What are you going to do when they don't pull too much G, don't black out, effectively use their lift vector/turn radius and follow you through and maintain relative position on you? How can you tell from your cockpit that the pilot behind you is blacked out?
Well it would depend on how sharply you can peform the maneuver, their planes (to an extent), and how high you are. At high alts if I were to do this in a p47 vs a spitfire, I'd attempt to dive down further to hopefully extend away and attempt a BRD at a faster speed that I know they will black out and I can maybe pull out a shot.
If the enemy plane is semi equal to my turn abilities even if he does slow down, the guy in front dictates the fight, so the plane behind reacts a second slower, he will be planning that my plane is going to go up. In that since he still will not have a visual because he will be leading for a shot. I can point my nose back down and rudder turn in a direction he cannot see under his nose. Then I can force a scissors while he is searching for me. Or you do everything you can to stay under their nose and hope for the overshoot and try to work the position into BRD. The better turning the plane my enemy has, the harder I perform the maneuver, judging on their initial speed and whether they are cutting throttle or not.
I just have a feel for when I know a plane is gonna black out from Gs. I highly use these evasives to my advantage flying defensively in the MA. And it happens so quickly that many MAers don't ever see it coming.
At low alts, you can even get a plane to auger doing this move but it is risky and can cause you to wing over in the ground as well. It is a great maneuver to escape those pesky BnZers and to set up defensive traps.