Author Topic: The game play lately sucks!  (Read 19902 times)

Offline Skyyr

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Re: The game play lately sucks!
« Reply #195 on: April 25, 2015, 10:17:36 AM »
Politics and religion aside, most of the issues on 200 stem from hypocrisy.

Everyone wants to vulch and brag about it, but vulch those same players and they'll go berserk on 200. Everyone wants to gang, but no one wants to be ganged. Everyone wants to to win a head-on, but beat someone in a head-on and you'll never hear the end of how the person who killed them has "no skill."

The problem with 200 isn't the channel, it's people.

Frankly, I believe that when such scenarios break out, all parties should head to the DA or shut up. It gets to the heart of the matter: someone was offended because they think they're better than their opponent. If you want to tell another player how good you are, you should have no problem proving it 1v1 in the DA. Can't do it? Then you're not really that good and have no room to talk. A lot of people like talking big, but few will attempt to back it up (and even fewer can successfully do it).

166 - 190
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A few moments later...

vs Shane: 26-9

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Re: The game play lately sucks!
« Reply #196 on: April 25, 2015, 10:45:08 AM »
What 200 needs is a permanent squelch list. I don't get why this is so hard to implement.

there isa permanent sqealch.
Its called Channel 100

As I said in another thread I have no compassion whatsoever for anything people complain about seeing on 200 considering it was created for the purpose of being able to talk about things that werent deemed acceptable on the default channel to begin with. You had to choose to be there.

If something were on TV that you didnt want your children to see or hear. Would you keep that channel tuned or would you change the channel?
Would you keep watching the playboy channel if your 4 year old walked into the room? Probably not.

200 should come with a disclaimer. And perhaps a MUCH better idea for those with kids that play would be something akin to parental controls on TV where you can limit what channels your child has access to.

I say a MUCH better idea because
Ive been here what, 13 years and for the entirety of that time this debate has raged almost continually. Despite (to their credit) every effort by HTC and the community that object to curb such activity it has persisted here as well as in just about any other online game you can name.
10 years from now we will still be having this same debate. The simple solution seems a parental controls. and a disclaimer for 200 that you are choosing of your own free will to have that channel tuned that there may be some statements you find objectionable or offensive. As such. you choose to deal with whatever is on there just as you would choose to continue watching nudity on the playboy channel by not changing the channel.
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Offline FLOOB

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Re: The game play lately sucks!
« Reply #197 on: April 25, 2015, 11:11:11 AM »
I tuned my radio to channel 200 and now i don't like it but i can't squelch it! OMG what am i gonna do??? If this is you guys making a joke it's kind of funny. If you're not making a joke and you're serious, it's really funny.

And stop calling this game Aces High 2. Aces High 2 hasn't been around for years.

Couple months ago this guy tried to pose as somebody who had just heard of aces high. His habit of referring to the game as AH2 totally gave him away.,369874.0.html
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Re: The game play lately sucks!
« Reply #198 on: April 25, 2015, 11:17:15 AM »
Not everyone feels the need to DA or that they need to prove anything by going there.

I have my reasons for not going to DA and they have nothing to do with fear. If they did. I would avoid people in the MA and I dont do that.

Other then that. There is no consequence to loosing in the DA. Whereas in the MA you can gain or loose in both rank and score.

Ho kills are not a big show of skill. Skyyrs killed me by Ho and Ive returned the favor in kind. I've also been killed by complete noobs by HO And have killed complete noobs by it.

In fairness to Skyyr. And considering our history. just to go on record. I used to rag on him all the time about his tactics and did indeed say he was no skill. But in all honesty at the time he was of lower skill. He has indeed improved in leaps and bounds since then and now I consider to be one of the better pilots in the game. And Ive noticed he also doesnt always opt for the HO shot as his very first option and he still gets his fair share of kills. THAT is the show of skill.

To Skyyr I give my compliments. Alejandro you are no more <S>

Coming from me. Considering our history. I figure thats a pretty big endorsement as it is intended to be.

My opinion.
HOing on the first merge or in situations in the MA where you outnumber your opponent 2V1 3V1 etc is something of a classless act. Yea you can do it. But just because you can doesnt mean you should. Int eh middle of a furball or if you are outnumbered. Anything goes.

HOing reguarly also doesnt do anything to improve your skill level.

