Last night I log in around 2 am CDT 65 folks in the server, go looking for a fight. I find a base flashing, I up to find a 190 porking ords. I Up in my 43 but give up on the chase and land, see a con at a base south of me up an LA5 its a D9 porking ords. Guy hits dar and one ord bunker and with no visible dmg heads for home 7 and a half mins I follow this guy with some alt and unable to gain tried to set up to tag him before he made his ack both of us still doing top speed and both under 1K he makes his turn in the ack outward towards me I try for a shot but as I squeeze the trigger I lose a half wing regain control of the plane and start heading home.....but guess what now this wants to chase me end up auguring after a Yak3 drops on me out of nowhere. Learn through 200 that it was a wirb on the field his buddy that got my wing since I was goin to "vulch" him......2 and a half hours of nothing...My final fight was a low alt fight while dodging 88mm puffy just crazy.
I really do think the radar at bases need to be harder to destroy. It is very difficult for new players as well as in the off hours to find a fight, and when the radar is down you have a 25 mile radius of who knows what, who knows where, with a tiny dar bar. Its kind of not even worth upping if you have no idea what or where they are. Then you roll and its a stupid 15K 190D, its just not even worth it to go fight them.
IMO there are A. too many 190D dweebs, ( no offense, It is a great plane by all means, but too easy to run) minimal skill level needed. Not that anyone can change that, I'm just sayin.
B. Action needs to be easier to find, IE. make the radar harder to destroy so that players in the off hours / new players can find fights easier.
I mean, if you want to be strategic, go NOE and hide under the radar.
Also, I think Special Events need to be posted on the daily message boards when you first enter the game so that people who do not go on the forums know when special events are.