Author Topic: Support Aces High  (Read 9403 times)

Offline toddbobe

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Re: Support Aces High
« Reply #180 on: December 24, 2014, 12:53:11 AM »
My idea to get the numbers up.... go to where the people (that share our interest) are... there are many war museums and airshows around the country. Have free disks sitting on the counter when they buy something at the gift shop or a booth at a show... Granted a booth may be expensive but a box of free disks is cheap.
That's my $.02 worth.

Offline Chilli

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Re: Support Aces High
« Reply #181 on: December 24, 2014, 04:16:46 AM »

I think they have that portion of the business taken care of (won't quote the post of HiTech saying just that about doing airshows in the past).  I much rather have HiTech sitting behind his desk, and making the daily decisions that run his business.  At this point, a public relations team could offer him advice, but I believe that he most likely knows way more than they do about this industry. 

He has made some very smart moves to get where he is, and although I don't agree with every decision he makes (and probably some of the same ones that you hear from others), it is his decision to make and he does not have to square it with me why.  I, on the other hand, am responsible for my own happiness.  I suggest that we all take the time to enjoy our friendships and connections while they last, even if it is not playing AH.

A funny thought:  I spend so much time reading posts and responding, I wonder if HiTech closed the BBs for a week would the numbers go up.  :rofl
« Last Edit: December 24, 2014, 04:20:26 AM by Chilli »

Offline Letalis

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Re: Support Aces High
« Reply #182 on: December 24, 2014, 07:18:17 AM »
Been away last 14 mos after playing off/on >3yrs.  Find myself on mids and check out forums.  Forum topic was predictable:  "how to save the game."
This game remains THE best entertainment experience I've had to date, so this worthwhile thread gets my 2 cents.  

There are two competing interests here:  the aforementioned ROI and the "value to player" factor which is highly subjective.  I doubt many left playing would still be playing were it not for the many good dudes/social aspects of this game.  That said, social factors should not be a primary reason to fly a flight sim.  Having played 3+ yrs I had explored pretty much everything in-game that I had an interest in exploring.  There were a few months when I didn't play but kept the sub going because it felt like the right thing to do somehow.  Hundreds of dollars for any form of electronic gaming is a tough sell.  The gaming market in general is becoming ever more saturated and fragmented over time (looking at you smart phones), perhaps at a rate greater than the available player bases.  That said, there's plenty here to work with.



1.  Pay once. People these days apparently have little issue with dropping 60 bucks on a game.  This game even in its current "low player count" state is a steal for 30.  Allow players to purchase once, play indefinitely.  No more worrying about losing players to subscription fees, less player attrition, more players in MA over time.  I'd still be firing up the game now and then if this were the case.  This approach has been used before with games such as Guild Wars but not sure how successful it was as a model relative to WoW.  

2.  Look into the feasibility/ROI of harnessing services such as Amazon, Steam and Gamefly to increase the player base - the product is competitive.  Obviously both these entities take quite a share, but if this can be offset with volume the downside is mitigated.

3.  Allow in-game advertisements from third parties while in game menus/tower.  Obviously this affects immersion but helps the bottom line/offsets the cost of own advertising.  Billboards make money.      

4.  Don't take credit card info up front - that is a turn-off.  Make people enter it only when free trial ends.

5. Drop regular sub cost to $5 for new players if that model must be kept.  The $5/mo threshold is where I'd personally come back and where people would start figuring "hey, I spend $60 on games anyway, this is better!"  Obviously this will rather tick off existing players but can be offset by allowing players with 5yrs + to play for free.  This latter group is likely rather small already contributing significantly more to the AH community (Del/Greebo/Lusche/Waystin etc etc) than their sub fees.

6.  Find/partner with some investors.  If you can offer someone an 7-8% return on 40k in order to hire a new programmer to do project X in 12 mos vs the 36 mos it would have otherwise taken, everyone can win.


1.  The primary gripes I ran into when trying to hook others on this game were as follows:
A:  "The graphics aren't that great"  ... to which I said "give it time."  Problem solved.
B:  "It takes me 15 minutes to get anywhere and I die in 2!" which I said "give it time." Problem not solved.
C:  "Is there any goal other than winning the war?  Does anything carry over?...To which I said "Depends what you're playing for" and "no."

A:  I don't see graphics as a true make or break item, provided someone gives the game the time of day.  When I first installed I took one look around tower/hangar and uninstalled within 15 mins. Later came back over a year later out of boredom and had epiphany.  Graphics provide that initial first impression which answers the question "am I getting enough for what I'm paying."

