Author Topic: Your Best Tip on Getting Better  (Read 8667 times)

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Re: Your Best Tip on Getting Better
« Reply #45 on: May 04, 2015, 12:32:06 PM »
Being able to track ten cons mean nothing if you can't deal with one

Again, I agreed with the point that a 1v1 is important. But loosing track of the other planes around you because of it will get you killed every time. Saying that it's the most important part is what I disagree with. Knowing when to break off to fight or dodge the other cons coming in is important as well.

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Re: Your Best Tip on Getting Better
« Reply #46 on: May 04, 2015, 12:37:20 PM »
Because to improve and to teach others to improve, you have to isolate the concept of skill. It's akin to refusing to study Hitler's political brilliance because he wasn't "honorable," therefore dooming society to fall prey to the next crazed political genius who comes around, all because you didn't "respect" Hitler as an opponent. 50,000,000+ people didn't need to respect him to find out he was very effective at killing them. That's the issue we have here.

When discussing skill and attempting to teach pilots, you have to focus purely on objective skill and ability. Muddying it with anything else results in a lessened, biased learning experience that falls short. It's would be like trying to teach someone what a spoon is by always including it with a bowl, because they're commonly used together. Do that, and the learner will never recognize the spoon as an individual object that can be used with any number of other objects, which will limit their ability to use it for what it was intended for in the future.

That's clearly the case here, and is quite rampant throughout the community with cries of "HO'ing," "lack of honor," and so forth. It's blatantly obvious few here have learned or practiced ACM purely for what it was designed to do, and even fewer recognize that. Instead, everyone tries to preach their own opinion of what they think flying should be about, instead of teaching pure ACM and letting the pilot decide for themselves what it should be about. It's even more obvious in this thread, where posting a single list resulted in attacks from players who want to add their own interpretation of what air combat should be about. It's this mentality that prevents players from learning, because they never learned to be objective enough to split their bias from the subject matter.

Also, you cannot impart character, nor is character tangible. You can only teach someone skill and hope they have the character to use their skill wisely.

Anyways, back on topic.

I agree, I'm sorry if you misunderstood me, I have problems putting my thoughts to words.
But I wasn't referring to the idea of teaching someone any sort of thing to increase their skill. It makes sense what you said, but...

What I was saying was that as a person, it is best to have both in order to fill that cup that is otherwise half full, in the case of this game. When I first posted, it wasn't in context to the rest of the conversation which concerned learning ACM to better one's self - but instead to target the idea of THE ideal person and their character in comparison to the "cup".

It was just my idea of it. Hope that isnt too rough to understand.
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Offline JunkyII

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Re: Your Best Tip on Getting Better
« Reply #47 on: May 04, 2015, 12:45:04 PM »
Because that worked so well for games like CoD and CS:GO which now have horrible reputations and are notorious for having a community of arsehats and [expletive].

It's a goof trait to have, being respectful and courteous to other people. It makes you human, but as you've shown countless times before you are not human. You are a robot programmed to act rude towards everyone and only care about "stats"  :lol

We should all take a page out of Skyyr's book and start acting extremely rude and violent towards one another. Screw this "courtesy" and "respect" stuff, let's just live horrible lives being rude to anyone and everyone.  :rofl :rofl :rofl :rofl :rofl
Your comparing 2 of the biggest gaming communitys to Aces High....of course there is going to be more bad apples...there is more people!!!!

That is even with all of the you tubers out there trolling for reactions to post that day.
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Re: Your Best Tip on Getting Better
« Reply #48 on: May 04, 2015, 12:53:34 PM »
The only way to get good at Aces High is to break the wings off an F4F and Drive to Victory!!!! :x :salute
See Rule #4

Offline JunkyII

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Re: Your Best Tip on Getting Better
« Reply #49 on: May 04, 2015, 01:05:30 PM »
Again, I agreed with the point that a 1v1 is important. But loosing track of the other planes around you because of it will get you killed every time. Saying that it's the most important part is what I disagree with. Knowing when to break off to fight or dodge the other cons coming in is important as well.
If you cant 1v1, how are you supposed to know how to break off or dodge the other cons?

