Why don't you and your cohorts simply start a web sight to tell the world you are bored with the game play? Otherwise, why are you and your cohorts repeating it at HiTech as many times as you can get away with it? Eventually it goes beyond registering a complaint when it becomes a community HiTech trashing party for not listening to you and your cohorts.
Why are you continuing to complain in an open forum you know potential new customers can read? Continuing to complain is driving down a rabbit hole that will leave you and those driving with you damaged goods, and habituated to complaining, and predisposed to never being satisfied with HiTech. Eventually the complaining becomes the emotional reward at HiTech's expense anytime you need a pickup, or you have a bad time in the MA or these forums.
There is now nothing to gain, other than what appears to be an addiction to the complaining. The only other reward, is getting away with being able to trash HiTech. And in his own house, because you are unhappy with him not answering you and your like minded cohorts. Or changing his creation to suit your needs because you have registered a complaint.
"I am bored with the gameplay!"
So because you and probably your cohorts are bored, you are going to help drive away customers. Until you get what you want from HiTech by complaining long after it had some meaning. Wow!!
If this were on television, I would think WT was paying you guys for this.
I don't think Hitech and crew play the game like they use to. This game, while basically the same game that it has always been with great and continuing updates is PLAYED vastly different than it use to be. I say that because when we had the issues were 8-10 missions/attacks were NOE people complained for a while and nothing happened. Then one Monday morning radar was changed and slammed to the ground. You couldn't go wheels up with out showing a dar bar. My guess is that the Sunday night before that morning Hitech jumped in the game for a few fights... maybe his wife was at the baby shower and he had some down time

He logged in and couldn't catch up to the fights as the horde was playing "wack a mole" hiding under the dar.
We make these post to help inform HTC of issues we see, that they may not. I know if I was coading a game for 12 hours a day 6 days a week the last thing I'd be doing is playing it when I got home.
Personally I try to point out that I still love the game.....it's the only one I play. I have been here over 11 YEARS playing this game. I'm not trying to "trash" the game, I'm trying to help keep it going and make it better. It's too bad HTC can't/won't take the time to to try to keep the player base informed. Little tid-bits like that change they may be doing to the kneeboard to let you know if it is safe to land your GV or not, could go a long way in keeping players holding on. Someone posts and idea and someone from HTC posts back "we will look into it", or "it won't work because....".
Most of these threads start out with good intentions. If they got a comment from HTC soon enough less of them would turn sour.