Author Topic: Why, just why?  (Read 3178 times)

Offline Scca

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Re: Why, just why?
« Reply #15 on: November 19, 2013, 03:27:11 PM »
Why do you let it get to you?

Just because someone poses a question regarding the consequence's of a behavior in the game, doesn't mean they or their behavior are "getting to me".  I was just looking at one specific act that a new person, trying to learn the game, might see and decide "well if this is how the game is played, I will go back to <insert other game here>".  

All I want is a target rich environment, and if the community at large supports this type of behavior, and the game numbers dwindle, both you and I will have fewer targets.  I am not asking HTC to do anything about this, it's up to the player base to accept or reject players like that.    

off topic:  If an inquiry such as this "gets to you", perhaps you should restrict your responses to forum posts where you can add value.  
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Re: Why, just why?
« Reply #16 on: November 19, 2013, 03:47:03 PM »
Last night...

Are you serious?   2006, and this is the first you've seen a newb do this or anything like it?

Yea, there have been some mild to slightly more than mild behavioral shifts in game, there is a lot of hoing and picking going on. But this game is the same as it's always been all the way back to AW. Everyone who says different either weren't there or are over dramatizing the situation.

Half the guys saying different are comparing the game to it's peak, 5 or 6 years ago and blaming HOing and picking for the recessions crime.

And like akak said, why do you let it get to you? He's an easy kill and that's what your paying 15$ for right?

...might see and decide "well if this is how the game is played, I will go back to <insert other game here>". 

go back where? COD consol games? Yea, like that's so civilized. A newb to flight sims is not going to recognized that as bad behavior unless they're dummies that don't realize they didn't have to take off in the middle of a furball.
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Re: Why, just why?
« Reply #17 on: November 19, 2013, 03:48:40 PM »
Dont be afraid to PM them with friendly questions.  I've tossed around friendly salutes, etc, via PM.  I've even coached people not on my country via PM, most new players have no clue as to the learning curve or the "how to" in terms of vox, radio bar, chat bar, map functions, etc, etc.  You'd be surprised as to how much you can teach someone and help them in a matter of 10 minutes of PM's.  Likewise, helping with the game dynamics will help them get confidence and eventually a long term player.

I've noticed a high number of new players recently (not sure why), but I picked up one of the new members and have been helping him over the huge learning curve of the game. He apparent appreciates it because he said as soon as his trial expires that he is going to buy the game.

I love helping out the new guys whenever possible but I can't help everyone at one time. I know that last week the Knights had no less than 5 new guys on that were looking for help. One of them is still looking for help I think...

Offline SlidingHorn

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Re: Why, just why?
« Reply #18 on: November 19, 2013, 04:27:14 PM »
A noob's two cents:

I may not be the norm, but I made an effort to read up on the game, the planes, the arenas, and their etiquette.  Having done that, I feel that I'm learning faster by getting my arse shot off over and over in the MA.  That's not to say I don't pop into a TA when I do see people in there to keep in-range and keep the film, etc.

What I'm sure comes across as a downside of my kind doing their learning on the fly (see what I did there?  :uhoh) in the MAs to the more seasoned folks here is that:

1) I've on more than one occasion accidentally collided with someone I was trying to engage - which I know annoys people (after which I immediately PMed them apologizing, and letting them know I'm new & it was a mistake, etc.)  

2)  The "dreaded furball" is really my best chance to A. Have plenty of teammates to give me advice/ask them for it, B. Get into some of the basics of ACM, choosing targets, etc. while C. Attempting to improve what I think may be my weakest point - SA.  

That being said, I *do* - being well-read on the game, etiquette, etc - make a concerted effort to avoid HO, poaching a kill, vulching, etc.  I knew coming in that I was going to be an easy kill and that I'd spend more time with my chute open than in the air at times - I knew to not care about my score.  I've seen several new people come in who obviously haven't bothered to visit the forums, help docs, training site, etc. and it gets under my skin, too...all I can do without giving them a hard RTFM is politely suggest they visit the section they need, and point out that there's a vast wealth of material on the game that's really worth reading.