B:  Coaches are fine, but the inclusion of a tutorial system explaining flight and gameplay mechanics will be more accessible and do a better job of giving players a good understanding of the game in that critical "noob" state.

C:  Achievements were a step in the right direction, need a true pilot log/trophy case for continuity. Adding a medals chest a la the old X-Wing/Freespace games would be a quick means of at least partially satisfying those who stay for that kind of thing. Need more stats available for reference in-game.  I love the web page K/D stats broken down by airplane but it would be awesome to have that available via in-game browser to include damage done stats for each plane, against whom etc.

2.  Players need a sense of belonging/protection earlier in their game experience.  Can you blame someone for not staying past their 2 free weeks when they die and then get called "stupid noob?"  Established squads care about keeping the game going.  When someone is on their trial, add the prefix "FNG" to whatever callsign they select for themselves and assign them to a squadron via a screen that says "Congratulation!  You've been assigned to Squad X!"  Each squaddie on at that point in time gets a notification that there's a noob on who might need some pointers/protection and the community takes it from there.  No more being a lone, abused noob for months on end till you quit or happen to get invited to a squad.  When the person starts paying or passes an hours played threshold, they lose the "FNG" label/highlight.

3.  In the same vein as #2, there should be more easy customization options such as in-game flair where reaching a certain achievement threshold allows you to place your online squadron patch and/or a personal emblem on an aircraft.

4.  Improve the look of the hangar/tower.  Also add some some  form of transition between death and tower.  An external view of your plane spiraling to its doom, a zoom-in stillshot of the other guy's airplane with his name, a bunch of clouds with angels and harps with pretty music, something.  These are little touches that have been missing which always struck me as a little "cheap."

Obviously been gone awhile and obviously not privy to the books so not sure how valid any of the above is at this point, but the point is this game rocks and I hope it stays around.   :salute
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Offline Kazaa

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Re: Support Aces High
« Reply #183 on: December 24, 2014, 08:30:54 AM »
Didn't read the whole thread but I hope O.P knows that Papyrus became They're now making one of the most sophisticated racing simulation on the market (iRacing). They've been able to make bank without diluting their product to appeal to the masses.

A company called Kunos Simulazioni, a company known for developing high end driving simulation software, are currently developing a racing simulation with the goal to appeal to the masses, they're making huge waves in that particular genre right now.

Both companies are indi developers, just like HTC.
« Last Edit: December 24, 2014, 09:54:39 AM by Kazaa »

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Offline Wilbus

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Re: Support Aces High
« Reply #184 on: December 24, 2014, 09:50:07 AM »
Hajo likewise old friend! I wasn't sure you were still here!  Happy holidays! :salute

Brooke, it sounds like a great start to my AH return so I will surely sign up, just need to start an account after the holidays and get some rust of my stick!
« Last Edit: December 24, 2014, 10:05:29 AM by Wilbus »
Rasmus "Wilbus" Mattsson

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Re: Support Aces High
« Reply #185 on: December 24, 2014, 09:57:38 AM »

Gman, weird, sorry I missed your post! This thread was moving so fast I might have missed more but just found the first one where you replied to me (amongst others). Glad to see you're still here as well as many others!

And yes, I do believe one of the photos of me became almost legendary  :eek:I can't quite remember which one though but I do have a hunch!  :lol
Rasmus "Wilbus" Mattsson

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Offline BaldEagl

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Re: Support Aces High
« Reply #186 on: December 24, 2014, 10:35:45 AM »
Didn't read the whole thread but I hope O.P knows that Papyrus became They're now making one of the most sophisticated racing simulation on the market (iRacing). They've been able to make bank without diluting their product to appeal to the masses.

A company called Kunos Simulazioni, a company known for developing high end driving simulation software, are currently developing a racing simulation with the goal to appeal to the masses, they're making huge waves in that particular genre right now.

Both companies are indi developers, just like HTC.

Well that depends on what you want to call independent.  iRacing was backed by John Henry:

John William Henry II (born September 13, 1949) is an American businessman and investor. He founded John W. Henry & Company (JWH). He is the principal owner of the The Boston Globe, Boston Red Sox and Liverpool Football Club, and co-owner of Roush Fenway Racing. In March 2006, Boston Magazine estimated Henry's net worth at $1.1 billion
I edit a lot of my posts.  Get used to it.

Offline CAV

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Re: Support Aces High
« Reply #187 on: December 24, 2014, 10:56:25 AM »
John William Henry II (born September 13, 1949) is an American businessman and investor. He founded John W. Henry & Company (JWH). He is the principal owner of the The Boston Globe, Boston Red Sox and Liverpool Football Club, and co-owner of Roush Fenway Racing. In March 2006, Boston Magazine estimated Henry's net worth at $1.1 billion

Anyone know if he likes flight sims?..............

