Author Topic: Players to admire  (Read 25210 times)

Offline guncrasher

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Re: Players to admire
« Reply #390 on: January 31, 2015, 08:32:58 PM »
I hate all of you, you making me defend skyyr.

I dont come here to get honor or skill.  Honor comes from what you do in real life, not what you accomplish in a cartoon game.  I come here to have fun and If it makes me laugh and have a good time with my friends then it's really worth my 15 bucks.

I lost 3 262's in a row the other day.  one I dove into a set of b17's just to compress into the ground as I am pretty sure the b17 pilot was laughing his button off.  heck, dont tell my squadies, I told them the b17's gunners got me  :D.

the last 262 sorty I was bored so I started vulching the field with all the ack fully up.  ended up with 3 kills.  no skill whatsoever in my part but nonetheless it made my afternoon funny as hell.

having said that, I think scott sterling is by far the best player. and I'll DA anybody that thinks otherwise  :rock :rock :rock.

you dont want me to ho, dont point your plane at me.

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Re: Players to admire
« Reply #391 on: January 31, 2015, 08:36:45 PM »
The notion that his approach to  game play is wrong is simply false.  Your point is about his approach to the community.
That would be a different conversation and it wouldn't be about his flying.

Well, I am talking about his flying. It is uninspired, lacks any form of creativity and is far below the standard of anyone who has ever been recognised in this game as being any good. In general his 'flying style', if that is not an insult to the word 'style', can only provide some small amount of fun for himself and never anyone else. That in itself is grounds for me to say it is 'wrong' for this game. We play together and we provide each other's fun as much as we provide our own fun.

To not contribute to the fun of the community as a whole is detrimental to the game and will facilitate it's decline into the realms of the xbox generation of gamers, always needing a new game to be brought out every few months because the gameplay becomes so stale due to excessive self serving players.


A man is shown hell by an angel. A giant table is set with a magnificent feast and all are seated around it. However the only way to eat is with twelve foot chopsticks. The diners are struggling in the vain attempt to feed themselves with the giant chopsticks but to no avail. No one in hell gets to eat and all are miserable.

Then the angel takes him to heaven and the man sees exactly the same layout. A great feast that must be eaten with twelve foot chopsticks. The man is confused. He asks the angel why heaven and hell are the same. The angel says 'just watch'. At that moment the occupants of heaven enter and sit down. The man watches as the diners proceed to feed anyone who is sitting twelve feet away from them. All are fed and all are happy.

'I understand the nature of heaven and hell' says the man
« Last Edit: January 31, 2015, 08:40:08 PM by mechanic »
And I don't know much, but I do know this. With a golden heart comes a rebel fist.

Offline Masherbrum

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Re: Players to admire
« Reply #392 on: January 31, 2015, 08:46:19 PM »
And what do you think "winning" is? It's doing your job and succeeding. That means you kill the enemy as quickly and efficiently as possible.

If you're in a 109 fighting 80+ US fighters, are you going to try some AH-based "honorable" tactic and turn and loop and avoid shots forward of the 3/9 line? No, you're going to shoot down every fighter that crosses your windscreen, whether it's in the face or not; you're going to rope, stay vertical, and do whatever you can to kill as many as you can and then get home alive... because what matters is beating the other guy and nothing else.

The guys here talking of "honor" in combat have no conception of actual warfare.

I've sat back for a few months and watch you tap dance in every post you make, as well as this Community.   What are you, 19 with a chip on your shoulder?   You paint yourself into a corner constantly.  Just when others feel that you might have "gotten it" in a particular thread/post, you run across the wet paint to another corner and distract everyone from the footprints.    Rinse, repeat and pretend the previous running across the wet paint never happened.   But it did.

You use a BoB documentary to suit your stance based in lunacy to begin and mock those who had a whole hell of a lot at stake in WWII?   Also champ, the Poles/Germans are the only exception in most cases of hatred, but not for the reasons you think they are.  You are not a pilot, you are not in a war and this game does neither to solidify your delusional fantasy.  But what you lack in knowledge, you make up for in failing to cash checks, that your mouth cannot write.   You pedestal is a gathering spot for pigeons and you should clean it off again.   The moment it appears to be clean, clean it again.

If you consider a pixelated cockpit to be your way of eliminating the enemy, I suggest seeking professional counsel by way of a psychiatrist.   Because you're doing it wrong.
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Offline Arlo

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Re: Players to admire
« Reply #393 on: January 31, 2015, 08:58:55 PM »
I just watched Good Will Hunting (again) tonight. Deja Vu (minus the genius math wizard brain thing).

Offline Skyyr

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Re: Players to admire
« Reply #394 on: January 31, 2015, 10:03:01 PM »
You use a BoB documentary to suit your stance based in lunacy to begin and mock those who had a whole hell of a lot at stake in WWII?   Also champ, the Poles/Germans are the only exception in most cases of hatred, but not for the reasons you think they are.