Overall, I guess the point is if there's a concerted effort to point these people in the right direction, and they keep hearing the same thing over and over from every person they encounter in the game, all we can do is hope that the message gets through.  Ultimately, I don't think we'll ever see an end to's an evil we'll have to continue to endure.  Until then, we can always send out a BOLO to our countrymen saying to pop these turds whenever they have an opportunity   :t

In the immortal words of Forrest Gump: "That's all I have to say about that."  :salute

EDIT:  HA!  "score-potatos" was originally score-[women of the night]...but I think I like potato better....
« Last Edit: November 19, 2013, 04:28:49 PM by SlidingHorn »
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Re: Why, just why?
« Reply #19 on: November 19, 2013, 04:44:26 PM »
A noob's two cents:

I may not be the norm, but I made an effort to read up on the game, the planes, the arenas, and their etiquette.  Having done that, I feel that I'm learning faster by getting my arse shot off over and over in the MA.  That's not to say I don't pop into a TA when I do see people in there to keep in-range and keep the film, etc.

What I'm sure comes across as a downside of my kind doing their learning on the fly (see what I did there?  :uhoh) in the MAs to the more seasoned folks here is that:

1) I've on more than one occasion accidentally collided with someone I was trying to engage - which I know annoys people (after which I immediately PMed them apologizing, and letting them know I'm new & it was a mistake, etc.)  

2)  The "dreaded furball" is really my best chance to A. Have plenty of teammates to give me advice/ask them for it, B. Get into some of the basics of ACM, choosing targets, etc. while C. Attempting to improve what I think may be my weakest point - SA.  

That being said, I *do* - being well-read on the game, etiquette, etc - make a concerted effort to avoid HO, poaching a kill, vulching, etc.  I knew coming in that I was going to be an easy kill and that I'd spend more time with my chute open than in the air at times - I knew to not care about my score.  I've seen several new people come in who obviously haven't bothered to visit the forums, help docs, training site, etc. and it gets under my skin, too...all I can do without giving them a hard RTFM is politely suggest they visit the section they need, and point out that there's a vast wealth of material on the game that's really worth reading.

Overall, I guess the point is if there's a concerted effort to point these people in the right direction, and they keep hearing the same thing over and over from every person they encounter in the game, all we can do is hope that the message gets through.  Ultimately, I don't think we'll ever see an end to's an evil we'll have to continue to endure.  Until then, we can always send out a BOLO to our countrymen saying to pop these turds whenever they have an opportunity   :t

In the immortal words of Forrest Gump: "That's all I have to say about that."  :salute

EDIT:  HA!  "score-potatos" was originally score-[women of the night]...but I think I like potato better....

My name is Changeup and I approve of this guy :aok
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Re: Why, just why?
« Reply #20 on: November 19, 2013, 04:46:47 PM »
My name is Changeup and I approve of this guy :aok

Seconded.  :aok

Sadly, we all know there are going to be those who deliberately choose to fly like score potatos, and noobs (we all know who they are).

Offline The Fugitive

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Re: Why, just why?
« Reply #21 on: November 19, 2013, 04:49:18 PM »
A noob's two cents:

I may not be the norm, but I made an effort to read up on the game, the planes, the arenas, and their etiquette.  Having done that, I feel that I'm learning faster by getting my arse shot off over and over in the MA.  That's not to say I don't pop into a TA when I do see people in there to keep in-range and keep the film, etc.

What I'm sure comes across as a downside of my kind doing their learning on the fly (see what I did there?  :uhoh) in the MAs to the more seasoned folks here is that:

1) I've on more than one occasion accidentally collided with someone I was trying to engage - which I know annoys people (after which I immediately PMed them apologizing, and letting them know I'm new & it was a mistake, etc.)  

2)  The "dreaded furball" is really my best chance to A. Have plenty of teammates to give me advice/ask them for it, B. Get into some of the basics of ACM, choosing targets, etc. while C. Attempting to improve what I think may be my weakest point - SA.  

That being said, I *do* - being well-read on the game, etiquette, etc - make a concerted effort to avoid HO, poaching a kill, vulching, etc.  I knew coming in that I was going to be an easy kill and that I'd spend more time with my chute open than in the air at times - I knew to not care about my score.  I've seen several new people come in who obviously haven't bothered to visit the forums, help docs, training site, etc. and it gets under my skin, too...all I can do without giving them a hard RTFM is politely suggest they visit the section they need, and point out that there's a vast wealth of material on the game that's really worth reading.

