I've been flying the P38L for attack missions as of late. Nice plane for sure. It has a great advantage in that after you drop ordnance you can climb out fairly well and fly CAP. Those nose cannons are nice too! Since I don't fly to many cannon planes it really impresses that you can knock another plane out of the sky so fast. The speed isn't so bad either. Better than I thought after shooting down so many in an f4U-1a. I guess the mindset you must have in a P38L is if someone is over you, you best get ready for the fight.
Speaking of over you, I've gotten quite a few kills in the 38 when the enemy is languishing higher simply by just pointing the nose upward. That's way better than the F4U-1a. The downside is diving. It will compress, there's things you can do though to avoid the dreaded compression.
One last cool thing is you can helicopter that bad boy in for a landing. Heck it should be perked for it's landing ability alone.