Anyone that doesnt beleive that I offer this challenge. Dont HO in any circumstance for one tour. Then come and try and tell me you didnt become better because of it
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Offline MrRiplEy[H]

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Re: The game play lately sucks!
« Reply #199 on: April 25, 2015, 12:22:07 PM »
there isa permanent sqealch.
Its called Channel 100

Oh RLY? So if a couple of tards spam bs every day you disable the whole channel and can't chat to anyone anymore. I like your solution. It's so simplistic that it's either genius or stupid. I'll leave it to the readers to decide which one yours is.

It's almost as good a solution like the one of those who recommended to just quit the whole game if they don't like the nonsense on 200 lol.
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Offline MrRiplEy[H]

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Re: The game play lately sucks!
« Reply #200 on: April 25, 2015, 12:30:58 PM »
Not everyone feels the need to DA or that they need to prove anything by going there.

I was flying drunk the other night (no surprises there) and someone picked me while I was limping home with a pilot wound. I commented on it and he seemed rude and aggressive so I called him to DA.

Despite my drunkedness and rusty gameplay I was fairly sure I would beat him. He seemed really on edge and rude the whole time, even choosing which field to take off was almost a verbal fight.

He chose P51s and we both took off. He took off immediately without agreeing so I just quickly selected 50% of fuel (why so much I don't know) and also took off. When we fought to my surprise he was able to outturn me. I took the fight vertical at first but to my surprise couldn't handle the plane at stall speed. I managed to shoot him good a couple of times but then the fight degraded to a turn fight on the deck and I was losing fast.

In the end he had one snapshot and killed my pilot.

After the fight I realized that in the rush I had missed that I had two drop tanks on the whole time in addition to the 50% fuel lol. I usually don't use drop tanks in the pony but in the previous pony flight I went two sectors looking for a fight with a certain player on MA.

So yes, I learned that it's not good to DA while drunk at least.  :noid :rofl
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Offline The Fugitive

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Re: The game play lately sucks!
« Reply #201 on: April 25, 2015, 01:01:15 PM »
there isa permanent sqealch.
Its called Channel 100

As I said in another thread I have no compassion whatsoever for anything people complain about seeing on 200 considering it was created for the purpose of being able to talk about things that werent deemed acceptable on the default channel to begin with. You had to choose to be there.

If something were on TV that you didnt want your children to see or hear. Would you keep that channel tuned or would you change the channel?
Would you keep watching the playboy channel if your 4 year old walked into the room? Probably not.

200 should come with a disclaimer. And perhaps a MUCH better idea for those with kids that play would be something akin to parental controls on TV where you can limit what channels your child has access to.

I say a MUCH better idea because
Ive been here what, 13 years and for the entirety of that time this debate has raged almost continually. Despite (to their credit) every effort by HTC and the community that object to curb such activity it has persisted here as well as in just about any other online game you can name.
10 years from now we will still be having this same debate. The simple solution seems a parental controls. and a disclaimer for 200 that you are choosing of your own free will to have that channel tuned that there may be some statements you find objectionable or offensive. As such. you choose to deal with whatever is on there just as you would choose to continue watching nudity on the playboy channel by not changing the channel.

So instead of forcing a few bad apples to follow the rules your suggesting everyone who has a problem with bad apples avoid the social side of the game and not interact with  two thirds of the game play population.

Great solution  :rolleyes:

Offline ink

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Re: The game play lately sucks!
« Reply #202 on: April 25, 2015, 02:12:27 PM »
Not everyone feels the need to DA or that they need to prove anything by going there.

I have my reasons for not going to DA and they have nothing to do with fear. If they did. I would avoid people in the MA and I dont do that.

Other then that. There is no consequence to loosing in the DA. Whereas in the MA you can gain or loose in both rank and score.

Ho kills are not a big show of skill. Skyyrs killed me by Ho and Ive returned the favor in kind. I've also been killed by complete noobs by HO And have killed complete noobs by it.

In fairness to Skyyr. And considering our history. just to go on record. I used to rag on him all the time about his tactics and did indeed say he was no skill. But in all honesty at the time he was of lower skill. He has indeed improved in leaps and bounds since then and now I consider to be one of the better pilots in the game. And Ive noticed he also doesnt always opt for the HO shot as his very first option and he still gets his fair share of kills. THAT is the show of skill.

To Skyyr I give my compliments. Alejandro you are no more <S>

Coming from me. Considering our history. I figure thats a pretty big endorsement as it is intended to be.

My opinion.
HOing on the first merge or in situations in the MA where you outnumber your opponent 2V1 3V1 etc is something of a classless act. Yea you can do it. But just because you can doesnt mean you should. Int eh middle of a furball or if you are outnumbered. Anything goes.