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Offline jimson

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Re: Support Aces High
« Reply #188 on: December 24, 2014, 11:01:46 AM »
I support the game too as I slowly get my gaming setup back in place. Though I haven't played for months I am excited and intend to be part of the future here.

Offline DmonSlyr

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Re: Support Aces High
« Reply #189 on: December 24, 2014, 11:21:56 AM »
Okay, you may not like this but I got some stone cold theory for ya Hitech.

If the key is to get more players to sign up for the $15 a month and you think players won't stick around for too long, but if you can get thousands of new players to sign up for at least one month than you'll be okay. Here is the solution.

Open the F2P H2H servers like you use to have. Except limit the plane/tank choices and ordenance. Roughly the same amount of players will stay in the MA. What will happen is that people will get curious about the "big MA" with allthe planes/tanks, all the ord, and still keep the eny and perk count. It gives them an incentive to try out the MA and pay that 15$ for the month. Those that sign up will get hooked.

It gives people a chance to play and learn the game with limited aspects to the game and limited planes to which they can start learning. The MA will have its superiority presence as being the "next step up". This way you get tons and tons of new players to check out the game. Those who cannot afford the game still get to play and be apart of it. And you consider that some of those people will eventually sign up for the " more fun and bigger ranked" MA for at least one month.

There will always be those players who play for free, and always be those who will pay. But the majority of people who pay will stick around, while new members will sign up for that month and get hooked. There has to be a greater incentive to attract players and I think this is your best bet. The F2p gaming is taking over so you have to compete by giving people a chance to enjoy and get into the game. People will pay for greater incentives and more to do, so they will sign up at least for one month to check out all the hype.

Here is your new attraction.

Any thoughts?

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Offline Ack-Ack

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Re: Support Aces High
« Reply #190 on: December 24, 2014, 12:34:48 PM »
Well that depends on what you want to call independent.  iRacing was backed by John Henry:

John William Henry II (born September 13, 1949) is an American businessman and investor. He founded John W. Henry & Company (JWH). He is the principal owner of the The Boston Globe, Boston Red Sox and Liverpool Football Club, and co-owner of Roush Fenway Racing. In March 2006, Boston Magazine estimated Henry's net worth at $1.1 billion

iRacing is an independent developer because they self-publish their own title and don't need to rely on another company to publish and distribute their game.

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Offline Kazaa

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Re: Support Aces High
« Reply #191 on: December 24, 2014, 01:26:06 PM »
Well that depends on what you want to call independent.  iRacing was backed by John Henry:

John William Henry II (born September 13, 1949) is an American businessman and investor. He founded John W. Henry & Company (JWH). He is the principal owner of the The Boston Globe, Boston Red Sox and Liverpool Football Club, and co-owner of Roush Fenway Racing. In March 2006, Boston Magazine estimated Henry's net worth at $1.1 billion

What Ack-Ack said.

Also, from what I remember reading on the iRacing forum. The service funds it's own development.
« Last Edit: December 24, 2014, 01:36:21 PM by Kazaa »

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Re: Support Aces High
« Reply #192 on: December 24, 2014, 06:59:40 PM »
What Ack-Ack said.

Also, from what I remember reading on the iRacing forum. The service funds it's own development.

Which is why John Henry bought in....ROI, lol.  :D
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Offline DOUG

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Re: Support Aces High
« Reply #193 on: December 25, 2014, 09:01:17 AM »
I love your enthusiam. You've been around since 2012? Back in the have no idea though keep up the good cheer. There is a reason those who have been around a long time are so very concerned.
Well , been around since 2nd beta, and I agree with the kid^  =)
This IS the greatest sim....
Just such an unwelcoming enviornment to newbs. Ive seen 4 or 5  vets of 5+ years DOGPILE on some newguy on country channel cause some newguy is asking questions.
Best thing, IMO we could do is......if you have a squaddie or friend who loves to constantly mouth off and berate those with less experience or skill-
Ask them to ease off JUST a bit? Do it privately and gently, plant the seed. Some seem to enjoy complaining n fighting more than play, ask them too, even the notorious ones.
Tough learning curve for newbs, they dont need hate from thier own side.
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Re: Support Aces High
« Reply #194 on: December 25, 2014, 09:58:47 AM »
just my .02

 I've been paying and playing for over 7 yrs.   as I've said before best thing about AH for me is the actual fight.  I continue to pay each month even tho some tours I don't even put in 10 hrs of flight time.  but I'll still pay each month to have that lil bit of fun to be at my disposal when I can log-in.   :salute
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