What an odd way to 'lay the smack'...Usually that involves fighting, not ankle creeping, so why not come with his mates and challenge us in a squad duel? I heard that Jg52 (disbanded?) Was very superior to the few so that should be a formality, right?
I would be more than willing to squad duel your squad if any of us actively flew, or even 4 v 4 at that matter.
What is the worst that could possibly happen? You get bragging rights to the AH Community, unless of course your boyfriend/man friend is interested in the game. Then maybe you could brag to him while at work?
This is a game. Not a way of life. The fact that you are all so upset about the name being taken is sad itself. It is a name, who cares about a name in an online VIRTUAL game. It may be a way of life for some people but if this game is your "life" (Fester) then you need a serious re-evaluation.
AKAK, you are the biggest idiot in the history of idiots. I thought maybe Midway had you beat, but you are slowly creeping up the scale on the idiot meter. You are a joke, always has been and probably always will be. Your lame "trolling" isn't even trolling, haha. It is you attempting to be cool on a video game because in grade school you were the emo kid who sat alone at the lunch table with his action figures. I am sorry you weren't showed that you of importance as a child, I really am.
On this note, I am off the bbs for a bit. College stuff to tend to.
(30 bucks says AKAK counters my troll with the same lame troll he has been using for the past 3 pages)