no, its not a brag page, though I have put so much work into it. Between putting in new gardens, I also have a disabled wife, so being a carer, I am trying to find things to do. No I seem to have so much to do and surprisingly, leaning how to do a modern website has been a lot of fun. I make my own graphics, recolor photos, research data and just when I think I have it nailed, I learn something new and start another upgrade sequence. As such, I have something I want to put in my next upgrade since I found out about css. I used to design websites back in the 90's, so my first attempt in 2013 was dismal. Now I am learning all over again. I have put a forum up, so you can brag about how this game is better than the other 2 flight sims. I would love to hear from you in the forum. I am also planning new changes for my site again, to include something I thing is great. I figure a bit of a brag between the flight sims could be fun. Also, it is a place where new pilots might be able to join in.
I do hope to find some spare time to get back into the game, it looks so promising. I would love to get some screenshots so I can put up next months calendar. I have many from one other sim, but I would like to vary them.
Anyway, any feedback would be really helpful.