Author Topic: <S> Violator - Thanks Very Much For the Beatdown  (Read 7850 times)

Offline Skyyr

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Re: <S> Violator - Thanks Very Much For the Beatdown
« Reply #15 on: August 14, 2014, 11:17:06 AM »
^ Still afraid to DA me

Get ready for more forum BS

I was just pissed that you didn't die. And was angry about the collision, which only hurt me, after you were already weak.

A 190d can easily run away from a G2, which you did at first. I had to pull off in which you turned back. The 190D has substantial excel than a G2. Therefore, it put you in a BnZ style mode. After about 6 reversals and hitting you a few times, I messed up on the last one( was trying something) and of course my wing comes off after 2 pings from 600 in the dive. That's why I was mad. It wasn't really a direct attack at you.

Wait, wait, wait.

So I ran from you? Oh this is going to be fun - you realize I filmed the entirety of both sorties, correct? In the first fight (when I flew the D9), I was behind you, albeit lower, 4.5-4k out. You turned back, with both altitude and airspeed. I pulled inside your turn circle, with you still being faster, and you overshot. You bled the majority of your E off trying to get on my six. Knowing that you had given up all of your advantage, I extended 1.5k (yes, an unimagineable 1.5k) and went vertical.

Regarding the collision - YOU collided with ME trying to get an overshoot (note, once again, that I did not collide with you). Quit crying because you made two poor decisions that resulted in your death.

You had alt, you had airspeed, you had position... you died.

As far as the other fights go, I don't really care. I had been getting BnZed and ganged all night long. Most of the fights were uneven from both sides.  The time you got half my wing I was seriously in trouble with that KI to begin with and had to attempt a rope. I had him but then you had more E so I had to climb even more and didn't get to shoot him. Then I was in a roll around with the Ki for a while, and then you came in and plucked half my wing. Bad SA on my part for sure, but I really wanted that damn KI and I thought you and triton were fighting so I wasn't looking.

I just was not in a very good mood in the MA last night.

Oh, the "other fights"? You mean the one where we met co-alt, I gained an energy advantage and you dove to the deck? That same fight where I then got jumped by an LA-7, an LA-5, a Spit, and a 109K-4 (Triton28), while you climbed back out? That same fight where you and Triton then tried to follow me 2v1 to gang me?

Oh yes, THAT fight. The fight you claimed you were "ganged" in when in reality it was a 2v1, where a single friendly came in, making it 2v2... and you still died.

You also failed to mention you dropped profanities on 200, yelling about how pissed you were because YOU got yourself killed in a 1v1 and then a 2v1 turned 2v2.

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Re: <S> Violator - Thanks Very Much For the Beatdown
« Reply #16 on: August 14, 2014, 11:25:58 AM »
Shade griefing must be such fun, lol.  Makes me wonder who that lone spit was flying behind us during our 5 on 5 and why you guys didn't complain anymore than you did.  Interesting question since he didn't up until the final two fights.

Here goes another thread.

The Spit was Budda7.  I've seen him in the DA before....a giant jerk....I'm fairly certain he's a shade and I'm also fairly certain I know who he really is.

He is in no way associated with us, anymore than the other con who showed during the earlier matches on our side was associated with you guys i.e. I assumed then (and still do) that your group wouldn't resort to tricks like that. 

Extend the same courtesy if you please. 

Thanks.  :salute
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Re: <S> Violator - Thanks Very Much For the Beatdown
« Reply #17 on: August 14, 2014, 11:32:12 AM »
Here goes another thread.

The Spit was Budda7.  I've seen him in the DA before....a giant jerk....I'm fairly certain he's a shade and I'm also fairly certain I know who he really is.

He is in no way associated with us, anymore than the other con who showed during the earlier matches on our side was associated with you guys i.e. I assumed then (and still do) that your group wouldn't resort to tricks like that. 

Extend the same courtesy if you please. 

Thanks.  :salute

Very well
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Re: <S> Violator - Thanks Very Much For the Beatdown
« Reply #18 on: August 14, 2014, 11:35:30 AM »
lol... Skyher typed my name. 

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Offline DmonSlyr

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Re: <S> Violator - Thanks Very Much For the Beatdown
« Reply #19 on: August 14, 2014, 11:42:08 AM »
Wait, wait, wait.

