Me too. The other night I was so thirsty that I upped a F4u with 2x1000lb, forgot to raise the undercarriage and started to dogfight a pony in that state. Guess who won? Me of course.
But then when it came the time to land I pressed the gear switch, raised the gear unknowingly and had a ditch
Better than one of 2 options I keep having.
1. landing on the CV during FSO with 6 kills and have the plane roll right off the back for a death... also happens in the MA. I refuse to land on the CV with wheels because of that.
2. Getting a gear shot off with 8 kills and going to land with all your glory, put down the gear to land like a boss and take pretty pictures of your plane after the epic run. Only to touch down, have your plane fall over, wing breaks off, you cant stop, and you roll to the grass with nothing you can do and end up with a ditch....