1. - At A1 I spawned an LVT4 and entered the lake near the VH. Navigated the river to the bridge near the map room and left the river up the steep bank. Parked at the map room. When I drove the LVT4 to the lake, it would only go 8mph. In the large town, every house and building I shot with the LVT4 75mm in any direction blew up.
2. - Tried same at port, LVT2 entered and left water smoothly. LVT2 drove about 12mph on land.
3. - One notch of AA clears up most micro jaggies.
4. - Gunsight reticles in bomber gun positions have non stop bouncing micro pulses.
5. - If you spawn a medium bomber in the hanger at small airfields, there is a group of palms that forces you to make a very sharp left hand turn to get out of the hanger. If you spawn fighters and bombers in the hangers, these new fields are more like real airfields with no intention of aircraft rolling out of the hanger into a take off run. I tested a B17 with the heaviest bomb load and 50% fuel for takeoff from the small airfield. There is no hanger at small airfields large enough for a B17 hanger spawn, but the B17 did get off the ground spawned to the runway. You just need a lot of flaps and pray you don't scrub any trees on the way out.
6. - Still getting bullet impact spray in front and aft of the moving CV.
7. - The destroyers are so old their skin has sagged into big wrinkles and blotches......

The twin 40mm positions on the destroyers show two guns sitting in the air firing with no support structures holding them.