So I ran from you? Oh this is going to be fun - you realize I filmed the entirety of both sorties, correct? In the first fight (when I flew the D9), I was behind you, albeit lower, 4.5-4k out. You turned back, with both altitude and airspeed. I pulled inside your turn circle, with you still being faster, and you overshot. You bled the majority of your E off trying to get on my six. Knowing that you had given up all of your advantage, I extended 1.5k (yes, an unimagineable 1.5k) and went vertical.

Regarding the collision - YOU collided with ME trying to get an overshoot (note, once again, that I did not collide with you). Quit crying because you made two poor decisions that resulted in your death.

You had alt, you had airspeed, you had position... you died.

Oh, the "other fights"? You mean the one where we met co-alt, I gained an energy advantage and you dove to the deck? That same fight where I then got jumped by an LA-7, an LA-5, a Spit, and a 109K-4 (Triton28), while you climbed back out? That same fight where you and Triton then tried to follow me 2v1 to gang me?

Oh yes, THAT fight. The fight you claimed you were "ganged" in when in reality it was a 2v1, where a single friendly came in, making it 2v2... and you still died.

You also failed to mention you dropped profanities on 200, yelling about how pissed you were because YOU got yourself killed in a 1v1 and then a 2v1 turned 2v2.

This concludes ladies and gentleman that Skyrr is officially the best pilot in the game.

I'm not gonna have a circle jerk arguement with you.

This was suppose to be about how Vraciu was happy that he learned a few things and we had a good time.

Not you coming in here with your, I'm better than Violator cause I killed him in the MA and he was mad, banter BS.

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Re: <S> Violator - Thanks Very Much For the Beatdown
« Reply #20 on: August 14, 2014, 12:22:59 PM »
It appears that someone is picking up the mantle dropped by Midway and running with it.  All we need now is the "can pwn 95% of the players" comment to solidify the transfer of power.

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Offline GhostCDB

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Re: <S> Violator - Thanks Very Much For the Beatdown
« Reply #21 on: August 14, 2014, 12:56:21 PM »
Skyyr why don't you just DA Violator. If you win, you win. . .If you lose, you lose.

It is OKAY to admit you aren't the best in the game, cause you aren't. I am sorry if you take this derogative but it is the truth.
That doesn't mean I am saying you aren't a decent cartoon pilot, cause you are DECENT...Nothing more nothing less.

These "I am better than you" arguments can be settled with a SINGLE trip to the DA. Best of 5, same plane, same fuel, cold merge, deck merges, no front quarter non-sense you love to say, no HO's. . . pure dogfighting and pure gun solutions no iffy stuff. If you want clarity of the duel, POST IT so the AH community can light your gasoline.

Instead of sitting around chest thumping on the BBS which isn't proving anything except who can sound the toughest over the internet, take it out in the game. The arguments on the boards are sooooo pointless.

You really are starting to sound a lot like Midway, thinking you are some AH Demi-God that can beat just about anybody in the game. Maybe in Fighter Ace they deemed you Demi-God of the year a few times but this is Aces High.

No disrespect meant at all, but the solution is simple. Either DA or shut up.

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Offline nrshida

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Re: <S> Violator - Thanks Very Much For the Beatdown
« Reply #22 on: August 14, 2014, 01:02:50 PM »
Oh not another thread 
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Offline Skyyr

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Re: <S> Violator - Thanks Very Much For the Beatdown
« Reply #23 on: August 14, 2014, 01:16:16 PM »

. . .

You see, therein lies the irony. I never claimed to be better than Violator. On the contrary, I was tabbed out of game, halfway doing something else when he chose to engage me, lost, and then dropped the F-bomb on 200. Not only that, but he then accused me of not being able to handle him when he engaged me. That, my friend, is hypocrisy.

When we met a second time, he ultimately dove to the deck for cover, then attempted to gang me 2v1. But what did he post here? He claimed I ganged him. Yet again, hypocrisy.

I come here, type a simple emoticon that only he (and those were present) would get, in jest, and he attempts to berate and insult... when the only reason he lost was himself. Oh, but I forgot - facts don't matter. You can act any way you want, as long as you come back here and play the victim, claiming that the guy who you tried to beat with an advantage is too scared to fight you.  :lol

And I filmed it all, as proof, because I had a feeling it would come back up.