HOing reguarly also doesnt do anything to improve your skill level.

Anyone that doesnt beleive that I offer this challenge. Dont HO in any circumstance for one tour. Then come and try and tell me you didnt become better because of it

what.... :headscratch:

he still HO's..... runs as soon as he loses position...never tries to fight it out.....

he may be an all right stick, he is a great HO shot..... but he has no respect.... no integrity..... and deserves nothing but disdain.

he is a sad individual who needs a psychiatrist for his narcissism. 

Offline seano

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Re: The game play lately sucks!
« Reply #203 on: April 25, 2015, 03:06:57 PM »
See Rule #14
« Last Edit: April 27, 2015, 11:03:52 AM by Skuzzy »

Offline jeep00

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Re: The game play lately sucks!
« Reply #204 on: April 25, 2015, 03:21:56 PM »
So instead of forcing a few bad apples to follow the rules your suggesting everyone who has a problem with bad apples avoid the social side of the game and not interact with  two thirds of the game play population.

Great solution  :rolleyes:

Excellent answer sir  :salute

Offline jeep00

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Re: The game play lately sucks!
« Reply #205 on: April 25, 2015, 03:27:53 PM »
Politics and religion aside, most of the issues on 200 stem from hypocrisy.

Everyone wants to vulch and brag about it, but vulch those same players and they'll go berserk on 200. Everyone wants to gang, but no one wants to be ganged. Everyone wants to to win a head-on, but beat someone in a head-on and you'll never hear the end of how the person who killed them has "no skill."

The problem with 200 isn't the channel, it's people.

Frankly, I believe that when such scenarios break out, all parties should head to the DA or shut up. It gets to the heart of the matter: someone was offended because they think they're better than their opponent. If you want to tell another player how good you are, you should have no problem proving it 1v1 in the DA. Can't do it? Then you're not really that good and have no room to talk. A lot of people like talking big, but few will attempt to back it up (and even fewer can successfully do it).

First paragraph, spot on. Second, not so much. It is not, nor will it ever be, "everyone".

I find 200 entertaining and would hate to see it go. I don't have to agree with it. That's the beauty of it.

Offline Masherbrum

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Re: The game play lately sucks!
« Reply #206 on: April 25, 2015, 03:29:47 PM »
First paragraph, spot on. Second, not so much. It is not, nor will it ever be, "everyone".

I find 200 entertaining and would hate to see it go. I don't have to agree with it. That's the beauty of it.

Jeep, as much as I don't care for Skyyr, I agree with most of that quoted post.   
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Offline jeep00

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Re: The game play lately sucks!
« Reply #207 on: April 25, 2015, 04:47:17 PM »
Jeep, as much as I don't care for Skyyr, I agree with most of that quoted post.

I agree wth you on both points sir. Only thing I intended to point out that "everyone" is overstating the second parapraph. I know it is because I do not do what he says "everyone" does. I have done those things yes, but not with the feeling of accomplishment he notes "everyone" has. I hate ending up in a horde but generally help until I am down then go elsewhere. I have vulched for a base take, but it has no feeling like actually fighting an aircraft win OR lose. And HO is generally a tactic I will use as a last resort in base defense where you can barely get wheels up before a con is on you. But I feel no skill on my part was used nor gained.

Offline Masherbrum

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Re: The game play lately sucks!
« Reply #208 on: April 25, 2015, 04:57:58 PM »
I agree wth you on both points sir. Only thing I intended to point out that "everyone" is overstating the second parapraph. I know it is because I do not do what he says "everyone" does. I have done those things yes, but not with the feeling of accomplishment he notes "everyone" has. I hate ending up in a horde but generally help until I am down then go elsewhere. I have vulched for a base take, but it has no feeling like actually fighting an aircraft win OR lose. And HO is generally a tactic I will use as a last resort in base defense where you can barely get wheels up before a con is on you. But I feel no skill on my part was used nor gained.

Exactly.   Semantics come into play by the same people and they fail to realize that they are contributing to the problems, that they are pissed at.   It's been that way for years and will always be the one constant in this game.   
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Offline VuduVee

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Re: The game play lately sucks!
« Reply #209 on: April 25, 2015, 04:58:11 PM »
the idea that the DA solves the gripes about gangers and crap is ridiculous. you are assuming that the vulched is saying "if it werent for the ganging, i'd beat you". maybe they just see it as lame, easy mode play. the DA is crap anyway, there is no consequence for losing.