Author Topic: Your best ah stories  (Read 3113 times)

Offline xbrit

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Re: Your best ah stories
« Reply #75 on: June 23, 2013, 10:18:00 PM »
Can't remember what map it was on, I was flying as Rook and we had been getting bombed from the base to our west. Two of us decided we would go over and take out ords at that base, I took a Jug he was in a P38.
We got over the base and it was all quiet so it looked like it would be a quick drop and off home for tea, I was going to take out the VH at the same time so I had two 1000lb'rs toggled. As I started my turn I saw people start spawning on the runway, it was a mission and quite a large one, I just changed my angle slightly and dropped both bombs on the end of the runway, BOOOOM and 15 kills. I asked on range if he managed to drop and yes he had another 8 kills, We laughed all the way back to our base with a bunch of these guys chasing us.

Offline guncrasher

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Re: Your best ah stories
« Reply #76 on: June 23, 2013, 10:42:32 PM »
talking about bringing field supplies instead of troops.  when I was with the pigs, we launched a mission to a gv base, they took down the hangars and gv's and I came in over the base to drop field supplies.  I quickly augered and got another goon made it back to the gv base just to drop another set of field supplies.  we took the base as another pig didnt trust me so he brought troops also :)>

hopefully they forgot about that.  as for me I got the film (two films) somewhere   :bhead :bhead.

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Offline FTJR

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Re: Your best ah stories
« Reply #77 on: June 24, 2013, 04:12:22 AM »
Sometime ago, I convinced the squad to do a 262 run, so we spawned onto the runway, 6 or 7 of us, posing for photo's when suddenly the ack starts firing at us, the Bish had won the war :(
shortest 262 mission in history
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Offline wrench

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Re: Your best ah stories
« Reply #78 on: June 24, 2013, 05:30:36 AM »
ok flying a 262 under dar in pretty rough terrain to enemy base notice bunch of enemy icons noe nearby. They didn't see me. Work around to their six looks like all 110s in single file trying to stay under dar heading to our base. I'm like "omg, this is too good to be true!!!". Work my way in slowly and start popping them one by one. Eventually after about 16 or so the alarm gets back from downed pilots that something's killing them. They start to scatter but it's too late. The whole mission goes down. Landed 22 kills that sortie.  :D
Leave that thing alone!
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Offline MickDono

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Re: Your best ah stories
« Reply #79 on: June 24, 2013, 06:49:05 AM »
Sometime ago, I convinced the squad to do a 262 run, so we spawned onto the runway, 6 or 7 of us, posing for photo's when suddenly the ack starts firing at us, the Bish had won the war :(
shortest 262 mission in history

haha :aok

Offline PanosGR

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Re: Your best ah stories
« Reply #80 on: June 24, 2013, 06:52:33 AM »
Once I remember I shot down an enemy plane. It was a thrilling experience

Offline Hap

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Re: Your best ah stories
« Reply #81 on: June 24, 2013, 07:17:54 AM »
Can't remember what map it was on, I was flying as Rook and we had been getting bombed from the base to our west. Two of us decided we would go over and take out ords at that base, I took a Jug he was in a P38.
We got over the base and it was all quiet so it looked like it would be a quick drop and off home for tea, I was going to take out the VH at the same time so I had two 1000lb'rs toggled. As I started my turn I saw people start spawning on the runway, it was a mission and quite a large one, I just changed my angle slightly and dropped both bombs on the end of the runway, BOOOOM and 15 kills. I asked on range if he managed to drop and yes he had another 8 kills, We laughed all the way back to our base with a bunch of these guys chasing us.
:aok :aok

Offline surfinn

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Re: Your best ah stories
« Reply #82 on: June 24, 2013, 09:18:33 AM »
While back I was helping to defend a airfield that was under close cv attack, lots of bad guy, the attack had been going on for a while. Shore battery's are down and they had just killed the bomber hangers and fighter hangers. We still have fighters in the air and are heavily defending the the town but are worn down in a matter of Min's. Shore battery pops and starts shooting at cv. Our vh is up so I role a tank to the shore line its a m4/76 and this is one of the bases where the town is close to the field but very close to the water. Their cv goes down right when I'm getting in postion between the town and shore but the town is finally white flagged again. Suddenly Lvts start spawning in 200 feet in front of me by the dozen feet dry and on the edge of town. We have no aircraft in the air but neither do they at this point. After the first 6 or so kills they start upping lvt3s and quickly track my tank but that's ok they are still spawning right in front of me. I sat there for 5 Min's at least, only one got by me and a wirb that made it to the map room got him. They finally stopped upping, supplies were brought to me and I landed over 25kills cant remember the exact amount but man luck was with me that day :t