Hey Pot, meet Kettle...
« Last Edit: August 14, 2014, 01:32:11 PM by Skyyr »

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nrshida: "I almost beat Skyyr after he took a 6 year break!"
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vs Shane: 30-11

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Offline Randy1

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Re: <S> Violator - Thanks Very Much For the Beatdown
« Reply #24 on: August 14, 2014, 01:18:12 PM »
Skyvr let Vraciu and Violator have their thread back.

Offline Skyyr

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Re: <S> Violator - Thanks Very Much For the Beatdown
« Reply #25 on: August 14, 2014, 01:21:23 PM »
Oh not another thread  (Image removed from quote.)

Actually, my killing of Violator is what caused Violator to go to the DA and fight Vraciu, so it's coincidentally relevant.
« Last Edit: August 14, 2014, 01:28:22 PM by Skyyr »

166 - 190
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218 - 220
286 - 287
290 - 296

nrshida: "I almost beat Skyyr after he took a 6 year break!"
A few moments later...

vs Shane: 30-11

KOTH Wins: 6, Egos Broken: 1000+

Mmmmm... tears.

Offline Randy1

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Re: <S> Violator - Thanks Very Much For the Beatdown
« Reply #26 on: August 14, 2014, 01:37:38 PM »
Real good films Latrobe.  Interesting how well you both conserved E instead of trying for a low percentage quick kill.

Thanks for taking the time to post them.  Well worth a watch.

Offline DmonSlyr

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Re: <S> Violator - Thanks Very Much For the Beatdown
« Reply #27 on: August 14, 2014, 01:38:54 PM »
Actually, my killing of Violator is what caused Violator to rage and go to the DA and fight Vraciu, so it's coincidentally relevant.

It wasn't just you, I was having a terrible night in the MA.
You can't even say I had any advantage given the fact that your planes could easily out climb and use a major E advantage over mine. The first fight I didnt have the advantage because you obviously had the ability to "extend away". In both of the fights you resorted to BnZ in a plane that obviously had a much more powerful engine. You should have died the first fight anyway. The second time you had more E and alt in a 109k4 where I was in a G2. So again I had to resort to defensive tactics to your BnZ approach and you still couldn't kill me. Honestly, if it werent for my teammates scaring you off, I still would have beat you in the defensive.

Congrats though, you're 1 of (everyone in the game) that has had the opportunity to shoot me down. You don't have to brag about it. I die a lot because of the planes I fly that actually give me a challenge.  

You and everyone else knows that I sometimes get pissed, especially when the person I'm fighting doesn't die when I hit them 40 times.  

Either DA me or get out of here.

« Last Edit: August 14, 2014, 01:44:33 PM by DmonSlyr »
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Offline Skyyr

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Re: <S> Violator - Thanks Very Much For the Beatdown
« Reply #28 on: August 14, 2014, 01:41:51 PM »
You can't even say I had any advantage given the fact that your planes could easily out climb and use a major E advantage over mine.

Ah yes, because the fact that you had more E and alt at the time of engagement is irrelevant. All that matters is that I had a plane that was capable of going faster (the fact that it was slower when you dove on me is inconsequential).  :rofl

In both of the fights you resorted to BnZ in a plane that obviously had a much more powerful engine.

I "resorted" to BnZ in a Dora?  :rofl

I still would have beat you in the defensive.

Because that's exactly what happened the two times you went defensive. Oh, wait... no it wasn't. :rofl

I can beat you in any plane.

Except obviously in what you were flying last night.   :rofl
« Last Edit: August 14, 2014, 01:49:26 PM by Skyyr »

166 - 190
198 - 204
218 - 220
286 - 287
290 - 296

nrshida: "I almost beat Skyyr after he took a 6 year break!"
A few moments later...

vs Shane: 30-11

KOTH Wins: 6, Egos Broken: 1000+

Mmmmm... tears.

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Re: <S> Violator - Thanks Very Much For the Beatdown
« Reply #29 on: August 14, 2014, 01:47:53 PM »
Either DA me or get out of here.

Good luck with that.  The odds aren't in his favor so he will ignore it
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