Regarding reflections/environment - My experience with the environmental setting is that when you are in a lot of action/smoke, is when it really separates the wheat from the chaff in terms of performance/systems. Sitting on the runway, I can get 144fps as well with everything cranked and enviro maxed - this is with 5960x/Titan or various other pretty fast x79 CPUs with 980 or 980sli setups.
Fly over tank town with 30 gvs fighting, 10+ cons in the air, and/or buildings/airfields burning with lots of action, and it can really, really...I won't say cripple as it's still playable, but drastically reduce frames per second performance. I've seen dips into the 30s in terms of FPS in such action with environment maxed. Reduce enviro to midrange or 1 or 2, back up to 144(3)fps usually.
Brooke, have you tried flying into heavy action areas with that environment setting at max? I'd be very interested to see how a 650$ system holds up with everything truly, truly maxed out with a lot of cons/gvs/smoke around. New version/alpha as well.