Offline Latrobe

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Re: Your best ah stories
« Reply #83 on: June 24, 2013, 03:28:18 PM »
One of my favorite moments was when JG5 and friends went to the WW1 arena. I had a wicked awesome and fun sortie that I'll post the film of since video looks a heck of a lot better than words!  :aok

Basically I'm stuck in a continuous fight for about 10 minutes all alone. Everything from 1v1, 2v1, up to 3v1 non-stop for 10 minutes! I'd be fighting 1 D7 and then an F1 Camel jumps in. Finish off the D7 and an F2B takes his place. Kill the F1 and F2B and the D7 comes back. Kill the D7 and the Camel is back. Kill him and the D7 and F2B are back. Just planes coming non stop! The amazing thing is I somehow survive all the attacks! After kill #9 I finally get a break and head for home.

This is that sortie >>>

Another one of my favorites that I saved the film of.

What do you do when there are 20 some bish nikis NOE into your base and only 2 of you are airborne to intercept in time? Obviously you dive into the cloud of red and kill them all! Then you hunt down their 3 goons and kill them all as well! Ok, ok, so maybe I only killed 8 of them, and 1 of the goons kills himself in terror, but I still loved busting this mission up.  :D

Film >>>
« Last Edit: June 24, 2013, 03:43:17 PM by Latrobe »

Offline Tracerfi

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Re: Your best ah stories
« Reply #84 on: June 24, 2013, 05:24:04 PM »
You cannot beat savages by becoming one.

He who must not be named

Offline Midway

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Re: Your best ah stories
« Reply #85 on: June 24, 2013, 05:33:59 PM »
It still will be a good thread, I ask all to ignore boast post like midway just posted. No need to respond to him or allow him to turn this very positive post into a negative :salute

But that was my best AH story... and it happened very publicly at the time... and I didn't mention any names.  (although don't click on the link if you don't wanna know). :aok


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Offline Zacherof

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Re: Your best ah stories
« Reply #86 on: June 24, 2013, 05:40:12 PM »
Look at me! me! Me blah blah yatta yatta spit dweeb poo poo dweeb poo spit poo ankle hump poo dweeb
Hmmmm........ :aok

Hunting down a particular bish squad, no joke, killing thier leader at he time, + 6 of them, and getting cased home, re arm and repeat for 2 more kills and a bunch of his and pms :aok
In game name Xacherof
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Offline WWhiskey

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Re: Your best ah stories
« Reply #87 on: June 24, 2013, 05:49:46 PM »
A running gun battle between me and the LTARs,
I'm trying to get back to base without getting killed after bagging about 13 when they start popping up, in force, I'm yelling on squad vox ,,supplies,, help ,,, anything,,, I was all alone in a panzer with not a lot of ammo left, Alpha81 ups a m-3 and starts heading towards me while Weasle6 is flying overhead calling them out,  I'm running in reverse as fast as I can, and killing all of them,, I couldn't believe I was still alive,, there was probably 7 or 8 of them and they just kept coming,,, Alpha dropped me some supplies ,I picked them up but kept running, thinking other tanks would come help but no one got there very soon,, we fought a running battle for over 3.5 k shooting while moving the whole way,,  I hit concrete and landed 56  or so.   Can't remember for sure tho
Got saluted by them all tho,,, felt good!!!!
Flying since tour 71.

Offline BFOOT1

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Re: Your best ah stories
« Reply #88 on: June 24, 2013, 10:54:03 PM »
My most memorable sortie would have to be the DGSII scenario frame I

Our mission plan was to rendezvous with the 2nd Bomb Division over the North Sea,  north of the Holland. From there we would fly SE past Wilhelmshaven and Bremen, then we would turn direct south in grid 11,14,8,5 to Brunswick. From there 2nd Bomb Division would hit the Messerschmitt Me-110 Component Factory located in 11,13,6,1 at Brunswick Germany.

