I did a little research on the forum and just tried what you suggested. Disabling post processing makes a huge difference in FPS. However, I still get the funky images on the CV.
On another note, I took the Brewster up and the sound slider, in the advanced settings, got stuck at 74%. The slider is at 100. I can move it but it does not adjust the sound. It was initially at luck number 13 initially. I'll see if I can duplicate this weekend.
As far as optimization from HiTech, I would suggest looking at the size of the resolution. This has been the quickest root to solving low FPS. Today, more than ever, we are seeing higher resolutions and monitor sizes. Nvidia even has a dynamic resolution (which I am currently pleased with) that allows a much "finer" image even on smaller monitors by some small miracle

Okay, it goes to reason, the more pixels to render the longer to refresh FPS, or something similar to that (not trying to be exact, only trying to explain the concept in a simple manner).
So if there were any more miracles to be discovered by HiTech, this is the area that I feel would give the best of everything. Note, I honestly do NOT expect any new breakthroughs with AH3 to do what I described, but from what I have seen from these guys up to now, it would not surprise me very much if HiTech were to unleash his mojo and inflate FPS as if through voodoo, and leaving me chanting, "We're not worthy...."
One would think that SLI would be useful at such, however it only seems to be capable of alternating the workload from card to card, and not boosting memory at all.
My best wishes to all for a Happy New Year.