See here, from 3:10 - 3:34:

"I could see the fires that the Luftwaffe had started on this, their first raid on London. I had not realized that I could feel so deeply; but, at that moment, I would have butchered any German I could lay my hands on. I was beginning to understand the attitude of the Poles."
-- 303 Canadian Captain, John Kent

So now Canadians are an exception too? The truth is that almost everyone here preaching about "honor" in a warzone has never been to war or served in a military. There is nothing glorious about it, and there is not some unspoken code of honor between you and your enemy. You are fighting to get back alive and you will do anything to make that happen.

Exactly as shown in the documentary, the pilots who had not experienced personal loss only cared to shoot down the enemy aircraft. Once London was bombed and the pilots experienced the same loss of life and property that the Poles had, it became personal. They hated their enemy, and they wanted them dead. Ask anyone who's been to combat and experienced loss of life, and the vast majority will show the same attitude. Chivalrous acts of 1v1 combat and honor are for those who think they know about war and for the dead. We are discussing war, not jousting.

You are not a pilot

I most certainly am.

you are not in a war

No, but this is a combat simulator. The same general rules and tactics apply.

But what you lack in knowledge, you make up for in failing to cash checks, that your mouth cannot write.

Thus far, you've claimed I am not a pilot (I am), that my example only applied to the Poles (a Canadian confirmed the exact same hatred for the Germans, and I can find several other examples). That would make you 0 for 2. Further, promoting the use of historical tactics is not in any way misguiding or uneducated. They work because they're the most effective.

If you consider a pixelated cockpit to be your way of eliminating the enemy, I suggest seeking professional counsel by way of a psychiatrist.   Because you're doing it wrong.

I consider a pixelated cockpit to be the way to defeat a pixelated enemy in a pixelated air combat simulator. Logically, this makes perfect sense. Only when you try to animate concepts of "honor" and "respect" and illogically attach them to actions such as where you shoot a player or how you engage them does it become, well, illogical.
« Last Edit: January 31, 2015, 10:50:08 PM by Skyyr »

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nrshida: "I almost beat Skyyr after he took a 6 year break!"
A few moments later...

vs Shane: 30-11

KOTH Wins: 6, Egos Broken: 1000+

Mmmmm... tears.

Offline Masherbrum

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Re: Players to admire
« Reply #395 on: January 31, 2015, 10:26:59 PM »
"Once", "once", "once".    Keep tap dancing and good luck in life.   You need it a lot more than others.
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Offline JunkyII

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Re: Players to admire
« Reply #396 on: January 31, 2015, 10:31:07 PM »
"So now Canadians are an exception too? The truth is that almost everyone here preaching about "honor" in a warzone has never been to war or served in a military. There is nothing glorious about it, and there is not some unspoken code of honor. You are fighting to get back alive and you will do anything to make that happen. Chivalrous acts of 1v1 combat and honor are for the dead. We were discussing war, not jousting."

Question, What was your job in the war zone? MOS, where did you deploy and such generally interested...your using it as an argument, but for all we know you were a FOBbit.

Honestly I don't need to know because your wrong...we left the dead Taliban on the field instead of collecting them like we are supposed to, to respect their religion....not once did we have a sit down with Taliban an establish this. On the other side, we couldn't leave one of our dead there....they would mangle their body on Al Jazeera....

Do you want us to mangle their bodies on Fox news like they do to us? Or should we keep going with the "unspoken code of honor"?

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Offline Masherbrum

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Re: Players to admire
« Reply #397 on: January 31, 2015, 10:40:06 PM »
"So now Canadians are an exception too? The truth is that almost everyone here preaching about "honor" in a warzone has never been to war or served in a military. There is nothing glorious about it, and there is not some unspoken code of honor. You are fighting to get back alive and you will do anything to make that happen. Chivalrous acts of 1v1 combat and honor are for the dead. We were discussing war, not jousting."

Question, What was your job in the war zone? MOS, where did you deploy and such generally interested...your using it as an argument, but for all we know you were a FOBbit.

Honestly I don't need to know because your wrong...we left the dead Taliban on the field instead of collecting them like we are supposed to, to respect their religion....not once did we have a sit down with Taliban an establish this. On the other side, we couldn't leave one of our dead there....they would mangle their body on Al Jazeera....

Do you want us to mangle their bodies on Fox news like they do to us? Or should we keep going with the "unspoken code of honor"?

He's broken.   It isn't worth the time to try and point it out.   He shifts gears faster than a south bound trucker.   He never saw combat and if he did, he's just as disrespectful.
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Offline Skyyr

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Re: Players to admire
« Reply #398 on: January 31, 2015, 10:42:40 PM »
"So now Canadians are an exception too? The truth is that almost everyone here preaching about "honor" in a warzone has never been to war or served in a military. There is nothing glorious about it, and there is not some unspoken code of honor. You are fighting to get back alive and you will do anything to make that happen. Chivalrous acts of 1v1 combat and honor are for the dead. We were discussing war, not jousting."