I was flying P-51's with the 355th FG The Steeple Morden Strafers. We were flying rear guard for the bombers on this mission. When we air started the sky began to quickly fill with fighters and bombers alike. We began to take up positions with the 352nd FG callsign "Topsy" and the 20th FG "Horseback". As we formed up with the B-24's of the 2nd Bomb Division, we began our trip into Germany. Before we passed over Wilhelmshaven we encountered a destroyer group which put up one mean field of ack fire, wounded a 20th FG Mustang and he turned SW to land in Holland. After we passed Wilhelmshave the 352nd and the 20th FG began to sweep ahead of the main force of bombers. As we approached Bremen, we ran into more flak and a ton of it. The sky was black with AA bursts. Me and Redtail got caught in the AA fire as we began a left hand turn over the bomber stream. I was more nervous there than in combat against our Luftwaffe adversaries, I knew one direct hit could kill me or destroy my aircraft, leaving me trapped burn to death as she spiraled to the ground.

As we approached the RP a three-ship flight of 190s passed over the bomber stream, later reports of 109's came out from the 352nd FG. As the bombers began to turn south towards Brunswick, I spotted a large gaggle of 190's and 109's coming in from the bombers 3-to 4'O clock position. Over the R/T I heard reports of Check 6's  and calls of fighters coming in. The R/T was going crazy; I could hardly concentrate at first, as I followed Redtail in. As we rolled in I spotted a FW-190 A8 trying to sneak up on Red, I closed in to with 300 meters, before I began to pour short burst into his ship. He rolled down to the right missing a flap. I broke off being trailed by 2 190's. The 190's broke down and I followed them down to where Red was chewing up a 190 of his own (which turned out to be the one I shot up). We were about 12k chewing up some 190's and a few 109's. I pursued a 190 that I hit in the right wing, taking off a few pieces. When I heard from Bacon8tr (352nd FG pilot) "BFOOT 190 coming down on you with smash break right." I broke right and he chased me around. I kept looking behind me, when I saw tracer fire whiz past the cockpit, then behind the cockpit I heard a loud bang, followed by two other loud bangs on my left wing. I was jerking the plane left and right, I was rolling and reversing, but he was hot on my six. Then out of nowhere here came Redtail and Triton out of the sun, and blasted the 190 out of the sky.

I pulled up and I found Redtail and Triton, who had also found 80hd, Towerdog, and Rengde28. We vectored to meet the bombers and the fighters at Kassel, after the heavies hit the secondary target at Gotha. However, we dove in on several FW-190's and 109's who had just shot down a P-38. We dove in and I remained high for top cover. I noticed a 109 trying to drop in behind Red so I dove in and he never saw me coming. I opened up from about 350 meters, getting good hits in the engine cowling, the cockpit, and the belly of the K-4. He began to pour smoke, AV gas, and coolant as he tumbeled to the ground. I shot up another 109 K-4, and he sprung a radiator leak. During the fight a 109 shot down Redtail. The 109 began to pursue me, I called out over the R/T for help but all I heard was static from the R/T, I called out again and this time it was Badcore who helped me out. He dove on the 109, and he broke away and went vertical after Badcore. I came in grinning knowing that my opponent was about to stall out. As the 109 began to roll over, I hit him with my .50's and his plane was shredded and torn to pieces. Me and badcore climbed out as we headed to Holland, Gldnbb gave us cover for awhile but he banked away to help out in a fight. In the process I looked back to just casually check my six, and low and behold there was a 190 no less than 800 meters out. "BADCORE, BREAAAAKKK RIGHT NOWWW!" I called out over the R/T. Badcore avoided his horrendous cannon fire. Then I heard another frightening sound. BANG, BAANG; I was hit again. I was hit in the engine with an oil leak and I was missing my right flap. Badcore came back down and fought off the bastard as I limped to base. I put my mustang down on the runway and taxied to the hangar for picture and then shut her down.

I got four kills in the mission, and it was the most awesome experience I've had in Aces High it put me back in the seat of P-51 in 1944 dogfighting for my life. Here is what my P-51 looked like when the scenario was over.

Member of G3MF
III Gruppe, 8 Staffel, JG52, flying Black 12 (Kuban Scenario)

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Re: Your best ah stories
« Reply #89 on: June 26, 2013, 06:34:14 AM »
 :cheers: Couldn't see the picture of your 51 for some reason though.