Author Topic: 49th Fighter Group Homecoming Mega B-29 Raid  (Read 8947 times)

Offline Dundee

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Re: 49th Fighter Group Homecoming Mega B-29 Raid
« Reply #150 on: January 30, 2016, 07:45:46 PM »
he did.


Refer to the "Show ME".........

Offline Dundee

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Re: 49th Fighter Group Homecoming Mega B-29 Raid
« Reply #151 on: January 30, 2016, 07:48:15 PM »
Please don't attempt to associate us with the 49ers. kthnksbye

We feel the same way HotDogMn

Offline guncrasher

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Re: 49th Fighter Group Homecoming Mega B-29 Raid
« Reply #152 on: January 30, 2016, 08:33:35 PM »
How many times in the real war did the enemy fly one way missions deep into enemy territory to vulch upping b29s?

probably because in the real war the enemy didnt advertise the day and time of the mission.  if they had, you bet your cookies they would have.

you dont want me to ho, dont point your plane at me.

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Re: 49th Fighter Group Homecoming Mega B-29 Raid
« Reply #153 on: January 30, 2016, 08:34:56 PM »
Any potential interceptors should know in advance that there will be at least one fighter dropping in on them regardless of how high they are flying.

icepack.  there were none.

you dont want me to ho, dont point your plane at me.

Offline guncrasher

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Re: 49th Fighter Group Homecoming Mega B-29 Raid
« Reply #154 on: January 30, 2016, 08:37:09 PM »
Refer to the "Show ME".........

click on his name, then select show me last posts.  it is that easy.

you dont want me to ho, dont point your plane at me.

Offline Vudak

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Re: 49th Fighter Group Homecoming Mega B-29 Raid
« Reply #155 on: January 30, 2016, 08:45:55 PM »
Refer to the "Show ME".........

If Dallas wants, I'll work with the 49th for the February 26 mission and help them plan the fighter sweeps.

I offer this because I have already given credit to the 49th in this thread for planning something fun and trying to learn, and I don't think it's fair to turn my back on all of them just because one idiot can't resist going after one of the few people being conciliatory to this group in this thread :aok

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Offline 49MERLIN

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Re: 49th Fighter Group Homecoming Mega B-29 Raid
« Reply #156 on: January 30, 2016, 09:56:55 PM »
   Thanks to everyone who joined the mission.  I had a blast and hope you did too!  Have to say, it was nice to see the POTW in Bish 163s for the mission!  This is not an after action report, but I figured I'd chime in on some things and set a few issues straight. 
   1.  I, 49MERLIN, am the CO of the 49thFG and the planner and leader of the B-29 MEGA Mission.  Any and all request to
        work with the 49th in the future, or criticism of the MEGA mission, should be directed at me alone.  NOT 49Dallas.
   2.  I did "plan" on going off map for some of the ascent.  This was a consideration should the map had been a small one,
       and so that we may have bleed more fuel from approaching fighters from traveling deeper in to our own territory.
       The reason we went off map last night was that it seemed easier to amass our formation on the heading I was currently
       on, and some of our B-29s had already been killed, so it seemed prudent to try to amass the formation as quickly as
       FYI:  It too over 15 minutes for all of the bombers to get airborne. 
   3.  In hindsight, I could have directed us North and stayed on the map.  For that I am sorry.  I did not realize at the time
       how much of a "NO, NO" off map flying is, and that it would cause such an uproar.  It was not done to "game" the game.
   4.  I had absolutely no clue that bullets did not work off map.  I have been playing long enough to know that, I know, but it
       has honestly never come up, because if I am off map it is because I am afk.  As soon as I found out I turned the group
       around.  The enemy was stalking us anyway and we could not kill them, turning seemed prudent.
   5.  Yes, we knew there were interceptors IB.  No, the 3 or 4 pilots that were up looking for them did not find them.  Yes,
        I wish I had had the luxury of sending up a proper fighter cap before the mission, but I was trying to get the bomber
        numbers as high as possible, and therefore did not want to ask people to jump in to fighters.  Also, launching a mission
        200 miles behind your own lines no matter how much advertisement you have given it seems like a sad thing to do, and
        speaks much less of the community in my opinion.  To each his own though I guess.  Of all the 66 bombers that launched,
        only 6 were lost on ascent due to enemy fire/collision.
   6.  Personally, I considered getting that many bombers off the ground with reasonable frame rates, no discos, no crashes,
        and in a coordinated fashion a SUCCESS!  Forming the group up after that while under fire was success number two.
        Anything that happened after that was a pure adrenaline thrill ride.  AH sometimes is like a roller coaster that can last for
        hours and hours, even after you have logged off!
   7.  We had enough fuel to make it to target and back just fine!  The problem, which is solely my fault and which I take
        complete responsibility for, as well as responsibility for its detrimental effects on the mission, was that we flew for about
        80 to 120 miles in to a 30 knot headwind.  Yep, I did it.  I'm the love muffin that can't read his wind info right!  I got two
        thumbs & I'm right here.  Had we not done that fuel would have never been a concern.  Please accept my deepest
        apologies the loss of you aircraft and perks due to my incompetence while under my leadership.  Sirs, I am sorry.
   8.  To the Haters:  Do you realize that negativity on these forums does not in anyway help to promote AH?  For almost a
        year I've heard a lot of people talk a lot of "smack" about the 49thFG.  The only thing they said that ever really
        concerned me was that somehow we were causing people to actually leave the game.  At first, I did not believe that
        some of the mission types that we run would really cause people to end a subscription.  I was apparently wrong.  Please,
        know that the 49thFG is here to help enhance the community, not to destroy it!  I would also like to point out that the
        people who are always on here talking "smack" never seem to think that trash talking the game and its squadrons is also
        detrimental to AH and causes people to unsubscribe.  The things that have been said about the 49th alone should have
        caused me to unsubscribe a while ago, not to mention about me personally.  I don't read or post here often.  Much of that
        has to do with the fact that after 4 or 5 pages of reading a thread I want to stat an IntelliSearch and start knocking on
   9.  Also to the Haters:  I would like to formally announce to all that have said that the 49thFG causes people to leave AH
       that we can now confirm 1, yes one, person has resubscribed for a fact due to the 49thFG!!!!!!!!!!!
       gameid:  czpetr1  has resubscribed due to the 49thFG, at least to join the MEGA mission, so that is +1 for the 49thFG!
       I also thought I saw two others who said they would consider resubscribing because of missions like this, so the
       49thFG confirmed total so far is +1 & 2 maybes!!!!
 10.  Fugitive, I don't know what the 49thFG has done to you on some sort of a personal level, but I am free to talk about it
       whenever you get done stewing in it.  Also, do your views of the 49th speak for all of the 47Ronin, or is it just your jaded
       opinion?  By the way we are Rooks now, so you can lay off it whenever you like.

