I have a question which I would like to hear you guys comments on! While enjoying a round of golf one day, a gentleman on my cart with me had an I pad. Out of curiosity I asked if I could try something and he handed me his device. In 20 seconds or less, I was on the Aces High web site! Now what is to keep someone from using an I pad or smart phone, paying the 14.95 a month and monitoring which ever country he would like to?
Is this something that is a problem or going to be? If not, please advise me! A lot of guys are getting frustrated with the game because of un-explained goon kills, bombers flying straight to a CV and a host of other things.
I am raising this point because I don't want anything to disrupt this great game!
I was on coms during said convo. Dam near blew my cool when being insulted for disagreeing with all the supposed spy methods.
Guncrashers link is quite illuminating.
Any group can set up a 3rd party com system. ie teamspeak
If someone is rich enough to buy a 2nd and 3rd account, use multiple machines in order to gain an advantage, his loss of money, time and class.
There are many gripes to be had if that's where you want to go. Unlimited jets, bar dar, mission planners who scream join my mission with 10min and less warning, internet latency, hackers, yada yada. I say have fun, enjoy yourself to the fullest and play to your hearts content.
AH is a war simulator, all the things that happened in real war, happen in AH. Just be glad you can die over and over again, kill, kill, killll.
One day the game will be gone and we will miss even the BS. I was in flight, in FA, when the plug was pulled. Felt like an infant who just had his bottle taken away.
Enjoy to the fullest, nothing else like it!