For years I've been a fan of Virtual Reality gear, it started in the mid-90's with the Forte VFX-1 headset. Believe it or not back then there was reasonable widespread support for games with stereoscopic 3D and head tracking.
Since then I've also owned an Emagin Z800 (nice) and a Vuzix VR1200 (horrible).
A really smart guy called Palmer Luckey posted some awesome ideas and eventually got a kickstarter project going. The outcome of that was the Oculus Rift VR headset.
What makes the Rift so special? Well the way he does it you get a very very wide field of view compared to older headsets. This makes the games far more immersive. He also did it cheap, us$300 compared to us$1800 for the emagin Z800! So yes I brought one as soon as I could.
The Rift includes a 1280x800 display, and 3 Axis head tracker (tracks Yaw, Pitch and Roll).
Note the the Rift is currently a kind of prototype, a Developers Kit (DK). In 2014 Oculus plan to release a higher definition model with 6 DoF head tracking (both head angle and position).
To use the Rift you need to modify games to 'warp' the display as well as make it steroscopic 3D. Games like Aces High do not do this natively. You also need to get the head tracking talking to the game somehow.
Fortunately there is a lot of community and commercial support coming out.
My Rift was purchased for one primary reason... Aces High. So over the last couple of months between work/fishing/ and hunting I've been tweaking and playing trying to get the perfect AH/Rift setup.
A Razer Hydra has also been added to my collection. This a dual "VR" controller that uses a magnetic base station to measure roll/pitch/yaw/x/y/z positional information from the two hand controllers. One of those controllers has ended up taped to my Rift to provide the positional X/Y/Z head information.
I use TriDef commercial drivers to 3D and 'warp' Aces High.
For headtracking I use OpenTrack (open source) which takes my Rift Yaw/Pitch/Roll and Hyra X/Y/Z data to feed as an emulated TrackIR/Freetrack to Aces High.
End result is I have a VR headset where I can look around, move my head, and see AH in beautiful stereoscopic 3D.
The link below is too a youtube video for a short session of play. Sorry the inset video is slightly out of sync, it's quite hard to get it just right. I also found FRAPS was smacking the framerate back a bit, normally there is zero lag/stutter. Excuse the video quality, it was taking ages to upload so I had to pull it back a bit.