Updated to Patch 71 w/o issue & set Alpha Video Settings AA slider to None (to use the new fixed AH In-Game Post Processing AA exclusively). Cat 15.7.1 drivers Alpha profile set @ Cat default settings.
Alpha in-game settings for post processing AA are checked, all sliders are full right, EM set @ 2 & all checkboxes that disable graphics features are unchecked except for "disable other plane's skins" & "disable ground clutter when in flight"..............
Went up in Capture the Sheep arena to test.........................
FPS held steady at 59-60 w/ most flying time pegged at 60 FPS.
AH Post Processing AA was working very well as all objects as well as lighting edges were very clean & smooth w/ virtually no jaggies visable.............the big surprise was the amount of vid card resources that wasn't needed to run this vers:

I know that this isn't a true representation as there wasn't 100 other players on at the same time as I was but I've noticed at least 15%-20% drop in GPU % usage & 300Mb-350Mb drop in mem usage running the Alpha w/ just me flying around in this patch compared to patches prior to Patch 70 so this is getting good from a performance perspective as well......the graphics imagery speaks for itself.
Good work, Hitech!