Okay, I digress a bit but, just as Junky, you love "leaping into the frying pan" action that KOTH gives you. I have participated in KOTH events where I was called out for not breaking off the initial pursuit that I had taken on one pilot, by another pilot that had a better position and was attempting to engage me.
That wasn't my first rodeo, and I saw nothing wrong with continuing my pursuit while dodging my attacker at the same time, and hopefully dealing more attention to my attacker after my target was out of the fight. The event monitor agreed with me, although the accusation that I was avoiding fighting soiled my experience.
However, I have gotten chills (no pun intended) when reaping the benefits of a great scenario, due to the planning and proper execution of team strategies, that resulted into ALL OUT brawls.
That building of suspense (where are they? shouldn't they be doing this? I wonder if they are doing this instead?
) results in the eruption of action with a number of possible outcomes. <<< I find
this very satisfying, even in defeat, knowing that I did the best that I could in my role, and can't wait for the next planning session to better prepare and definitely do it all again!