What I'm getting at....and why I think it's  the most important.

Example Hoagi. This guy scores a lot of kills in the MA because he know when to break back into Friendlys or when it's time to run away. He has zero knowledge of a yes he is successful in the MA, but he's been around just as long as me....why is it the only way he can kill me is with buddies and I can kill him even if he has buddies with him and I'm alone? Because I have made an attempt at becoming better at 1v1s. Anyone can look good in the arena by landing a lot of's really not hard, most fights have a very distinct can tell what's going on by looking at your map and roster. It takes longer and requires more knowledge to become good at a 1v1 then anything else in this game, but when you do become good at them, you can then easily transfer that knowledge over to the MA and become a top stick.

Honestly if I would have spent my first 2 years in the DA learning the 1v1 I would have turned out to be a lot better then I am now. Nope spent 2 years picking sway in a Typh and thought I was good...I know better now.
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Re: Your Best Tip on Getting Better
« Reply #50 on: May 04, 2015, 01:06:13 PM »
The only way to get good at Aces High is to break the wings off an F4F and Drive to Victory!!!! :x :salute
I try to do this and still can't I want to drive go carts with you guys
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Offline glzsqd

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Re: Your Best Tip on Getting Better
« Reply #51 on: May 04, 2015, 01:11:38 PM »
It's all in the wrists, or feet. depending on your setup ;)
See Rule #4

Offline JunkyII

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Re: Your Best Tip on Getting Better
« Reply #52 on: May 04, 2015, 01:14:32 PM »
I will say this...lately you will notice when I throw out a DA challenge it is always "in your favorite ride"

That's because I'm confident in my ACM knowledge over most others in game. My ACM doesn't change from plane to plane or DA to MA....if anything my flying in the DA is the most pure form of ACM...only one agenda in there, kill or be killed.
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Offline mikev

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Re: Your Best Tip on Getting Better
« Reply #53 on: May 04, 2015, 01:25:37 PM »
It's more than one, but here's a copy/paste of a few items I wrote for an ACM site awhile back. They're edited for AH.

1. Ignore what the majority is doing/saying/telling you to do.
Simply put, the majority of players are mediocre at best and terrible at worst. Implementing the collective's advice will simply act to ensure you turn out as mediocre as well. Keep in mind the majority means the majority - your acquaintances are not the exception.

2. Unlearn everything you think you know about dogfighting, and relearn it from the source.
Robert Shaw's Fighter Combat Tactics and Maneuvering is still the textbook reference for dogfighting today because it works. Robert Shaw took the dogfighting and broke it down into it's most basic, fundamental components, and then created modular blocks a pilot could draw on in combat to build tactics on the fly. Contrast that to the way the majority of players learn to play air combat games (this one included), and you begin to realize why rule #1 (above) is true.

3. Being able to fight 1v1 is the most important skill to master.
Every single engagement, whether against one or against ten, can be broken down into a series of 1v1 tactics. If you cannot master the 1v1, you will permanently be at a disadvantage against competent opponents. Master the 1v1 and everything else will follow.
4. Always assume your opponent is perfect.
You should always assume your opponent will not make a mistake. Anything less is presumptuous vanity. Always assuming your competition will fly perfectly quickly narrows your ACM choices and forces you to choose appropriate tactics.

5. Understand your limitations
Contrary to popular belief, there are some fights you simply cannot win if your opponent flies correctly. Learn to identify these scenarios and learn how to mitigate your opponent's advantage during these fights. Doing this will allow you to have realistic expectations, instead of fantasizing the popular opinion that you'll be good enough to win these fights "one day" (see rule #1).

