Okay, but it will be perceived as one, mostly because it does not relay any change in engine speed. I know that you have explained this before. The key word here, is perceived. Without a thousand other real life cues, like gravity, thrust, etc. cartoon pilots depend on sound a bit more to "realize" sense of speed or lack of it.
Stall horn, for example is a very useful tool, but with the way that we fly, in cartoon combat, it soon becomes only a nuisance and folks either turn it down or change the sound all together like I have done (substituted engine sputter sound - although not realistic, it is more acceptable and doesn't blare in my ears for the duration of just about any dogfight encounter).
Basically, if you were to take a poll, I "believe" the
perception would be throttle sound is inaccurate. Even a slight adjustment away from "smooth" to "raspy" exhaust sound might be a possibility to give the best of both worlds.
In the end, I applaud the decision to go with the new system. This type of input from me, is merely me being hopeful that my years of

hair raising experiences with Ace High, will see a smooth transition into the next version.