Question, What was your job in the war zone? MOS, where did you deploy and such generally interested...your using it as an argument, but for all we know you were a FOBbit.

Honestly I don't need to know because your wrong...we left the dead Taliban on the field instead of collecting them like we are supposed to, to respect their religion....not once did we have a sit down with Taliban an establish this. On the other side, we couldn't leave one of our dead there....they would mangle their body on Al Jazeera....

Do you want us to mangle their bodies on Fox news like they do to us? Or should we keep going with the "unspoken code of honor"?

You're talking about honor after the fact. Aces High considers "honor" as not shooting someone in the front-quarter, or jumping into an established 1v1 in the Main Arena. Please tell me where that applies to real-world combat. That concept of "honor" does not exist. There's no "ok, I won't shoot you at night because you guys think it's wrong" or "well you beat my friend fair and square 1 on 1 so I'll let you kill him" - no, it's war. You kill the other guy and keep your guys alive. How you treat your enemies' bodies is a luxury, and if maiming their remains was the only way you could get home alive, you know as well as I do that would happen.

Replied via PM regarding the other stuff.
« Last Edit: January 31, 2015, 10:55:35 PM by Skyyr »

166 - 190
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218 - 220
286 - 287
290 - 296

nrshida: "I almost beat Skyyr after he took a 6 year break!"
A few moments later...

vs Shane: 30-11

KOTH Wins: 6, Egos Broken: 1000+

Mmmmm... tears.

Offline captain1ma

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Re: Players to admire
« Reply #399 on: January 31, 2015, 10:57:12 PM »
there were several pilots I admired and were fun to watch kill bad guys. N7 was probably the best out of all of them. watched him kill 9 guys once, refuel and kill 6 more, all in one sorty.
VWE was another one with evil skills.... he as relentless and one of the best killers id ever seen. Tbarone and storch were both up there, although if storch couldn't kill them, he'd mock them to death.
was great fun watching those guys and something to be beheld!

Offline JunkyII

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Re: Players to admire
« Reply #400 on: January 31, 2015, 11:02:14 PM »
RGR, if I'm in a firefight with someone I'm not going to care if my buddy comes in and flaks the SOB.

But I still respect any man who is going to put his life on the line for his belief, he may be dead wrong and I'm going to put 2 to the chest but...

I respect my enemy, even if he doesn't respect me.

All Warriors meet in Valhalla some day right?
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Offline Tom5572

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Re: Players to admire
« Reply #401 on: January 31, 2015, 11:55:30 PM »
What I learned from this game:  The good people at HTC give me a shiny new airplane every time I bloody up my old one. That being said, I fly the way I want to. In a game where the only penalty for dying is to have to take off again, why not fly for honor? Do not throw the "you do not know what real war is like" thing in my face.
80th FS "Headhunters"

Offline Oldman731

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Re: Players to admire
« Reply #402 on: February 01, 2015, 12:58:19 AM »
What are you, 19 with a chip on your shoulder?  

IIRC, Skyrr is about age 25.

Willing to be corrected.

- oldman

Offline mikev

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Re: Players to admire
« Reply #403 on: February 01, 2015, 01:56:49 AM »
There is nothing wrong with the way Skyyr plays. A lot of players fly the same way.
If you like to play differently that's fine too.

Everybody gets to pick their style of play and who they admire for it.
It's only right or wrong according to your personal bias.

finally  FLS has it right., as a newbie myself it took a while to learn that no matter how much people complain it is still YOUR responsibility to get out of the other guys gun sight. i once asked about the HO and it started a huge debate with nothing really answered. when i went to the TA i was told the general rule is to get on a players 6 using the best skill you had.well as i found out  i dont have alot of skill and it takes time to develop that skill . so now i have 8 months under my belt still not alot of skill but better then before and  in my opinion rule #1 for me is stay out of the other planes gun sight , if they come right at me and i  have them in my sight sorry but im going to fire. if it looks like they dont want to fire then i will avoid them .its a split second choice i have to make. we cant wait to see if they are going to HO  or not cause most of the time they do. Skyrr philosophy is simple kill everything ,and thats his right to choose his style. its our choice to stay out of his gun sight, or anybody elses . to me so far the biggest issue  is this forum or channel 200 where the sore losers cry and the chest beaters put more bruises on themselves . as for me i will continue to be your favorite target but i get a shinny new plane because it is just a game . and i will joke on 200 after ya kill me because thats my style , now who wants a MAGIC KILL!! :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana:
1 Of these days you will regret shooting me down.

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Re: Players to admire
« Reply #404 on: February 01, 2015, 09:12:51 AM »

IIRC, Skyrr is about age 25.

Willing to be corrected.

- oldman

He's also supposedly a commercially licensed pilot. I've never been afraid to fly commercially before now.