I will reserve judgement on this video until my boy Kruel does a full analysis of the raw AH film and transcribes every interaction between INK and Skyjr in the last 90 days.
Not needed, as Skyyr posted this video to display how INK complains about HOing yet, he was the one that initiated it, clearly shown in the video, it doesn't take much skill to HO and the purpose of the video wasn't to show that. I believe the purpose was to show hypocrisy, as the one with a "fighting spirit" he could have easily avoided the HO and rolled around on Skyyr blind folded.

Your feeble attempts to troll the same point over and over only demonstrates your lack of maturity and open-mindedness, too bad your skill at trolling doesn't directly translate to your skill behind the stick, all you can really do is ride the coat tails of (fallacious) claims by Dolby, which I am sure he is going to hang on to for a very long time, it will keep him warm during the cold lonely nights...he will be sure to pull it out a year from now only to demonstrate his accomplishment!

"Remember when I did this guys! Man, those were the days!".
Yet for all your attempts at trolling, I still haven't seen you step up to the plate and challenge anyone to DA (much less Skyyr). I mean wouldn't you want a video of your own to show off! At least everyone will know that it wasn't friendly/training, and we will know that it will wind up on YouTube, right?

Not sure why people keep derailing the topic at hand..we are talking about Scoring here...I am not saying my ideas are the best ideas..I only mean to bring up meaningful and constructive conversation in regards to how easily the scoring system can be "gamed". Its sad that its actually almost accepted "Those who will game the game will game it." Scoring is about objectivity, as a new player, the scoring system is a bit confusing and convoluted, if HTC wants attract (and keep) players, I think the Scoring system is one of those things that need to be clear, simple and objective.
So, does anyone have any better ideas? I am interested in reading if there is anyway to make the game better.