49thFG CO

Offline DmonSlyr

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Re: 49th Fighter Group Homecoming Mega B-29 Raid
« Reply #157 on: January 30, 2016, 10:15:20 PM »
I am happy you guys got to run your fun bomber mission mission. It's not real life. Perks are a joke and most in the game know that.

I think what your squad did was great. It was a great way to get the players coordinated.

There aren't many games where you can do such a feat. I don't think there is any game that can actually achieve this.

Let me say, there is certain maps where you cannot achive this sort of mission.

Don't let this hurt you. I hope this makes you better at the "game".

Next time I think y'all just need to work on gunnery.

I hope to see many more missions like this. For one, just so I can have some planes to shoot down. :) but It really does bring the community together.

Most of us realise that the 49th is still " new" to the game. Even though most of us talk smack, deep down they just want to be apart of making things better.

I've been at this game a long time. Squads like yours really bring the game together. It's nice to be hated for being the "bad guy". We need you for our own rush.

Keep at it and don't quit just because. This an opportunity to develop your skills.

This is one game that really an truelly takes years to be good at on all levels.

« Last Edit: January 30, 2016, 10:17:09 PM by DmonSlyr »
The Damned(est. 1988)
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Offline 49Dallas

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Re: 49th Fighter Group Homecoming Mega B-29 Raid
« Reply #158 on: January 30, 2016, 10:24:56 PM »
Yes, but on the other hand I get their point that as they were taking off there was already a group of 9-10 fighters nearby to intercept almost immediately.  I was probably 3-4 sectors behind that group.  It did suck because you spend 45+ minutes climbing to find them running into a zone where bullets apparently don't work, but then again it would also stink from their perspective.

A suggestion for next time, 49Dallas...  Send a few of your better sticks out in 262's prior to your mission to intercept the interceptors...  They don't even need to shoot anyone down.  All they need to do is stay aggressive enough that the interceptors can't keep their speed/alt/heading.  I mean you've seen how effective a 262 can be at breaking up a base assault if it just hangs out near the reinforcement stream.  Same concept. 

That will buy you guys some time to get some alt without being harassed immediately.  It would also speak to effective use of strategy rather than game exploits...

We had several fighters up well before the mission took off. There were two jugs that came in probably 30 minutes before the mission even took off. Not much you can do when you have 15 darbars came half way across the map to kill you before you've already taken off.

To those of you who complain about the mission being a failure:

The mission was a great success any way you look at it. The 49ThFg achieved all goals of the mission.

0. Do something that hasn't been done in a long time.
1. Have fun
2. Don't lose any 29's on takeoff
3. Have fun
4. Hit our targets
5. Have fun
6. Get as many 29's as possible safely landed

There were 23 163s I counted. I personally killed five 163s. What few of us actually made it back were vulched by people like hotdogkid. For example we had one 29 dead stick on final and he gets vulched probably 400 from the runway.

