13 minutes, you can land on your vbase.
I want airspawns over the factories as well, for "instant action" in bombers. Oh, and airspawns 10k over enemy runways for "instant action" in fighters as well. And why can't I land there, have to fly all that boring way back...
Well ... really... if you land at at a v=base you should have to drive a vehicle back but of course not you are INSTANTLY transferred back to your air base unless you want to GV of course...
I would like air plane factories to bomb, I would up my B-29's and go mow the yard, take out the trash, go to the store, have a bike ride, eat something, drink a couple beers, take a leak, sit down AHHH..... just in time to get in position for my run at the spit factory, Just like you you on the straits
... God knows what I would get done on the way back
... I would prolly need a short nap tho... and take the dog out to play then start preparing my supper, Land... sit down and eat. Perfect day!
But alas none of this is part of my wish... My wish....Being able to up a few planes at a gv base would alot of fun.