM »
Seems there are as many (if not more) self deprecating stories on this thread as any other. I take it as a good sign that the average player here can laugh at themselves or appreciate it when an opponent does something noteworthy (even if it is noteworthy at their expense). This thread is a nice break from what seems to be becoming the norm on the BBS. WTG OP and  :cheers: everybody else.
The real problem is anyone should feel like they can come to this forum and make a wish without being treated in a derogatory manner.  The only discussion should be centered around whether it would work, or how it would work and so on always in a respectful manner.

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Offline danny76

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Re: Your best ah stories
« Reply #56 on: June 21, 2013, 06:19:08 PM »
I was with several other players desperately trying to defend an airfield that was the last bastion on a peninsular, surrounded by enemy. The nearest friendly base was a good flight away and once word spread the reds were vulching in force, we had stacked Pony's, Jugs and 38's waiting their turn above the field, manned by exactly the squad/s you are thinking of  :rolleyes:

Anyway, both FH's and BH's were up, fuelling the vulch, and after repeated hopeless attempts to lift Shida came up with an idea.

He found the field the reds were lifting from which was by now nearly over-run with guys looking to pad score, and taking off in droves, there seemed to be no let up to the vulching or the willingness of guys trying to get off the ground to defend this last field.

Me and Shida took a couple of Typhoons, with rockets and 100% fuel from the nearest friendly based, took off and made our way to Redland.

We hedge hopped all the way to the base and popped up over the foliage to see a plethora of enemy aircraft on finals, on take off, manouvering to the re- arm pads. We were balls to the wall, touching 400 mph as we came screaming through the ack straight down the field, I fired the rockets in 4 quick salvo's, and heard explosions behind me from NrShida's ordnance hit and the chattering of our cannons.

The chaos on the ground was apocalyptic for them few seconds, planes slewing off the runway, others exploding, I saw a B17 sliding along the runway on it's nose, burning.

As fast as that I was off the end of the field and jinking, by then I had ack hits in the radiator so the Typh's time was do :)ne but as far as I remember we caused sufficient disruption to allow some uppers from the friendly field which then managed to hold out.

Whenever anyone asks what my most memorable AH sortie is, the exciement that I felt cresting tha last little rise and opening up on that field means this sortie always comes to mind :aok
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Offline Butcher

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Re: Your best ah stories
« Reply #57 on: June 21, 2013, 07:21:04 PM »
One of the more memorable shots I had, I was in a panther camping my usual spawn outside 135 (that airbase west of it). A Jug pilot who was recently bombed was mad and decided to de-spawn us, so he came in around 15k, I backed down a hill and was able to get my barrel straight up.
I pulled trigger when he was 2k out in a dive and managed a hit (didn't take much since he was in a vertical dive on me).

Hooter and Tull I think witnessed it, I got him before he got bombs out. Chances of me ever doing it again? Zero.
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Offline Mongoose

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Re: Your best ah stories
« Reply #58 on: June 21, 2013, 09:49:41 PM »
Forgetting a salvo setting and prematurly dropping 120 500 pounders :bhead

  Wondering why my bombs won't explode.  Then realizing I had loaded drop tanks..    :bhead
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Offline Tinkles

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Re: Your best ah stories
« Reply #59 on: June 21, 2013, 10:56:03 PM »
Was taking troops to a base (loooong time ago), and parked next to one of those small houses. Tiger comes out of the hanger and drives within 200 yards of me (my engine is off).  He parks 200-300 yards infront of me, and turns his engine off.  Turns his turret towards me, but doesn't fire. Turns it back to the front of his tank, and restarts his engine.  Turns and drives 13 yards behind me. He didn't see me!

He died 5 seconds later by a friendly with lancs  :devil

Then I drive to the v-base and die by field ack  :rofl

I think I still have the video.  If I knew how to edit it would post it (roughly 2 hours long, event was only 2-3 mins). 

Still havin fun


If we have something to show we will & do post shots, if we have nothing new to show we don't.
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