« Reply #200 on: August 18, 2014, 10:05:20 AM »
8 years ago I would have never thought this day would come but I have decided to cancel my account for AH2.
When I started playing this game 8+ years ago my only goal was to learn the art of aerial combat, fight everyone and everything, and try to become one of the best fighter pilots in the game. That is the only reason I play this game - for the fights. I do not care about the war. I do not care about the perks. I do not care about getting kills or landing them. I do not care about the chess piece loyalty. I do not care about bombing or gving. I do not care about score. Other people do play this game for those reasons or other reasons, and that's fine but for me it was, has been, and always will be about the fight. These past 2 or 3 years though I have been noticing a severe decline in fights in the MA. These past few months they have almost become non-existent. The last 6 months I have gotten into very few decent fights, most of which have been the result of me having to ask on channel 200 if anyone wants to fight and getting a reply from a close friend in the game. The vast majority of my sorties (I'd say around 98% of them) involve me upping towards a red dar bar, merging with someone, and watching them dive straight to the deck and run to ack. I break off, look for another target, and repeat the same process until I either run out of fuel or bail out from boredom. Heck, I even had one guy PM me asking why I wouldn't fight him! And by fight him he meant "why won't you follow me into my base ack?" This is not what I'm pay $15 a month for.
Biggest <S> to everyone in Aces High 2! You have all been some of the most awesome people I have ever met in my life. I have made so many really good friends from this game from all over the world! I'll still be lurking around the BBS a bit but Latrobe in the MA is no more. If the fighter pilot spirit ever returns to AH2 then maybe I'll make a comeback to the game. Otherwise I don't think I'll be making a return any time in the near future.
Again massive
and farewell my friends. 

one of many reasons why my wings sit on a my floor right now. I have not flown in some time. and I cant say I have the itch yet.
you can never leave, you can always take very long extended breaks bud.

my friend as I shall see you again some day when I decided to come back

Former LTARkilz
R.I.P 68KO, TailSpin, Maj1Shot, Prop31st, SWfire, rodders, Vega, easy8, 11Bravo, AWMac, GMC31st, Stoliman, WWhiskey