Overall, I guess the point is if there's a concerted effort to point these people in the right direction, and they keep hearing the same thing over and over from every person they encounter in the game, all we can do is hope that the message gets through.  Ultimately, I don't think we'll ever see an end to's an evil we'll have to continue to endure.  Until then, we can always send out a BOLO to our countrymen saying to pop these turds whenever they have an opportunity   :t

In the immortal words of Forrest Gump: "That's all I have to say about that."  :salute

EDIT:  HA!  "score-potatos" was originally score-[women of the night]...but I think I like potato better....

If 1-5 guys who join the game these days was like this guy I wouldn't have any worries about the future of this game! A BIG <S>

Unfortunately it's more like 1-50 from what I see. So many new and rookie (players with 6 month or less time in the game) haven't a clue as to whats available both in training, AND game play. Like a bunch of "lemmings" they blindly follow that behavior they see most often which is the HOin gangin and hording that is slowing becoming the norm.

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Re: Why, just why?
« Reply #22 on: November 19, 2013, 04:54:50 PM »
If 1-5 guys who join the game these days was like this guy I wouldn't have any worries about the future of this game! A BIG <S>

Unfortunately it's more like 1-50 from what I see. So many new and rookie (players with 6 month or less time in the game) haven't a clue as to whats available both in training, AND game play. Like a bunch of "lemmings" they blindly follow that behavior they see most often which is the HOin gangin and hording that is slowing becoming the norm.

The other 49 think they can OJT their name on the web site and quit when there is no way to buy 262s...this one...he might end up being dangerous.  He expended effort to first understand before he asked to be understood.   He wants to understand it all.

I declare him the Rookie of the Year.
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Re: Why, just why?
« Reply #23 on: November 19, 2013, 05:25:42 PM »
I'm glad that most players don't feel compelled to tell other players how they "should" be playing.  But there's always a few.

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Re: Why, just why?
« Reply #24 on: November 19, 2013, 05:50:07 PM »
I'm glad that most players don't feel compelled to tell other players how they "should" be playing.  But there's always a few.

I didn't see anyone telling anyone how to fly/play. I did see many ask why they do so tho.

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Re: Why, just why?
« Reply #25 on: November 19, 2013, 05:55:26 PM »
The Training room is pretty much worthless to a new player who isn't part of the community yet.

Think about it...  Say you run into a new guy, and he actually asks a question.  You tell him that he may want to visit the Training Arena to learn some things...

So, he logs out of the Main Arena and goes to the Training Arena...  Where he is by himself.  Nobody there to help him.

The TA is worthless when it is unstaffed.

Do the volunteer trainers staff it all these days?  I've been there a few times over the past few days, testing some joystick settings.  I haven't seen a single other pilot in there in the last few days.

I can't blame a new player for not spending time in the TA.  In fact, I would argue that he is better off in the Main where at least he MIGHT get an honest answer to a question.

I have believed for years that HTC seriously dropped the ball by not actually staffing the TA 24/7...  But that's water under the bridge by now.  

During the week you'll often find me and Morf in there around 9 central time.  I'm there every Tuesday and Wednesday night at least, sometimes more.  Morf is there more then me.

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Re: Why, just why?
« Reply #26 on: November 19, 2013, 05:56:46 PM »
During the week you'll often find me and Morf in there around 9 central time.  I'm there every Tuesday and Wednesday night at least, sometimes more.  Morf is there more then me.


Which makes anyone's time there very worthwhile.

"Such is the nature of war.  By protecting others, you save yourself."

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Re: Why, just why?
« Reply #27 on: November 19, 2013, 06:22:26 PM »
I didn't see anyone telling anyone how to fly/play. I did see many ask why they do so tho.

Did you miss the comment about the community rejecting players?

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Re: Why, just why?
« Reply #28 on: November 19, 2013, 06:24:20 PM »
Which makes anyone's time there very worthwhile.



Try to give Morf a break sometimes though so we can get him up with the squad on Tuesdays.   :aok

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Re: Why, just why?
« Reply #29 on: November 19, 2013, 06:55:32 PM »
Morf's a great guy. Outstanding member of the community.  One who gets' it.  What the community needs.

There are many more who will help when asked.

Yep......rookie of the year SlidingHorn.  He gets it!
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