I get 16 year old morons in my Honda motorcycle store everyday, reminds me a lot of the 16 year old moron in this thread. They know absolutely everything about everything. They have read every article they can find, they have been on internet boards and know everything about motorcycles, especially sportbikes. I walk them over to a 250 Honda sportbike and tell them this should be there first bike. They look at me like I'm an idiot and proceed to tell me "No way, I need a 1000cc bike". I tell them they are going to be paying about 800.00 a month for insurance for that bike, or 50.00 a month for the 250 I'm trying to talk to them about. The 1000 is $14,000.00 and the 250 is $4000.00. I get the same thing, "No way, it's going to have to be a 1000cc bike for me". I ask them what they are riding now. What their friends are riding now, it's always the same answer, "Nothing". I tell them that 250 which maybe you could convince your parents to buy for you is a lot better than riding your tennis shoes. Some of them come back, with their parents, and it looks like maybe, just maybe they might have the privilege of riding a bike. They of course show "Mom" the 1000cc. I show "Mom" the 250 and tell them, this is where your son should start, if you buy him the 1000cc bike, he will be dead in a week. It's always amazing to me to see these testosterone crazed 16 to 18 year old idiots choose nothing rather than get a 250cc and go out and have a ball riding it. Learn on it. Live long enough to get a faster bike later. I tell them "Girls never ever ask how big the engine is on the bike, they just want you to take them for a ride." They have no respect. They have no grasp of the laws of physics. They have no clue what a 200HP, 400 pound motorcycle can do, but they know if they get one they will be a world class motorcycle roadracer in about 90 days because, "I'm just naturally talented and I can do anything and I know everything and I don't need an old mans advise like yours". Yeah, I know, you aren't talking about bikes, your talking about trucks. Trucks you can't afford, trucks you cant insure, trucks you couldn't handle driving on your best day. See the parallel?
Skorpx, "It is better to keep your mouth shut and be thought a fool, then to open it, and remove all doubt".