6. Never. Ever. Turn.
Fighter Combat Tactics and Maneuvering, Chapter 4. Those who scoff at this will be doomed to lose to it. Those who understand it comprehend what it actually means.

 hehehehe i have read all the remarks on this thread from all the players who have beat me countless times . but 1 fact remains , if i knew how to fight 1v1 against all of you things would be different.
  this crying of getting the ho is getting old . i dont do it unless its attempted on me but every merge now i expect it. maybe everybody should so there is less crying about it. lets face it if we get into someones gun sight they are going to shooooooooooooooooooot like duhhhhh.
  this thread was a slow mover until Skyyr posted after me then wamm bam everybody jumped in. i dont understand why you all have to jump on him all the time but to me i cant argue with his success. so if you want to bash me cause i happen to like success well sorry but you do anyways blasting me out of the skies in the game.
  i just completed my first year tour as of today by this time next year i hope to be competitive enough to keep up with you vets.
1 Of these days you will regret shooting me down.

Offline JunkyII

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Re: Your Best Tip on Getting Better
« Reply #54 on: May 04, 2015, 02:03:26 PM »
hehehehe i have read all the remarks on this thread from all the players who have beat me countless times . but 1 fact remains , if i knew how to fight 1v1 against all of you things would be different.
  this crying of getting the ho is getting old . i dont do it unless its attempted on me but every merge now i expect it. maybe everybody should so there is less crying about it. lets face it if we get into someones gun sight they are going to shooooooooooooooooooot like duhhhhh.
  this thread was a slow mover until Skyyr posted after me then wamm bam everybody jumped in. i dont understand why you all have to jump on him all the time but to me i cant argue with his success. so if you want to bash me cause i happen to like success well sorry but you do anyways blasting me out of the skies in the game.
  i just completed my first year tour as of today by this time next year i hope to be competitive enough to keep up with you vets.
I talked about the DA on page 1....
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Re: Your Best Tip on Getting Better
« Reply #55 on: May 04, 2015, 06:28:49 PM »
My single best tip to any player, Veteran, or New Player, is to take full advantage of the skills you can learn by making appointments with Aces High Trainers in the Training Arena to learn, or hone your skills.

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Re: Your Best Tip on Getting Better
« Reply #56 on: May 04, 2015, 09:01:06 PM »

We should all and start acting extremely rude and violent towards one another. Screw this "courtesy" and "respect" stuff, let's just live horrible lives being rude to anyone and everyone.  :rofl :rofl :rofl :rofl :rofl

Not claiming to speak for anyone but.
If that were to happen I think HT would just shut the game down entirely.

Bottom line is you can either be an asset to the game or a liability. Right now this game needs more players that are assets and less players that are consistent liabilities.

Light hearted razzing of people and busting peoples chops is part of the game. Everyone accepts that. Nobody is ever a perfect angel.


Making a consistent point to publicly humiliate people regardless of reason is not a show show of skill, It certainly isn't a showing of being emotionless. Quite the contrary.  And most definitely isnt one of being an asset but rather a game liability.
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Re: Your Best Tip on Getting Better
« Reply #57 on: May 04, 2015, 09:11:07 PM »
Your comparing 2 of the biggest gaming communitys to Aces High....of course there is going to be more bad apples...there is more people!!!!

That is even with all of the you tubers out there trolling for reactions to post that day.

Regardless of numbers. Bad apples to good ratio should be about the same. If a game or community has a bad reputation or a good one. It is because the ratio is different not because one has larger numbers overall

Unfortunately at the moment the best way I can think of to example this that comes to mind would be in direct rule violation
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Offline Delirium

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Re: Your Best Tip on Getting Better
« Reply #58 on: May 04, 2015, 09:14:43 PM »
Really sad that even the 'Help and Support' forums have become a location for pissing contests.

Sincerely hope Skuzzy gives the offender(s) a nice earned forum vacation.
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Offline Bruv119

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Re: Your Best Tip on Getting Better
« Reply #59 on: May 05, 2015, 05:01:22 AM »
Fight people better than you and when they spank you say 'thanks, can we do this again?'

+1 and practice makes perfect   :aok
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