Here you go with the bouncing GV issue. Anyone should be able to see it this way, but let me know, bustr.
Bouncing M3 - Repeatable.
I built a test terrain and tested against the Pac and Med terr sets.
One terrain, two terr sets. I didn't check the ETO or wwi terr sets.
Atlas 0 Type 14 Pac terr set - tiletstp
In tiletstp, spawn N and if you're not already bouncing, drive to the Flag pole and stop.
Atlas 1 Type 19 Med terr set - tiletstm
In tiletstm, spawn NE and if you're not already bouncing, end sortie and respawn until you bounce. Usually, once out of 5 to 10 spawn times I won't bounce but it's quicker to respawn then to drive around.
EDIT: oops. Rezipped as with both res files inside.