If you're going to complain about a bad mission, I highly suggest you try to put as much effort into one as the 49ThFg has on this mission, Make sure you publicly announce it a month in advance too.

icepack.  there were none.

Incorrect. We had fighters in the air like an hour or so before the mission even started. Icepac was one of them.

I am happy you guys got to run your fun bomber mission mission. It's not real life. Perks are a joke and most in the game know that.

I think what your squad did was great. It was a great way to get the players coordinated.

There aren't many games where you can do such a feat. I don't think there is any game that can actually achieve this.

Let me say, there is certain maps where you cannot achive this sort of mission.

Don't let this hurt you. I hope this makes you better at the "game".

Next time I think y'all just need to work on gunnery.

I hope to see many more missions like this. For one, just so I can have some planes to shoot down. :) but It really does bring the community together.

Most of us realise that the 49th is still " new" to the game. Even though most of us talk smack, deep down they just want to be apart of making things better.

I've been at this game a long time. Squads like yours really bring the game together. It's nice to be hated for being the "bad guy". We need you for our own rush.

Keep at it and don't quit just because. This an opportunity to develop your skills.

This is one game that really an truelly takes years to be good at on all levels.

This mission was possible on any map.

Our gunnery was just fine thank you very much.

If you're going to complain about the mission why don't you try making one? If you want to see more please provide constructive criticism and don't wine about it.

The 49ThFg is not a new squad.

Do not belittle us.
« Last Edit: January 30, 2016, 10:30:11 PM by 49Dallas »

Offline DmonSlyr

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Re: 49th Fighter Group Homecoming Mega B-29 Raid
« Reply #159 on: January 30, 2016, 10:28:43 PM »
I don't think think you should have attacked the HQ, and you should have taken off from the opposite side of map as soon as you realised people were flying towards you, that's my only gripe.
The Damned(est. 1988)
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Offline Vudak

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Re: 49th Fighter Group Homecoming Mega B-29 Raid
« Reply #160 on: January 30, 2016, 10:30:57 PM »
You guys had fun, thats all that matters! <S>

I only mentioned what i did given you guys were saying in game you went off map due to being bounced.
352nd Fighter Group

Offline guncrasher

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Re: 49th Fighter Group Homecoming Mega B-29 Raid
« Reply #161 on: January 30, 2016, 10:36:30 PM »
dallas the mission was a lot of fun. I had fun, it's hard to argue how to make the mission any different but lots of us knew the only possible base you could up from.

so we upped in such a way as to intercept you while you where taking off.  the base you took of from is the same base we knew you would take off from.  and it had uppers 45 minutes before the main mission was up.  I didnt see any interceptors till I dove in from 30k and almost went into the ground.  either way, I flew 3 intercept missions into you guys.  not at any time I was stopped by any of your fighter cover.  you could say it was luck, I would say even if I had seen them I would have just flown past them and into the b29's.

great fight, we killed as many as we could.  but just like everybody else, how many actually did make it to base?

« Last Edit: January 30, 2016, 10:38:46 PM by guncrasher »
you dont want me to ho, dont point your plane at me.

Offline 49Dallas

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Re: 49th Fighter Group Homecoming Mega B-29 Raid
« Reply #162 on: January 30, 2016, 10:54:23 PM »
dallas the mission was a lot of fun. I had fun, it's hard to argue how to make the mission any different but lots of us knew the only possible base you could up from.

so we upped in such a way as to intercept you while you where taking off.  the base you took of from is the same base we knew you would take off from.  and it had uppers 45 minutes before the main mission was up.  I didnt see any interceptors till I dove in from 30k and almost went into the ground.  either way, I flew 3 intercept missions into you guys.  not at any time I was stopped by any of our fighter cover.  you could say it was luck, I would say even if I had seen them I would have just flown past them and into the b29's.

great fight, we killed as many as we could.  but just like everybody else, how many actually did make it to base?


I can tell you for a fact that we had high escorts at takeoff. Like any fighter screen, some will get through as unfortunate as it was. I think about four made it back, I'm not sure.

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Re: 49th Fighter Group Homecoming Mega B-29 Raid
« Reply #163 on: January 30, 2016, 11:18:16 PM »
I must congratulate the 49'ers for taking the mundane out of the game at least for a little while.  You broadcast you were coming, and encouraged interception and escort.

Well done!  I don't care if someone went so far off map they flew to the ND Isles Terrain.  You made some fun, more of this should be done to make the game interesting.

Well done!  I've been doing this for well over 20yrs.  Wish more squadron based creativity would happen such as this.  It sure isn't boring and it is refreshing to see something rarely

done.  Remember this to one should dictate how you should play.
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Re: 49th Fighter Group Homecoming Mega B-29 Raid
« Reply #164 on: January 30, 2016, 11:51:29 PM »
Just in case you missed it he already did say what he would do.

Thanks Hawker.......... but I'm wanting to join Vudak mission I want to learn how to run it the right way.
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